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Kolors Virtual-Try-On Predicted, And TRIED, By Harry Harrison

Kolors Virtual-Try-On is a slick way to see how you might look with a new, well, look:

The Kolors Virtual Try-On was predicted more than a half-century ago in science fiction. In his classic 1965 novel Bill the Galactic Hero, Harry Harrison writes about a raw recruit who is convinced to sign up when presented with "pictures" of himself in uniforms of increasing rank:

Bill's eyes followed the thick finger as it pointed to the colour plate in the book where a miracle of misapplied engineering caused his own face to appear on the illustrated figures dressed in trooper red. The sergeant flipped the pages, and on each page the uniform was a little more gaudy, the rank higher. The last one was that of a grand admiral, and Bill blinked at his own face under the plumed helmet, now with a touch of crow's feet around the eyes and sporting a handsome grey-shot mustache, but still undeniably his own.
(Read more about Harrison's personalized fashion display)

Let's see how it works on Harry Harrison, the creator of this idea, who died in 2012 before his idea could be realized. Here's Mr. Harrison, and a Star Trek uniform.

(Harry Harrison and fashionable Star Trek uniform)

Here's the final image from Kolor Try-IT-On:

(Harry Harrison ready to enlist in Star Fleet?)

You can give Kolors Virtual Try-it-On at their temporary website.

Scroll down for more stories in the same category. (Story submitted 9/11/2024)

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