(Most Recent Additions - 3974 Total)
Electric Monk Robotic device provides belief services.
(From Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency [1987] by Douglas Adams) |
Tranquilizing Gum Chewing gum with a tranquilizing agent.
(From Ubik [1969] by Philip K. Dick) |
Robot Pope An artificially intelligent robotic cardinal ascends to the Throne of St. Peter.
(From Good News From the Vatican [1971] by Robert Silverberg) |
'Pape Machine Yet another name for the homeostatic newspaper; this one has special features including news search.
(From Ubik [1969] by Philip K. Dick) |
Artiforg An artificial organ kept 'on line' in the body.
(From Ubik [1969] by Philip K. Dick) |
Kuang Grade Mark Eleven Penetration Program Chinese virus software for breaking the ICE.
(From Neuromancer [1984] by William Gibson) |
Moondozer A bulldozer for lunar conditions.
(From A Fall of Moondust [1961] by Arthur C. Clarke) |
Water-Springs Using water to cushion the living space of a spacecraft from the effects of acceleration.
(From From the Earth to the Moon [1867] by Jules Verne) |
Igloo Inflatable Moon Habitat An inflatable, portable lunar shelter that can be easily moved and set up.
(From A Fall of Moondust [1961] by Arthur C. Clarke) |
Electrosecretary An automatic transcription device.
(From A Fall of Moondust [1961] by Arthur C. Clarke) |
Giant Flat Panel Display Movie screen-sized flat panel display for live televised images.
(From The Shape of Things To Come [1936] by H.G. Wells) |
Wireless Wrist Intercom A portable wireless intercom, worn on the wrist.
(From The Shape of Things To Come [1936] by H.G. Wells) |
Transparent Flat Panel Display A fifty-inch flat panel display that is (or can be) transparent.
(From The Shape of Things To Come [1936] by H.G. Wells) |
Remote-Cast Snooper A small, easily concealed poison snooper.
(From Dune [1965] by Frank Herbert) |
Poison Snooper A device that checked food and drink for poisons.
(From Dune [1965] by Frank Herbert) |
Rotating House A single family home built upon a central pivot; it can be turned at will.
(From The Godmakers [1972] by Frank Herbert) |
Neotopological Metaeuclidean Adjacency A portal through space-time.
(From The Hole in the Hole [1994] by Terry Bisson) |
Lunar Used Spacecraft Lot A sales lot for used spacecraft
(From Methuselah's Children [1941] by Robert Heinlein) |