Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

Russian Moon Base Mining Camp
The Russians steal a page from Ray Cummings' Brigands of the Moon and look for rare materials on the moon. (re: Ray Cummings)

AMANDA May Find Probes To Other Dimensions
The AMANDA neutrino array team may have some positive results in the use of high-energy neutrinos in proving the existence of higher dimensions. (re: James Blish)

MASTOR Provides Real-Time Speech Translation
Real-time speech translation from one language to another; is the world ready for one of Gernsback's 1911 language rectifiers? (re: Hugo Gernsback)

'Electric Sheep' Gaining On Real Pets
Cute, cuddly robotic pets bring humans some of the same benefits as real pets. Electric sheep, anyone? (re: Philip K. Dick)

NanoTerminator Prevents Annoying Space Debris Build-Up
The journal Science puts out more predictions on space junk; manga author already has the answer. (re: Makoto Yukimura)

Dynasty Trusts Lively Topic For Corpsicles
Cold cash for corpsicles; before freezing, cryonauts put assets on ice. (re: Larry Niven)

Anti-Adhesive Surfaces Of Plants
The natural world is the source of some of the best 'thinking' in materials science. (re: Clifford Simak)

Skiing That Soft Lunar Powder
Skiing on the moon? Heinlein thought you could do it, and so do the Apollo astronauts. (re: Robert Heinlein)

XPod Activity And Emotion Aware Mobile Music Player
A sensitive iPod? These researchers have a player that knows what you want before you do. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Lucent DVR Sleep Detector
Robert Heinlein anticipated Lucent technologies by forty-five years on this one. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Sony Reader Electronic Paper Book
Sony tries again with the Sony Reader - much improved DRM over its lockdown predecessor the LIBRIe. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Dynalifter Prototype Ready For Flight
Amateur aircraft builders create the prototype for giant heavy lifter airships. (re: Jerry Pournelle)

Self-Steering Buses In Cambridge
Self-steering cars and buses are coming! (re: Isaac Asimov)

National Archives And Dune's House Records
Who's thought about records spanning milennia? Frank Herbert, that's who. (re: Frank Herbert)

USB Memory 'Swiss'
Karen Traviss thinks about the USB Memory Swiss Army knife a year in advance of the press release. (re: Karen Traviss)

Cormorant Submarine/Sea Launched MPUAV
The Cormorant submarine and sea launched vehicle concept may remind you of science fiction glories past. (re: Gerry Anderson)

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