Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

Programmable Soda - Ipifini's Choice-Enabled Packaging
SF short story nails this one; and it looks like a good consumer product. (re: Jeff Noon)

Artificial Gravity Generator Now Possible?
Scientists have sneered at artificial gravity generators for the last 75 years. These ESA-sponsored experiments may have generated the first artificial gravity fields. (re: Olaf Stapleton)

Radiation Aging - The Deadly Years In Space
Radiation is a problem outside of our Earth's friendly magnetic field. Accelerated aging could result. (re: John W. Campbell)

FLAVIIR Flapless Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Flapless aircraft are stealthier and more amenable to reliable automated control. (re: Various)

RI-MAN And Roujin-Z Robots: Elder Care Fact And Fiction
Hospital robots can go either way, according to sf writers and anime creators. Will we see both? (re: Frederik Pohl)

Spy Cameras Watch Spy Cameras In UK
In Britain, home of 1984, surveillance cameras are under surveillance by - surveillance cameras. (re: George Orwell)

RFID Sensor Tag Shower For Disasters
A snowstorm of RFID tags could help save lives in a disaster. (re: Robert Silverberg)

Methanol-Powered Robot Muscles - Bend It Like Bender
Researchers working on better muscles for prosthetic devices accidentally stumble on Matt Groenings robot creation. (re: Martin Caidin)

Moonquake-Proof Moonbases Needed?
Okay, who's been working on the problem of making sure that lunar habitats can withstand moonquakes? (re: Robert Heinlein)

Hybrid Insect MEMS Sought By DARPA For Bug Army
DARPA rejects previous efforts and exhorts scientists to really think different in it's insect cyborg army idea. (re: Various)

Defending Against Harmful Nanotechnology
The winners of the Lifeboat Foundation Guardian Award warned us about nanomachines, but at least half a century after hard-working sf authors did. (re: Maurice A. Hugi)

'Tricorder' Ready For Mars Rover This Year
A little pocket-sized device that can instantly determine the composition of any material? Sci-fi hogwash! Or is it? (re: Gene Roddenberry)

RISE Robot: Six-Legged BIODYNOTICS Runaway
RISE robots from DARPA come uncomfortably close to the killer-spider-robots from a 1986 movie. (re: Michael Crichton)

Philips 100-Inch TV Parlor
Ray Bradbury warned us about big TVs; you can just about get one now. (re: Ray Bradbury)

Eco-Be! Mini Robot From Citizen
Tiny mechanical mouse-like robots straight out of the 1940's created from watch parts. (re: Maurice A. Hugi)

BigDog Quadruped Robot Update
Good progress on Ray Bradbury's mechanical hound from Fahrenheit 451. (re: Ray Bradbury)

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