Device Name |
Book/Story |
Author |
Date |
Abglanz A mask that hides identity. |
The Mountain in the Sea |
Naylor |
2022 |
Ablative Heat (Reentry) Shield A single-use shield or covering designed to accept the heat of reentry and burn off. |
Triplanetary |
Smith |
1934 |
A-Bomb Abbreviation for "atomic bomb". |
Sixth Column |
MacDonald |
1941 |
Absolute Black A material so absolutely black that it absorbed all incident light. |
Restaurant at the End of the Universe |
Adams |
1980 |
Accelerated Schooling Knowledge force-fed directly into the brain. |
Cities in Flight |
Blish |
1957 |
Accelerated Schooling Helmet A device that stimulates the brain and imparts knowledge directly. |
Cities in Flight |
Blish |
1957 |
Acceleration Chair A specially-designed chair used to help crew stay mobile during periods of high acceleration. |
The Mote in God's Eye |
Niven (w/J. Pournelle) |
1974 |
Acceleration Couch A chair designed for use in during periods of high acceleration (multiple gravities). |
The Mote in God's Eye |
Niven (w/J. Pournelle) |
1974 |
Acceleration Hammock Webbing used to cushion acceleration in spacecraft. |
Pioneer - 1957 |
Gade |
1939 |
Acceleration Shell A special suit designed to help people survive accelerations of up to twenty-five gravities. |
The Forever War |
Haldeman |
1974 |
Acceleration-tank A water-filled tank used to ease the strains of acceleration. |
Triplanetary |
Smith |
1934 |
Accu-Terrain Floor A special floor for virtual reality environments that simulates any kind of surface. |
Natulife |
Brin |
1994 |
Acoustic Apparatus (Osophone) A device that used bone conduction to transmit sound. |
Acoustic Apparatus |
Gernsback |
1923 |
Actinoscope A device that used a pulsating polarized ether wave to judge the distance to an object (a RADAR) |
Ralph 124c 41 + |
Gernsback |
1911 |
Adam Selene A computer generates a human avatar for itself. |
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress |
Heinlein |
1966 |
Adaptene Parent of all hormones, it makes possible the adaptation of the human organism to alien worlds. |
The Impossible World |
Binder |
1939 |
Adiabatic Pods Tiny space capsules large enough to hold one passenger. |
The Lady Who Sailed The Soul |
Smith |
1960 |
Adjustable House A house with elastic walls and structural members, the shape of which can be changed. |
Gather, Darkness! |
Leiber |
1943 |
Adjustable Television A television that allowed viewers to adjust the content of political speeches. |
The Simulacra |
Dick |
1964 |
Adjustment Making sure the man fits the job! |
Placement Test |
Laumer |
1964 |
Adnix A device that muted the television to lessen the impact of commercials. |
Contact |
Sagan |
1985 |
Adoption of Television Prediction of TV penetration in homes and the death of movie houses. |
Prima Donna 1980 |
Brown |
1931 |
Advertising Airship A dirigible capable of reproducing full-color video ads on its sides. |
Blade Runner |
Scott |
1982 |
Aerial Dynamite Ships Using airplanes to drop explosives during war. |
Looking Forward: A Dream of the United States of the Americas in 1999 |
Bird |
1899 |
Aerial Navies Use of vast numbers of air-ships (planes) to overwhelm land defenses. |
The World Masters |
Griffith |
1903 |
Aerial Telegraph Communication between individuals in spacesuits. |
Edison's Conquest of Mars |
Serviss |
1898 |
Aeriduct (Rain Maker) A specific means of producing rain. |
A Journey In Other Worlds |
Astor IV |
1894 |
Aero Bus (Flying Bus) A flying bus. |
What Not: A Prophetic Comedy |
Macaulay |
1918 |
Aerocab A floating taxicab. |
Buck Rogers, 2430 AD |
Nowlan (w/D. Calkins) |
1929 |
Aerocab (Aeroflyer) A electric flying taxi, or car. |
Ralph 124c 41 + |
Gernsback |
1911 |
Aerocar A personal flying vehicle. |
The Abduction of Alexandra Seine |
Smale |
1900 |
Aerocycle (Ærocycle) An aerial bicycle, human powered. |
Looking Forward: A Dream of the United States of the Americas in 1999 |
Bird |
1899 |
Aerodrome (Ærodromes) Flying machines. |
Looking Forward: A Dream of the United States of the Americas in 1999 |
Bird |
1899 |
Aeromuse Pillow A pillow that doubles as a music player. |
The Human Blend |
Foster |
2010 |
Aeropile A fluttering wing airplane for a few passengers. |
When the Sleeper Wakes |
Wells |
1899 |
Aeroplane Baseball A standard-sized baseball making possible non-standard pitches. |
The Educated Pill |
Olsen |
1928 |
Aerostat Monitor A small flying platform, capable of maneuvering in three dimensions; can hover in place and communicate with others like it. |
The Diamond Age |
Stephenson |
1995 |
Aether Cannon A hand-held energy weapon. |
Storm Thief |
Wooding |
2006 |
Agfom Potent-Shot Special film allows user to take a picture of what happens in the next thirty minutes. |
Clans of the Alphane Moon |
Dick |
1964 |
Aggressive-Response Service An answering service with an attitude. |
The Golden Globe |
Varley |
1998 |
Agile Recording Robot A recording machine that moves toward its subject. |
Solar Lottery |
Dick |
1955 |
Agony Box A device for causing non-lethal, non-injuring pain by nerve induction. |
Heretics of Dune |
Herbert |
1984 |
Agricultural Robot Pest Controller An agricultural robot specifically designed to perform pest control activities. |
Runaway |
Crichton |
1985 |
Agricultural World Planet set aside for the production of food for another world. |
Foundation |
Asimov |
1951 |
AI Control Portal A special window into an artificial intelligence, to allow an operator to take control of it if necessary. |
The Mountain in the Sea |
Naylor |
2022 |
AI-Based Hiring and Firing Letting a computer system handle the hiring and firing of employees. |
Manna |
Brain |
2002 |
Air Blast An air dryer for personal use. |
Coventry |
Heinlein |
1940 |
Air Renewal Re-oxygenating the air within the projectile spacecraft. |
From the Earth to the Moon |
Verne |
1867 |
Air Scooter A flying personal vehicle. |
Space Double |
Schachner |
1940 |
Air Speedster Highly maneuverable air vehicle for hunting. |
Foundation |
Asimov |
1951 |
Air Tank Flying Using little blasts of compressed air to fly around inside a space station. |
The Power Planet |
Leinster |
1931 |
Air Tunnel A means of sending trains through the air. |
Through the Air Tunnel |
Vincent |
1929 |
Airbag Jacket A jacket or coverall with inflatable air bags throughout for protection against impact. |
Snow Crash |
Stephenson |
1992 |
Air-Blanket A dome-less protective air shield. |
Hollywood on the Moon |
Kuttner |
1938 |
Airboarding Typing in thin air to input characters into a computer. |
Halting State |
Stross |
2007 |
Aircab A flying autonomous taxi cab. |
The Barrier |
Vincent |
1934 |
Air-Car A personal flying car |
A Matter of Size |
Bates |
1934 |
Airchair A floating armchair. |
Killing Gramps |
Schwader |
1988 |
Air-Conditioned Coat An otherwise ordinary overcoat that fights the heat. |
Deep Eddy |
Sterling |
1993 |
Aircycle Motorcycle for the air with gravimetric coils instead of wheels. |
Buck Rogers, 2430 AD |
Nowlan (w/D. Calkins) |
1929 |
Air-Dock A docking mechanism that seems to catch a descending space-ship in mid-air. |
Revolt on Inferno |
Rousseau |
1931 |
AIRE A piece of software that can break through encryption to determine exactly how a compiled program accomplishes its tasks. |
Mother of Storms |
Barnes |
1994 |
Air-Freighter Cargo Plane An enormous airplane used for transporting cargo across the country. |
The Invisible Raiders |
Repp |
1929 |
Airjeep A small military air vehicle. |
Uller Uprising |
Piper |
1952 |
Airlock An intermediate chamber between airless space and the interior of a space craft. |
The Skylark of Space |
Smith |
1928 |
Airmaker A device that creates a specific breathable mix directly from the atmosphere. |
Ringworld |
Niven |
1970 |
Airmakers Machine to create breathable air from the constituent materials on an alien planet. |
The Big Rain |
Anderson |
1954 |
Air-Mine Fight invasion from above with an analogous method to mining the surface of the sea. |
The Space Visitors |
Hamilton |
1939 |
Air-o-Stat Provides life-giving air in spacecraft. |
Satellite Five |
Barnes |
1938 |
Airplane Window Ads An airplane window that allows you to - see advertisements! |
The Space Merchants |
Pohl (w/CM Kornbluth) |
1952 |
Airpolo Polo played in mid-air with special aircraft and helium-filled balls. |
Sunward Flight |
Zagat |
1943 |
Air-Propelled Train A silent means of mass transit. |
Fahrenheit 451 |
Bradbury |
1953 |
Air-Restorer Capsule A device that re-oxygenates air in space suits. |
The Planet Strappers |
Gallun |
1961 |
Air-Ship (VTOL Airship) A flying machine capable of vertical take-off and landing. |
The Angel of the Revolution |
Griffith |
1893 |
Air-Shoes Footgear provides the wearer with the ability to "walk" through the air, climbing as needed. |
An Adventure in Time |
Flagg |
1930 |
Air-Taxi A flying taxicab with autonomous features. |
Prelude to Foundation |
Asimov |
1988 |
Air-Tight Cities Cities with breathable air constructed on worlds with no atmosphere. |
The Cosmic Pantograph |
Hamilton |
1935 |
Air-Tight Suit An special outfit that would allow a person to survive in vacuum. |
Edison's Conquest of Mars |
Serviss |
1898 |
Airtight Tent A temporary structure for living on an airless moon or asteroid. |
Asteroid of Fear |
Gallun |
1951 |
Air-to-Surface Missile Very early description of a projectile fired from an airship into a surface target. |
The Angel of the Revolution |
Griffith |
1893 |
Aladur High tensile strength, lightweight material. |
Sunward Flight |
Zagat |
1943 |
Alcatraz of Space A planetoid prison. |
Reunion on Ganymede |
Simak |
1938 |
Alcodote A compound that maintains sobriety while drinking. |
Space Viking |
Piper |
1962 |
Alcoholic Reliever Mechanized relief from alcoholism. |
Bad Medicine |
Sheckley |
1956 |
Alcohol-Sensing System A vehicle subsystem that detected alcohol use in the driver, and then took control of the car away from the driver. |
The Game Players of Titan |
Dick |
1963 |
Alderson Point One end of a tramline, a path between stars that can be traversed using a hyperdrive engine. |
The Mote in God's Eye |
Niven (w/J. Pournelle) |
1974 |
Alibi Archive A recording made of transmissions from a personal implant that perceived everything that happened to that individual. |
Hominids (Neanderthal Parallax) |
Sawyer |
2003 |
Alien Life Form Living organisms of non-Earth origin. |
The Hothouse Planet |
Barnes |
1937 |
Alien Self-Government Rules to assure intelligent aliens the right to govern themselves in freedom. |
Co-Operate or Else |
van Vogt |
1942 |
Alien Tarantula Interesting illustration of an animal with gecko-like manipulative capabilities. |
Engine City |
MacLeod |
2003 |
Alien Trojan Malware from another world! |
Out of the Dark |
Webber |
2010 |
Alien Zoo A zoo that brings together plants and animals from many planets. |
The Dosadi Experiment |
Herbert |
1977 |
Aliens Speak English The skeleton men of Mercury speak English, but have a good reason for it. |
The Mines of Haldar |
Hugi |
1934 |
Allswell An organic compound found (or placed) in food that calms and mellows those who partake of it. |
Anathem |
Stephenson |
2008 |
Alohydrolium The lightest metal. |
Ralph 124c 41 + |
Gernsback |
1911 |
Alpha Insert A special compound used to seal punctures in space craft. |
Exiles of the Moon |
Schachner (w. AL Zagat) |
1931 |
Alpha Plus Intervening in the physical development of humans can result in enhancements. |
Brave New World |
Huxley |
1932 |
Alterable License Number A device which permits a driver to alter the license plate without leaving the vehicle. |
Methuselah's Children |
Heinlein |
1941 |
Alternate Computer Personality A computer system that can take on complete, alternate personalities. |
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress |
Heinlein |
1966 |
Altitude Suit Special gear for venturing out at high altitude or even space. |
The Black Star Passes |
Campbell |
1930 |
AM A supercomputer that hates. |
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream |
Ellison |
1967 |
AM-280 Needle Rifle Device shoots a stream of steel needles. |
A Matter For Men |
Gerrold |
1983 |
Ampek F-a2 Recording System A device that incorporated a living protoplasm, used as a recording and playback system. |
The Simulacra |
Dick |
1964 |
Amphibious Skimmer Amphibious drone with blades. |
Storm Thief |
Wooding |
2006 |
Amtal Rule Testing to destruction |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Anabolic Protoplaser Uses laser light to repair wounds. |
Spock, Messiah! |
Cogswell (w/C. Spano) |
1976 |
Anacronopete (Time Machine) A flying electric-powered time machine. |
El Anacronopete |
Gaspar |
1887 |
Anadrenalin Has the opposite effect of adrenalin. |
A Race Through Time |
Wandrei |
1933 |
Analogue A combination of a drug and a particular mental state allow a person to devolve to an animal level of their choice. |
The Stars My Destination |
Bester |
1956 |
Analogue Treatment Hypnotic drug treatment that normalizes behavior in humans. |
Ticket to Anywhere |
Knight |
1952 |
Android A synthetic being having the form of a human being. |
The Cometeers |
Williamson |
1936 |
Android Safety Mechanism A device that temporarily incapacitates an android. |
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? |
Dick |
1968 |
Androide A device having the form or likeness of a man. |
Cyclopaedia |
Chambers |
1727 |
Andy A slang term for "android" - an artificially created humanoid being. |
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? |
Dick |
1968 |
Anemopter Special craft for journeys through the atmosphere of a gas giant planet. |
Finisterra |
Moles |
2007 |
Angel Music Player A device that beams music directly into your brain, without wires. |
Flood |
Baxter |
2008 |
Angel Teeth Essentially a spear dropped from a great height (or from orbit) with a guidance system. |
Freedom |
Suarez |
2010 |
Animal-tissue Culture Vat A means of producing artificial meat for food. |
Uller Uprising |
Piper |
1952 |
Annihilator Beam A deadly ray that literally dissolved matter! |
The Conquest of Gola |
Stone |
1931 |
Ansible Faster-than-light communication. |
Rocannon's World |
Le Guin |
1966 |
Answerboard A forum or computer meeting location with experts on a particular topic. |
Rainbows End |
Vinge |
2006 |
Anti-Acceleration Engine For Space Suits Counteracts the effects of high acceleration. |
Black Destroyer |
van Vogt |
1939 |
Anti-agathic drugs Drugs that indefinitely postpone death from old age. |
Cities in Flight |
Blish |
1957 |
Anti-Burglar Installations Every electronic house should have automated defenses. |
The Angry House |
Smith |
1955 |
Anti-Fatigue Pill A pill that counteracts the effects of fatigue and lack of sleep. |
The Silent Destroyer |
Juve |
1929 |
Anti-Gerasone Cheap immortality comes to your neighborhood convenience store. |
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow |
Vonnegut, Jr. |
1954 |
Anti-Glare Coated Glass Special coated glass for space craft. |
The Death's Head Meteor |
Jones |
1930 |
Antigrav Boots Footgear that negate gravity. |
The Day We Celebrate |
Bond |
1941 |
Antigravity A force opposed to gravity. |
The Vanguard of Neptune |
Walsh |
1932 |
Anti-Gravity Belt A device which, when worn, reduces exposure to the effects of gravitation. |
Armageddon: 2419 A.D. |
Nowlan |
1928 |
Anti-Gravity Drive Electric force curves space. |
The Last Evolution |
Campbell |
1932 |
Antigravity Globe Arena A spherical arena for wrestling. |
Babel-17 |
Delany |
1966 |
Antigravity Plate (Antigravity Raft) A thin, circular craft that floats. |
Co-Operate or Else |
van Vogt |
1942 |
Anti-Heptant A compound that erases specific areas of the brain. |
To Live Forever |
Vance |
1956 |
Antiholo Generator Dispels intrusive hologram advertisements. |
The Ophiuchi Hotline |
Varley |
1977 |
Anti-Onc Cream An ointment used to cure skin cancers. |
Earth |
Brin |
1990 |
Anti-Robot Propaganda Human activity against robots. |
Liar |
Asimov |
1941 |
Anti-Spying Device Foolproof means of defending against spy beams. |
Foundation |
Asimov |
1951 |
Antithermal Shield A material that protected against climate warming. |
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch |
Dick |
1965 |
Anti-Tri-D Shot Counteracts the deadly pesticide Tri-D. |
The Morning of the Day They Did It |
White |
1950 |
Antiturbulence Wings Wings that are designed to buffer turbulence for passengers. |
Deep Eddy |
Sterling |
1993 |
Anti-Virus Design Software Create a living space such that the spread of disease is less likely. |
Super-Cannes: A Novel |
Ballard |
2000 |
Antron A single particle of antimatter - an antiproton. |
Minus Planet |
Clark, Ph.D |
1937 |
Apergy (Apergion) An antigravity substance with sufficient power to propel a space ship from the Earth to Mars. |
Across the Zodiac |
Greg |
1880 |
Appetizer An amazing adjunct to science-based restaurants; a room that increases appetite with gas! |
Ralph 124c 41 + |
Gernsback |
1911 |
Arachnofiber Uniforms Remarkable attire for a pizza delivery person; but given the violence of near future America, the protection offered by ordinary uniforms was insufficient. |
Snow Crash |
Stephenson |
1992 |
Architectural Coral A structure grown to a specific shape using small coral-like organisms. |
A Gift From Earth |
Niven |
1968 |
Arctic Signal Light A means of communicating with spacecraft from the surface of the Earth. |
A Journey In Other Worlds |
Astor IV |
1894 |
Argento-Platinoid Dispatch Box Impenetrable message carriers. |
Venus Mines, Incorporated |
Schachner (w. AL Zagat) |
1931 |
Armor Cloth Extremely tough synthetic fabric. |
The Mote in God's Eye |
Niven (w/J. Pournelle) |
1974 |
Armored Clothing Ordinary apparel that contained both armor and muscle amplification devices. |
The Dosadi Experiment |
Herbert |
1977 |
Art-Derm Artificial skin sprayed directly on the body. |
Dr. Futurity |
Dick |
1960 |
Arteria Portal A wormhole entrance. |
The Algebraist |
Banks |
2004 |
Artibase An artificial asteroid base between planets. |
War Veteran |
Dick |
1955 |
Artificial Atmosphere Machine Not just oxygen, this gives you what you need in space. |
Venus Mines, Incorporated |
Schachner (w. AL Zagat) |
1931 |
Artificial Blood (Synthetic Blood) A manufactured substitute for the genuine article. |
The Eternal Professors |
Keller |
1929 |
Artificial Brain A non-organic device structured like a human brain. |
The Metal Giants |
Hamilton |
1926 |
Artificial Butterfly A mechanical, robotic butterfly. |
Changeling |
Zelazny |
1980 |
Artificial Cloth The creation of fabrics without organic natural fibers. |
Ralph 124c 41 + |
Gernsback |
1911 |
Artificial eye A surgically-implanted artificial eyeball. |
Galactic Patrol |
Smith |
1937 |
Artificial Eye Drone A remote flying device that transmits its view to the operator. |
Glimpse |
Wellman |
1938 |
Artificial Eyes Eyes that are the duplicate of what humans are born with, produced entirely artificially from elements. |
Synthetic |
Cloukey |
1930 |
Artificial Food Food produced without soil, chemically. |
The World Set Free |
Wells |
1914 |
Artificial Gill Outfit A diving suit that pulls air from the water. |
We Can Remember It For You Wholesale |
Dick |
1966 |
Artificial Gravity Procuring gravitational forces without a suitably large mass. |
Brigands of the Moon |
Cummings |
1930 |
Artificial Gravity System Producing a gravity field without a large nearby mass. |
Last and First Men |
Stapledon |
1930 |
Artificial Gravity-Assisted Childbirth Using an artificial gravity field to assist (and accelerate) the process of childbirth. |
Time Enough For Love |
Heinlein |
1973 |
Artificial Intelligence A machine or other created system able to respond in a human-like way to questions or problems. |
Moon of the Unforgotten |
Hamilton |
1951 |
Artificial Intelligence Device (AID) Hand-held device responds intelligently to military intelligence requests. |
A Hymn Before Battle |
Ringo |
2000 |
Artificial Island For Ocean Rocket Launch An entirely artificial, floating island used as a launch platform. |
Between Earth and Moon |
von Hanstein |
1930 |
Artificial Life Creating living beings from inorganic elements. |
Across Space |
Hamilton |
1926 |
Artificial Muscles Replacement for organic muscle tissue. |
Cyborg |
Caidin |
1972 |
Artificial Planet Constructed bodies the size of planets for habitation. |
Star Maker |
Stapledon |
1937 |
Artificial Planet A very large constructed object in space. |
Triplanetary |
Smith |
1934 |
Artificial Silk A fabric like silk produced entirely without silkworms. |
In the Deep of Time |
Lathrop |
1897 |
Artificial Skin Tight-fitting material that keeps the heat of the body from escaping into space. |
Between Earth and Moon |
von Hanstein |
1930 |
Artificial Sun Use of a single large artifact to provide sunlight to a city or a world. |
The Bride of Osirus |
Kline |
1927 |
Artificial Telepathy Using technology to determine thoughts, and then translate it to speech that could be shared electronically. |
We All Died At Breakaway Station |
Meredith |
1969 |
Artificial Transparent Element A substance as strong as metal that you can see through. |
Last and First Men |
Stapledon |
1930 |
Artificial Womb A room in which a human embryo waits for the necessary months as a fetus, preparing for birth (decanting). |
Brave New World |
Huxley |
1932 |
Artificially Grown Organs Human organs suitable for transplantation, grown outside the body. |
A Gift From Earth |
Niven |
1968 |
Artificially Produced Speech Speech produced by mechanical means, rather than with vocal chords. |
Hotel Cosmos |
Gallun |
1938 |
Artificially Pulsating Star A star that has been modified to pulsate with a message to the entire universe. |
The Cosmic Blinker |
Binder |
1953 |
Artiforg An artificial organ kept 'on line' in the body. |
Ubik |
Dick |
1969 |
Artif-Org A mechanical version of a human organ. |
Cantata 140 |
Dick |
1964 |
Artigraft Artificial skin graft. |
Solar Lottery |
Dick |
1955 |
Asbestos Sunshade A means of shielding oneself from the sun's rays. |
The Achilles Heel |
Gallun |
1940 |
Ascension-Framework A tower to which the space craft is attached, holding it vertical for its flight upward. |
Evans of the Earth-Guard |
Hamilton |
1930 |
A-Som (Antisomnolence Drugs) One simple pill removes the need for sleep. |
Shuteye for the Timebroker |
Di Filippo |
2006 |
Assassin Bird A bird genetically engineered to accept instructions on how to kill. |
Sparrowhawk |
Easton |
1990 |
Assault Ship A one-way, one-use spacecraft for depositing troops at the scene of a space battle. |
The Forever War |
Haldeman |
1974 |
Asterite A person who was born and lived amongst the asteroids. |
Collision Orbit |
Williamson |
1942 |
Asteroid Belt The circular region of space containing many small celestial bodies. |
The Disc-Men of Jupiter |
Wellman |
1931 |
Asteroid Claim Law The legal steps required in claiming an asteroid |
Jurisdiction |
Schachner |
1941 |
Asteroid From Outside Solar System An asteroid or similar body that comes from outside the solar system; an interstellar body. |
Brigands of the Moon |
Cummings |
1930 |
Asteroid Garden A method for building a greenhouse on a small, airless body. |
Asteroid of Fear |
Gallun |
1951 |
Asteroid Homesteaders' School An institution of learning where regular folks learned how to start a farm on an asteroid. |
Asteroid of Fear |
Gallun |
1951 |
Asteroid Lanes Regular routes traversed by asteroids. |
Jurisdiction |
Schachner |
1941 |
Asteroid Lanes (Blasted) Actually clearing safe routes through asteroid belts. |
Flight of the Typhoon |
Kruse |
1936 |
Asteroid Mine The practice of seeking out and mining asteroids for their ore. |
Love Among The Robots |
McDowell |
1946 |
Asteroid Mining The mining of asteroid ore, accomplished by traveling to these tiny bodies. |
Edison's Conquest of Mars |
Serviss |
1898 |
Asteroid Mining (Blasting) Setting charges on an asteroid. |
Asteroid of Gold |
Simak |
1932 |
Asteroid Mining Robot An autonomous robot able to effectively mine asteroids. |
Catch That Rabbit |
Asimov |
1944 |
Asteroid Nets Capturing small asteroids or fragments using rocket nets. |
Asteroid Justice |
Thiessen |
1947 |
Asteroid Prison A jail is the sole occupant of an asteroid. |
One Against The Legion |
Williamson |
1939 |
Asteroid Rocket An engine attached to an asteroid to drive it through space. |
Salvage in Space |
Williamson |
1933 |
Asteroid Space Flyer Specialized one-man craft for exploring asteroids. |
The Death's Head Meteor |
Jones |
1930 |
Asteroid-Metal Metal mined from asteroids. |
The Mechanical Monarch |
Tubb |
1958 |
Asteroids From Outside Solar System Small bodies from beyond the solar system are captured by major planets. |
Mr. Meek Plays Polo |
Simak |
1944 |
Astrogation (to Astrogate) To navigate in space. |
Methuselah's Children |
Heinlein |
1941 |
Astrogator A person who acts as navigator for s space ship. |
The Conquest of Space |
Lasser |
1931 |
Astronaut A person who travels in space. |
The Death's Head Meteor |
Jones |
1930 |
Astronaut (Ship) The first instance of this word, it denotes a space-going vessel. |
Across the Zodiac |
Greg |
1880 |
Astronaut Sleep The idea that there is a benefit to putting astronauts to sleep during space travel. |
Somnium (The Dream) |
Kepler |
1634 |
Astroposit Retro-style system provides a readout on your position anywhere in the galaxy. |
The Hunch |
Anvil |
1961 |
Asymptotic Drive A propulsion drive that used a tiny black hole to generate energy. |
Imperial Earth |
Clarke |
1976 |
Atlotl/Gibiril Regimen A method of altering the flow of energy in the body to aid in regrowth of damaged or missing tissue. |
The Godmakers |
Herbert |
1972 |
Atmosphere Control Recently terraformed planets require constant maintenance. |
The Mote in God's Eye |
Niven (w/J. Pournelle) |
1974 |
Atmosphere Tester A device used to test the composition of a sample of the atmosphere on another planet, to see if it is breathable by humans. |
The Emperor of the Stars |
Schachner (w. AL Zagat) |
1931 |
Atmospheric Advertising A means of mass advertising to cities and countries. |
In the Year 2889 |
Verne |
1889 |
Atmospheric Braking Using a planet's atmosphere to gradually decelerate a spacecraft. |
Space Cadet |
Heinlein |
1948 |
Atmospheric Pressure Control Plane A vessel that flies by creating pockets of high and low pressure. |
Around the World in 24 Hours |
Romans |
1929 |
Atmospherics Switchboard Make sure each hotel room has the right atmosphere from the right planet. |
Lie on the Beam |
Peterson |
1941 |
Atom Compactor (Metal Earthworm) A tunneling device. |
Death Dives Deep |
Ernst |
1936 |
Atom-Gun A handheld device that sprays atomic fire. |
Revolt on the Tenth World |
Hamilton |
1940 |
Atomic Automatic Fires a special, rocket-like bullet. |
Revolt on Io |
West |
1940 |
Atomic Blast Weapon Reduces the target to atoms. |
The Achilles Heel |
Gallun |
1940 |
Atomic Bomb A weapon that uses an atomic chain reaction as an explosive force. |
The World Set Free |
Wells |
1914 |
Atomic Drill An atomic-powered auger, for use in drilling deep into planets and asteroids. |
Minus Planet |
Clark, Ph.D |
1937 |
Atomic Energy Splitting the atom to create a destructive force. |
The Crack of Doom |
Cromie |
1895 |
Atomic Energy Motor An engine which utilizes atomic energy. |
The Man from the Atom |
Wertenbaker |
1926 |
Atomic Engine A motor running on atomic fuel. |
The World Set Free |
Wells |
1914 |
Atomic Explosive A handheld bomb that melted its way into an armored door, then detonated. |
Hotel Cosmos |
Gallun |
1938 |
Atomic Machine A device that shrinks and expands its wearer. |
The Man from the Atom |
Wertenbaker |
1926 |
Atomic Microscopy A device that can actually visualize a individual molecule and its parts. |
The Crack of Doom |
Cromie |
1895 |
Atomic Percolator Make coffee with radiation. |
The Golden Girl of Munan |
Vincent |
1928 |
Atomic Pistol Reduces the target to atomic dust. |
Mutiny on Mercury |
Simak |
1932 |
Atomic Shell A nuclear munition, fired from a cannon. |
Buck Rogers, 2430 AD |
Nowlan (w/D. Calkins) |
1929 |
Atomic Torch An atomic-powered cutting and welding tool. |
One Against The Legion |
Williamson |
1939 |
Atomician Sign Language Specialized sign language used by those who work with atomics. |
The Faceless Men |
Zagat |
1948 |
Atomic-Powered Lifting Suits Special exoskeletons that would allow an ordinary human being to walk in doubled gravity. |
The Brain Pirates |
Campbell |
1938 |
Atomics The field of nuclear energy. |
Nerves |
del Rey |
1942 |
Atomobile An atomic-powered car. |
The Moon of Doom |
Bell |
1928 |
Atom-Shifter A device that 'softens' matter, making it possible for a person to pass through. |
The Worlds of Tomorrow |
Wellman |
1940 |
Atoplane An airplane powered by nuclear energy, capable of tremendous speed and distance. |
The Moon of Doom |
Bell |
1928 |
Attraction Ray In effect, a tractor beam. |
Pirates of the Gorm |
Schachner |
1932 |
Attractive Ray A beam of radiation that pulls. |
Crashing Suns |
Hamilton |
1928 |
Attractor A beam capable of holding objects motionless, as well as adjusting their position. |
The Conquest of Gola |
Stone |
1931 |
Audio Relay A communication device implanted behind the ear; also used as an alarm for wake-up calls. |
The Puppet Masters |
Heinlein |
1951 |
Audiphone Communication between space suits in the airless void of space. |
Blood of the Moon |
Cummings |
1936 |
Auto Course-Finding Pilot A device that not only pilots the craft, but will also plot out a course for you. |
Clans of the Alphane Moon |
Dick |
1964 |
Auto Shovel Automated mining equipment for use in space. |
The Simulacra |
Dick |
1964 |
Autobus Robot-guided public transportation. |
Tidal Moon |
Weinbaum |
1938 |
Autobutle An automated servant. |
The Godmakers |
Herbert |
1972 |
Autocab An fully automated taxi cab. |
Between Planets |
Heinlein |
1951 |
Auto-Car A personal vehicle for indoor and outdoor use. |
The Revolt of the Pedestrians |
Keller |
1928 |
Auto-Clerk An automated accounting system. |
Beyond This Horizon |
Heinlein |
1942 |
Autodoc An automated physician, a fully autonomous surgical robot. |
World of Ptavvs |
Niven |
1965 |
Auto-Driven Auto (Spinner) A vehicle that accepts coordinates and proceeds to its destination automatically. |
The Dream Master (He Who Shapes) |
Zelazny |
1966 |
Autofac (Nanorobots) Very small robots working on self-replication |
Autofac |
Dick |
1955 |
Autofreighter An autonomous vessel carrying trade materials. |
The Mountain in the Sea |
Naylor |
2022 |
AutoM8 A remote-controlled automobile. |
Daemon |
Suarez |
2006 |
Automat Unusual name for an intelligent robot; short for "automaton"? |
Mad Robot |
Gallun |
1936 |
Automated Apartment Maintenance Automated devices that would oversee the maintenance of a rented apartment. |
Ubik |
Dick |
1969 |
Automated DNA Typing A device that takes quick samples of DNA and compares each sample to a database. |
Gattaca |
Niccol |
1997 |
Automated Drone Probes Human-sized robot probes for exploration. |
The Man in the Maze |
Silverberg |
1969 |
Automated Factories Manufacturing facilities that do not require human workers. |
The Peacemongers |
Anderson |
1957 |
Automated Hotel Reservation A hotel that did not use clerks; a self-service hotel. |
Methuselah's Children |
Heinlein |
1941 |
Automated Laboratory A fully automated machinery of invention. |
The Shores of Death |
Moorcock |
1964 |
Automated Restaurant Food is prepared and served entirely automatically. |
A Princess of Mars |
Burroughs |
1912 |
Automated Search For Habitable Planets Automated use of telescopes and other devices to search the universe for Earth-like planets. |
Cosmic Quest |
Hamilton |
1936 |
Automated Sentry A biometric device that scans facial features for identification. |
Darwin's Children |
Bear |
2003 |
Automated Space Factories Manufacturing based in space. |
Mona Lisa Overdrive |
Gibson |
1988 |
Automated Surface Measurement A mechanical method of accurately measuring a surface. |
When the Sleeper Wakes |
Wells |
1899 |
Automated Taxi A driverless taxicab. |
Sagramanda |
Foster |
2006 |
Automated Travel Bureau A computer program that allows individuals to book their travel arrangements themselves, with a credit card. |
Friday |
Heinlein |
1982 |
Automated Wake-Up Call A device that provides automated wake-up calls. |
The Kokod Warriors |
Vance |
1952 |
Automatic Air Mail Plane A pilotless airplane for delivery of cargo. |
The Living Machine |
Keller |
1935 |
Automatic Car (Autonomous) A car that drives itself; an autonomous vehicle. |
Paradise and Iron |
Breuer |
1930 |
Automatic City A city designed to protect itself and maintain itself over millions of years. |
The Man in the Maze |
Silverberg |
1969 |
Automatic Commercial Deletion Device automatically detects commercials and turns off the set for the duration. |
Satellite Five |
Barnes |
1938 |
Automatic Companion Robot A robotic replacement for a pet or friend. |
The Midas Plague |
Pohl |
1954 |
Automatic Control Car An autonomous vehicle. |
Imperial Earth |
Clarke |
1976 |
Automatic Cultivators Agricultural robots. |
Piracy Preferred |
Campbell |
1930 |
Automatic Defensors Devices that follow along with you, providing extra viewpoints. |
The Rull |
van Vogt |
1948 |
Automatic Delivery Library A library able to deliver any volume within a few moments. |
The Lord of Tranerica |
Coblentz |
1939 |
Automatic Door A wall strip that rolls up automatically to let you through. |
When the Sleeper Wakes |
Wells |
1899 |
Automatic Factory Manufacturing facility that functions entirely autonomously. |
Autofac |
Dick |
1955 |
Automatic Gun A sentry gun that could target and decide to fire without any human intervention. |
The Andromeda Strain |
Crichton |
1969 |
Automatic Hotel (Hotel Hendrix) A fully automated hotel; complete services provided from check-in to check-out. |
Altered Carbon |
Morgan |
2003 |
Automatic Judge Automatically listens to the plaintiff and defendant and provides a just verdict. |
Dr. Hackensaw's Secrets Some Minor Inventions |
Fezandie |
1926 |
Automatic Light Switch A device that senses if an illuminated room is empty, and turns off the light. |
The Man Who Sold The Moon |
Heinlein |
1950 |
Automatic Massager An autonomous massage machine with robotic arms and hands. |
Far Centaurus |
van Vogt |
1944 |
Automatic Navigator Device steers your spaceship to its destination without additional effort from you. |
A Matter of Size |
Bates |
1934 |
Automatic Ore Cart An autonomous truck for raw ore processing. |
Autofac |
Dick |
1955 |
Automatic Parking Vehicle autonomously heads for a public hangar. |
Twilight |
Campbell |
1934 |
Automatic Pilot A device to control the movement of aircraft using computer components. |
The Space Merchants |
Pohl (w/CM Kornbluth) |
1952 |
Automatic Refueling Screen Repels objects that are too big, and gathers small ones for fuel. |
Biddiver |
Sturgeon |
1941 |
Automatic Reversed Memory A device that activates memories and plays them back in reverse order. |
Brain Control |
Cummins |
1937 |
Automatic Shell A projectile that bores through obstacles - even the Earth! |
The Great Stone of Sardis |
Stockton |
1897 |
Automatic Speeding Fine An automated device that not only computes the speed of a vehicle, but registers and then issues an electronic citation. |
Old Fireball |
Schachner |
1941 |
Automatic Ticket Machine Get your ticket to Trantor automatically. |
Second Foundation |
Asimov |
1953 |
Automatic Toll Payment An automated car that pays its own toll. |
The Living Machine |
Keller |
1935 |
Automatic Truck A cargo-carrying vehicle that autonomously drives to the selected destination. |
Mechanocracy |
Breuer |
1932 |
Automatic Valet A robotic manservant. |
Looking Forward: A Dream of the United States of the Americas in 1999 |
Bird |
1899 |
Automatic Vein Finder A device to automatically locate veins for intravenous needle insertion. |
The Andromeda Strain |
Crichton |
1969 |
Automatic-Electric Packing Machine A device able to pack randomly shaped objects combined into a single package automatically. |
Ralph 124c 41 + |
Gernsback |
1911 |
Automatics Machinery capable of running some aspect of a space ship's operation on its own. |
Wandl, The Invader |
Cummings |
1932 |
Automatized Factory A factory consisting of machines with imposed human abilities. |
The Tunnel Under The World |
Pohl |
1955 |
Automatobile An autonomous private car. |
Sally |
Asimov |
1953 |
Automatobus An autonomous or self-driving bus seating a number of people. |
Sally |
Asimov |
1953 |
Automaton Chessplayer The first chess-playing computer. |
Moxon's Master |
Bierce |
1910 |
Automaton Steam Surgeon Mechanized surgery. |
The Mummy! A Tale of the Twenty-Second Century |
Loudon |
1828 |
Automonk A robot with an AI trained on an individual monk. |
The Mountain in the Sea |
Naylor |
2022 |
Auto-Navigation Automatic car navigation, provided on a video console in the dashboard. |
The Dream Master (He Who Shapes) |
Zelazny |
1966 |
Autonomic Cab An automated taxicab (without robotic driver). |
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch |
Dick |
1965 |
Autonomic Food-Processing System Technology allows food to be prepared untouched by human hands. |
Cantata 140 |
Dick |
1964 |
Autonomic Interviewer A robotic reporter. |
The Zap Gun |
Dick |
1965 |
Autonomic Plow A set of farm implements able to combine and perform as a weapon. |
Clans of the Alphane Moon |
Dick |
1964 |
Autonomous Assassination Drone A flying UAV that is self-guided to a target, destroys the target, and is capable of destroying itself after mission completion. |
Kill Decision |
Suarez |
2012 |
Autonomous Car Intercommunication Automatic cars talk to each other about everything. |
Sally |
Asimov |
1953 |
Autonomous Digging Machine A mechanical device able to excavate on its own. |
The War of the Worlds |
Wells |
1898 |
Autonomous Ship A sea-going vessel that can leave port, traverse vast distances, and then dock, entirely without human assistance. |
Paradise and Iron |
Breuer |
1930 |
Autonomous Truck A truck that drives itself and unloads itself. |
Autofac |
Dick |
1955 |
Autonomously Recharging UAV Unmanned aerial vehicles that recharge themselves automatically. |
Changeling |
Zelazny |
1980 |
Autoporter A device that carries your bag for you at airports. |
The Shockwave Rider |
Brunner |
1975 |
Auto-Scan Automated control of remote surveillance drones. |
This Moment of the Storm |
Zelazny |
1966 |
Auto-Seal Automatically deployed cover for power outlets; instant child-proofing. |
Stand on Zanzibar |
Brunner |
1968 |
Autosecretary (Autosec) A software agent able to accept your query and then seach the public net for related information. |
Earth |
Brin |
1990 |
Autosight Achronic Beam A range-finder for weaponry that isn't limited by time, for the ultimate in accuracy. |
Hindsight |
Williamson |
1940 |
Autosurgeon A mechanical aid to physicians, performing surgical procedures with surgeons present. |
Altered Carbon |
Morgan |
2003 |
Autotrawler Autonomous Fishing Factory Ship An entirely autonomous vessel with imprisoned labor that scrapes the sea for protein and off-loads it to other ships. |
The Mountain in the Sea |
Naylor |
2022 |
Auto-Treadmills (Needle-Gym) A simulation-exercise room floor that allows the user to walk and run on a consistently realistic surface. |
Natulife |
Brin |
1994 |
Ava A piece of learning software. |
The Calcutta Chromosome |
Ghosh |
1995 |
Avatar A computer-enhanced doppelganger; a computer-generated image that takes your place in a three-dimensional online encounter. |
Snow Crash |
Stephenson |
1992 |
Avatar Construction Set A collection of software that allows the building of a complete avatar. |
Snow Crash |
Stephenson |
1992 |
Axolotl Tank A device to regenerate or reshape organic material. |
Dune Messiah |
Herbert |
1969 |