World of Ptavvs by Larry Niven:
Science Fiction Inventions, Technology and Ideas

This is Larry Niven's first novel (or novella); it explains a lot about the Known Space technologies seen in his later work. The novel begins two billion years ago, when a member of a telepathically powerful race (the Thrintun, later called Slavers in Niven's stories) has drive problems and puts himself in a stasis field hoping to be rescued soon. However, ages pass until he is discovered in the modern era. Select an invention:

Autodoc - automated medical device
An automated physician, a fully autonomous surgical robot.

Ramscoop - pull in hydrogen
An enormous magnetic field precedes a spaceship moving through space, directing interstellar hydrogen inward for use as fuel.

Slaver Sunflowers
Plants evolved to reflect light to burn natural enemies. is devoted to the creative inventions of science fiction authors and movie makers. Look for the Science Fiction Invention Category that interests you, the Glossary of Science Fiction Inventions, the Timeline of Science Fiction Inventions, or see what's New.
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