Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

Dubai Mall Hires Robocop
'This was as close as a robot could get to a cop in uniform, without being a joke.' - Harry Harrison, 1958. (re: Harry Harrison)

Ambrosia Start-Up Offers New Blood For Old 'Caper'
'It consists largely in replacing the entire blood tissue in an old person with new, young blood...' - Robert Heinlein, 1941. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Prodrone Dual Arm Drone PD6B-AW-ARM As Predicted In 1960
'The ultimate horror for our paranoid culture; vicious unseen mechanical entities that flit at the edges of our vision...' - Philip K. Dick, 1960. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Artificial Intelligence Software Predicts Lifespan
'The doctor... went behind his apparatus... exposed dials came to life and a low humming came from the machine...' - Robert Heinlein, 1939. (re: Robert Heinlein)

BlessU-2 Robot Priest Celebrates 500th Reformation Anniversary
'at last the robot cardinal is to be elected Pope.' - Robert Silverberg, (re: Robert Silverberg)

Free-Floating Planet Capture Not Rare, Says Paper
'planets which had been pulled from their pathways ages ago by a passing star...' - Balmer and Wylie, 1932. (re: Balmer and Wylie)

Tiny Tertill Autonomous Weeding Robot
'And it's only programmed to look for things smaller than an inch." - Michael Crichton, 1985. (re: Michael Crichton)

Used Dragon Cargo Spacecraft Will Fly Again
'the overstrained meters made the smaller craft skittish as a young horse...' - Robert Heinlein (re: Robert Heinlein)

Spider Flyer Walker Space Suit For Mars Astronauts
'The eight thin metallic legs were pointed downwards...' - Charles Sheffield, 1979. (re: Charles Sheffield)

Anti AI AI Wearable Detects Artificial Voices
Combats another wearable, the voice-changing bowtie. (re: Various)

Drones Will Transform Cities
Where we're going, we don't use roads. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Orbital Space Tourism For $1M
'Big cigar. Narrows at the ends.' - William Gibson, 1984. (re: William Gibson)

Prynt Pocket Prints AR Pix Right In Your Hand
A printer for the palm of your hand. (re: John Brunner)

3D Printed Stretchable Skin For Robots AND You!
'Three rows of four colored dots appeared on the heel of my left hand...' - John Varley, 1992. (re: Greg Bear)

Bat Bot Robotic Flapping-Wing Drone
'The dark birdforms dotted the mountaintops like statues of prehistoric beasts, wings outspread...' - Roger Zelazny, 1980. (re: Roger Zelazny)

NASA's Astronaut Rescue Ball
'Ball and closely-prisoned man plummeted downward..' - Doc Smith, 1934. (re: Doc Smith)

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