Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

MK-V Smart Tractor - Fully Electric, Farmer Optional
'A small electric tractor was working at the far side, and a slight hum could be heard from where he sat.' - Warner Van Lorne, 1936 (re: Warner Van Lorne)

Megachurches Catch Up To Heinlein
'Mars,' the kid repeated, threw Boone a Scout salute and made a sixty-foot leap over the crowd. - Robert Heinlein, 1961. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Olympus 3D Printing Using Lunar And Martian Materials
The system may be used to create critical infrastructure on the Moon, including landing pads, blast shields, and roads. (re: John Campbell)

Robot Builds Robots From Voxel Subunits
'I was patiently building the most dangerous thing in creation...' - Maurice G. Hugi, 1941. (re: Maurice G. Hugi)

Meltz Neurorehabilitation Robotic Hand
A new type of rehabilitation called "neuro-rehabilitation. (re: Various)

San Francisco Wants ED-209, Or Maybe Robocop
'The Enforcement Droid series 209 is a self-sufficient law enforcement robot...' - Robocop (Movie). (re: Harlan Ellison)

Seoul Self-Driving 42dot Bus Unveiled
'Buses without drivers moved close to the curb and stopped at intervals.' - Henry Kuttner, 1946. (re: Henry Kuttner)

T. Gondii And The Leaders Of The Pack
'... infected males were more than 46 times more likely to become pack leaders than uninfected males.' (re: Larry Niven)

'Parastronaut' First Astronaut With Disability From ESA (Updated!)
'He had left Earth to get away from its gravitational field...' - Robert Heinlein, 1942. (re: Robert Heinlein)

MIT Self-Assembling Reprogrammable Materials
'Faster the cubes moved; faster the circle revolved; the pyramids raised themselves, stood bolt upright on their square bases...' - Abraham Merritt, 1920. (re: Abraham Merritt)

Mem, The All-Your-Memories, Super Note-Taking App
'Life experience is linearly additive, but the correlation of memory impressions is an unlimited expansion.' - Robert Heinlein, 1941. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Porcine Fat Cells For 3D-Printed Whole Pork Products
'I grabbed two Syntho-Steaks out of the freezer...' - Robert Heinlein, 1950. (re: Robert Heinlein)

LANIUS Loitering Drone Munition Scouts And Maps
'... micro-missiles proceeding at walking pace.' - Philip E. High, 1968. (re: Philip E. High)

Copilot Software AI Training Sued By Involuntary Contributors
'...we've promised him a generous pension from the royalties.' - Anthony Boucher, 1943. (re: Anthony Boucher)

Thin Film Dome Protects Cities From Nuclear Blasts
'What fabric can take that kind of a load? Synthetic spider silk.' - Robert Heinlein, 1939. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Mars Space Weather Alert (MSWA) System
'On the three-dimensional map at weather headquarters... the storm was colored orange.' - AE van Vogt, 1943. (re: AE van Vogt)

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