Science Fiction in the News Articles
related to the works of

Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury was born in Illinois, US, in 1920; he is still writing today. He became serious about becoming a writer when still in high school; he graduated but never went on to college. His first story was published in 1938. His most famous works are The Martian Chronicles, Fahrenheit 451, and The Illustrated Man. He has won many awards, including the Grand Master Award from the SFWA.

Science fiction in the News articles describe real-world events that relate to the ideas and inventions in sf novels and movies. Select a news article:

Smart Home Provides Elder Care
   The University of Florida has created what they call "an assistive environment" which goes far beyond the assistive devices that we are used to hearing about.
DARPA's BigDog Robot And Bradbury's Mechanical Hound
   In his chilling 1953 novel Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury created the mechanical hound, a robot that accompanied the firemen and helped with their work... DARPA has made a multi-million dollar investment in the soldier of the future's best friend - Big
9X Media Video Wall: Bradbury's Parlour Walls Come To Life
   The 9X Media Video Wall, a massive flat panel video display, is probably too expensive to buy on a fireman's salary, but they come very close to the parlour walls from Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451.
Bradbury's Green Bullet Made Possible With Bluetooth
   The new Nextlink Bluespoon 5g cell phone headset is so small, Captain Beatty may not notice it if you wear it while driving the salamander back to the firehouse.
Bradbury: Missions To Moon And Mars Will Inspire Humanity
   Science Fiction Grandmaster Ray Bradbury spoke before a presidential commission reviewing American space policy - specifically, missions to Mars.
A Smart Home With Cyber Crumbs - Bradbury's Happylife Home?
   In his 1951 short story collection The Illustrated Man, Ray Bradbury wrote about the Happylife Home, which took care of the people who lived in it. Today, researchers work to create a smart home with cyber crumbs.
Electrolux Trilobite: Programmable Robot Vacuum Cleaner
   The Trilobyte 2.0 is the new version of their self-propelled robot vacuum cleaner. It has more going for it than it's metallic silvery-green color - you can program it.
VeriTouch iVue: Fun, Fashionable Media Player With Military-Grade Encryption
   Finally, someone has announced the features that all of us consumers have been looking for in a digital media player - military-grade encryption and biometric security.
Kaori Web: Odorophonics Comes To A PC Near You
   Kaori web creates odorophonics - a science fiction idea of the fifties.
Boudreaux - Extra Vehicular Activity Robotic Assistant
   It seems that mankind has always sought the companionship of a faithful canine, particularly when venturing into unexplored lands.
The Loneliest Whale and Ray Bradbury
   In 1989, a very unusual set of whale calls were noticed in the North Pacific basin; the calls have been consistently recorded since 1992.
Sega idog Robot Puppy (Update)
   Sega unleashed its newest creation in Tokyo; a robotic dog called idog that can compose, play and dance to music.
AMouse: Bradbury's Robot Mice Get Real Whiskers
   At last, Ray Bradbury's robotic cleaning mice are coming closer - this bot has real mouse whiskers.
BigDog Quadruped Robot Update
   Good progress on Ray Bradbury's mechanical hound from Fahrenheit 451.
Philips 100-Inch TV Parlor
   Ray Bradbury warned us about big TVs; you can just about get one now.
HIPerWall Highly Interactive Parallelized Display Wall
   Think you like your current display? This one might wrap all the way around your dorm room.
No Runts In BigDog Robot Litter
   Watch out - those DARPA robots are running in packs now.
SunTracker One Brings The Sun Inside
   Very cool device to bring a significant amount of light inside your house or building regardless of the sun's direction.
World's Highest Resolution Seamless Display Has 60M Pixels
   Not just a hi-res display, this is a means of having an arbitrarily large high resolution display. Sixty million pixels is just the beginning.
RoomRender Futuristic Smart Room
   The smart room has moved beyond prototype to a product that is now available.
Sniffer Robot With Infotaxis Algorithms On The Hunt
   New algorithms bring Ray Bradbury's hunting mechanical hound closer - do you know who has your olfactory combination on file?
Space Robot Knows Your Mood
   The space is the robot - just the thing for those long meetings.
Ubiko Robot A Fireman's Friend
   This catlike robot is a better friend to firemen than that organic Dalmatian creature they use.
World's Largest Tablet PC From Sharp
   Forget about packing this one under your arm. On The Watch
   This website gives you the chance to report suspicious activities of all kinds, 24x7.
Spice Girls Live Digital Enhancement
   Technology marches on, this time helping bring the Spice Girls up to their usual standard. Such as it is.
Caltech Electronic Nose: The Lewis Group Smells Success
   The electronic nose knows; the Lewis group has created an olfactory sensor remarkably like yours, and just the thing for a certain mechanical hound.
Ray Bradbury: Your Parlor TV Walls Are Almost Ready
   Can you dance faster than the White Clown, shout louder than 'Mr. Gimmick' and the parlor families? Better start practicing, because the TV parlor is just about ready.
BIOTACT Whiskered Robot Rat
   Nature may have figured out the best way of sensing the immediate environment in poorly-lit, cluttered places.
Electronic Taster Has A Nose For Coffee
   There are more than 1,000 different volatile chemicals that create the taste and aroma of coffee. Can a machine equal human judgement?
Cellphone Tracking Can Track Your Habits
   Study shows how a pattern of our movements can be created; our habits make predicting our movements child's play.
ApriAttenda Robot Nurse For Aging Japan
   Three main factors are pushing the Japanese into creating these robotic servants, which they will then market around the world.
Fukitorimushi Floor-Cleaning Robot - An Inchworm Dust Mop
   This unique cleaning robot crawls along on its belly like an inchworm, shining it's blue-white searchlight upon your floor, looking for grime.
RF Cochlea Chip 'Seashell Radio'
   This unique device draws on the marvelous human ear for its capabilities, which can be described as a 'universal or cognitive radio' much faster than any existing RF spectrum analyzer.
SCRATCHbot Robot Rat Whiskers Video
   This is a pretty good video showing progress in the almost sixty year-old idea of whiskered robots.
WellAWARE Passive Sensor Monitoring Of Elderly
   This monitoring system doesn't go as far as its sfnal predecessors, but we're getting there.
Interactive TV Patent From Sony
   Sony brings us one step closer to the TV parlors from Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451. Thanks, Sony.
Mini Robot Swarms
   Why shouldn't robots work in swarms - open source swarms?
'Retina Display' SFnally Perfect (Almost)
   Just how good is Apple's retina display Does it meet the needs of science fiction writers?
Active Stereo Nose Finds The Source
   Another biomimetic robot, this one imitates dogs and crayfish to find sources of chemical clouds and plumes.
Kilobot Robot Swarm
   Someday, we'll find robots organized like this underfoot.
PIGORASS Pneumatic Quadruped Robot
   'The mechanical Hound slept but did not sleep...'
Basement Holodeck With Playstation Move And EyeToy
   'Almost every home had its dimensino room, rigged with the apparatus which picked up the weird, alien impulses...'
Shrewbot Uses Whiskers As Sensors
   See the video for a good example of how biomimicry can lead to uncanny mechanical imitations of nature.
Artificial Noses For Disease Diagnostics
   '...Set the ticking combinations of the olfactory system of the hound...'
LG 84-inch Ultra HD TV
   'But who has ever torn himself from the claw that encloses you when you drop a seed in a TV parlor?'- Ray Bradbury, 1953
Mr. Bradbury, Your TV Parlor (Reality Deck) Is Ready
   'But who has ever torn himself from the claw that encloses you when you drop a seed in a TV parlor?'- Ray Bradbury, 1953.
Take An Infinite Walk In Flexible Spaces
   'The walls began to purr and recede into crystalline distance, it seemed, and presently an African veldt appeared...'- Ray Bradbury, 1951.
Personal Sniffer Robots
   '...The ticking combinations of the olfactory system of the hound.'- Ray Bradbury, 1953.
Robot To Detect The Source Of Odors
   'The Electric Hound snuffed down the last trail, silent as a drift of death itself...'- Ray Bradbury, 1953.
NASA Gives Away Rocket Code - For Dads
   'The rocket thundered and leaped. The children danced in their hammocks, screaming.'- Ray Bradbury, 1952.
Time For Bradbury's 'Smart Home'?
   'This house which clothed and fed and rocked them to sleep and played and sang and was good to them...' - Ray Bradbury, 1951.
Lumo Projector Turns Kids Rooms Into Bradbury's Veldt
   'The walls began to purr and recede... and presently an African veldt appeared...'- Ray Bradbury, 1951.
Robotic Guide Dogs May Displace Fido
   'The mechanical Hound slept but did not sleep, lived but did not live...' - Ray Bradbury, 1953
Cortana Clip - The New In-Ear Wearables
   'And in her ears the little Seashells, the thimble radios tamped tight...' - Ray Bradbury, 1953.
Face2Face Is Bradbury's Spot-Wavex Scrambler
   'A special spot-wavex scrambler also caused his televised image... to mouth the vowels and consonants beautifully.' - Ray Bradbury, 1953.
OMG! DIY Arduino Robot Vacuum Cleaner Like Bradbury's Mice
   'Out of warrens in the wall, tiny robot mice darted.' - Ray Bradbury, 1950.
Autonomous Robots Navigate Like Rats
   'Out of warrens in the wall, tiny robot mice darted.' - Ray Bradbury, 1950.
Dream Of Building Your Own Rocket?
   Fiorello Bodoni, you inspire all of us.
Fuli Bad Dog Robot Is 'Auspicious Raccoon Dog' Bot
   Bad dog, Fuli. Bad dog.
Researchers Make You Say Anything in Videos
   '[It] caused his televised image... to mouth the vowels and consonants beautifully.' - Ray Bradbury, 1953.
Modern App Provides Video Technology From Bradbury's 'Fahrenheit 451'
   'A special spot-wavex scrambler also caused his televised image, in the area immediately about his lips, to mouth the vowels and consonants beautifully.' - Ray Bradbury, 1953.
LG Smart Home AI Agent
   '...this house which clothed and fed and rocked them to sleep.' - Ray Bradbury, 1951.
California Fireman Arrested For Starting Fires
   'Fire is bright and fire is clean.' - Ray Brandbury, 1953.



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