Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

How Rude! DARPA Wants Robots To Behave More Like Threepio
'Do I know protocol? Why, it's my primary function.' - George Lucas, 1976. (re: George Lucas)

'Liquid Light' Flows Around Corners
Light as a superfluid. (re: George Lucas)

Unrolling The Filmy Materials Of Space Tech
'When unfolded and unrolled... it became a tough, gleaming film.' - Jack Vance, 1962. (re: Jack Vance)

Buddy Companion Robot Your Bulbous Friend
'Nanny was built in the shape of a sphere, a large metal sphere, flattened on the bottom...' - Philip K. Dick, 1955. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Poli-X1 Prototype Bee Pollinator
Always buzz, buzz, buzz, eh Mr. Drone? (re: Raymond Z. Gallun)

Bake in Space Bake-Off... In Space!
'A joyous condition commenced for the cook in the electric kitchen...' - Otto Willi Gail, 1929. (re: Otto Willi Gail)

DeepMind AI Baffled By Homer Simpson, Needs Human Help
'Whenever a robot finds something it can't identify straight off...' - Harry Harrison, 1956. (re: Harry Harrison)

Does Earth's Middle Mantle Hold Oceans Of Water?
Al Gore, you have no idea. (re: Stephen Baxter)

Deep Learning Creates New Faces
'a million and a half physiognomic fraction-representations of various people...' - Philip K. Dick, 1977. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Vaccine Blocks Heroin High
'You're biochemically incapable of getting off...' - William Gibson, 1985. (re: William Gibson)

Design Your Own Robot (Carefully)
'I didn't realize it, but I was patiently building the most dangerous thing in creation...' - Maurice Hugi, 1941. (re: Maurice Hugi)

Worms Eat Plastic Now
'Slowly and inexorably, the rate of dissolution increased...' - Davis/Pedlar, 1971. (re: Michael Crichton)

The Largest Virtual Universe!
'...a machine able literally to contain the Universe Itself .' - Stanislaw Lem, 1965. (re: Stanislaw Lem)

Cyborg DragonflEye At Your Command
'The dragonfly responded like a toy airplane, taking off and heading east...' (re: John Twelve Hawks)

The Ring Clock IS Heinlein's Finger Watch
'Crayn glanced at his finger watch...' - HB Fyfe, 1951. (re: HB Fyfe)

Xiaoice AI Now A Poet
'How can you compete with an IBM heavy-duty logomatic analogue?'- JG Ballard, 1971. (re: JG Ballard)

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