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Qore IcePlates Are Personal Cooling Suits

Qore Performance is making IcePlates, a kind of personal cooling vest used to chill workers out when the summer gets too hot.

(Qore Icplate keeps workers cool)

IcePlates, made by Knoxville, Tenn.,-based Qore Performance, fit neatly under body armor, and also into vests that are now worn by workers in industries ranging from fast food to warehouses. The simplicity of systems like these, which cool the body the same way ice cools a drink, is their greatest asset, says Josh Hayes, who oversees 29 locations of the Dutch Bros coffee chain in the greater Phoenix area.

Science fiction fans have long been familiar with this idea, which originated in military use following WWII.

In Murray Leinster's 1955 short story Sand Doom, he describes a heat suit worn on a very hot planet:

He grimly stripped to underwear and put on the heat-suit from his bag. He filled its canteens from the boat’s water tank. He turned on the tiny, battery-powered motors. The suit ballooned out. It was intended for short periods of intolerable heat. The motors kept it inflated—away from his skin—and cooled its interior by the evaporation of sweat plus water from its canteen tanks. It was a miniature air-conditioning system for one man...

(Heat-Suit from 'Sand Doom' by Murray Leinster)

In more recent science fiction stories, you might want to take a look at the earthsuit from Neal Stephenson's 2021 novel Termination Shock and the commuter cooling unit from The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch (1965) by Philip K. Dick.

Scroll down for more stories in the same category. (Story submitted 8/7/2024)

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