Science Fiction Dictionary: Ideas, Terms and Technology
( 3994 Inventions Available)

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Device Name Book/Story Author Date
Synthetic material that creates extremely smooth roads.
When the Sleeper Wakes Wells  1899
Eager Beaver
Your friendly robot helper.
The Door Into Summer Heinlein  1956
Eagle With Camera
A live bald eagle equipped with a transmitting camera.
Exploration Team Leinster  1956
A small speaker that you can put in your ear.
Freezone Shirley  1985
Earplug Decision (Restraint of Advertising)
A Supreme Court judgement that declared that earplugs used to block advertising were unconstitutional.
Captive Audience Griffith  1953
Earth Normal
Using the earth standard.
The Pygmy Planet Williamson  1932
A person born on planet Earth.
The Five Gold Bands Vance  1950
A massive spaceport that reared up from the surface of the earth to the edge of the atmosphere.
The Ballad of Lost C'Mell Smith  1950
Like a spacesuit, but protects you from the Earth.
Termination Shock Stephenson  2021
Device to detect the presence of recording devices.
Cities in Flight Blish  1957
Eavesdropping Ray
A device that allows others to hear from outside ordinary locked rooms.
Brigands of the Moon Cummings  1930
Ebony Teeth
Completely black artificial teeth.
Now Wait For Last Year Dick  1966
Eccentric Projection
Remote manipulation of a body not your own.
The Girl Who Was Plugged In Tiptree, Jr.  1974
Ecstasy Plug
An implanted module that allowed a wirehead to plug himself into ordinary house current.
Death by Ecstasy Niven  1969
Computer that falls in love with a human woman.
Electric Dreams Lemorande  1984
Edge Controls
A pocket-sized device using controls on the edge of the device, leaving the face for display purposes only.
The Feeling of Power Asimov  1958
Edit Stream
Internet content curated by a single person or service, then streamed to those who pay for the service.
Fall; or, Dodge in Hell: A Novel Stephenson  2019
E-Document Distribution
A method of wirelessly distributing a document to a large group of people in an ad hoc setting.
Earth Brin  1990
EEG-Gram Projection
Detection of unique characteristics at a distance.
Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said Dick  1974
Eel Operator
A surgically modified human being able to operate a robotic eel
Re:Set Beetlestone  2012
Eetee (E.T. - extraterrestrial)
A sentient being not of this Earth.
Button, Button Wilson  1953
Effective Human Implant Technology (EHIT)
Computer interface implanted directly into the human brain.
Snake-Eyes Maddox  1986
An extremely detailed portrait played through a shigawire projector; capable of reproducing minute movements said to convey the ego essence of a person.
Dune Herbert  1965
Telescope uses electronics applied to optics.
The Cavern of the Shining Pool Zagat  1937
Electric Bicycle
A two-wheeled device utilizing stored electricity as motive power.
In the Deep of Time Lathrop  1897
Electric Boat
A surface vessel powered by electricity.
The Great Drought Meek  1932
Electric Brain Stimulator
A device that coordinated the waves of the brain with an external device to improve performance.
Ben Gleed, King of Speed Wilcox  1939
Electric Car Recharging Station
A public place for recharging electric cars.
A Journey In Other Worlds Astor IV  1894
Electric Cat (Robot Cat)
A robot presenting the appearance of a common domestic cat.
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Dick  1968
Electric Diaper
A diaper that will indicate when it is wet.
The Psychophonic Nurse Keller  1928
Electric Gun (Mass Driver)
A device that used electromagnetic energy to accelerated capsules into orbit.
A Trip to Venus Munro  1897
Electric Kitchen
Food preparation in space requires safe equipment.
The Shot Into Infinity Gail  1929
Electric Machine Gun (Railgun)
A device that accelerates small projectiles magnetically using a strong electric current.
The Battery of Hate Campbell  1933
Electric Menu
Ordering of food is automated, without waiters.
Liners of Time Fearn  1935
Electric Monk
Robotic device provides belief services.
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency Adams  1987
Electric Phaetons (Electric Cars)
Vehicles whose motive power is entirely derived from electricity.
A Journey In Other Worlds Astor IV  1894
Electric Plane
An airplane powered entirely by electricity.
Synthetic Cloukey  1930
Electric Protection-Wires (Electrified Fence)
An electric fence.
A Journey In Other Worlds Astor IV  1894
Electric Rifle
A device that shoots an electrical charge.
Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle Appleton  1911
Electric Sheep
An electronic farm animal; a non-organic robot covered with sheepskin that acts like a sheep.
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Dick  1968
Electric Tractor
A farm cultivator that runs entirely on electricity.
World of Purple Light Van Lorne  1936
Electric Typewriter
A typewriter that used the power of electricity to strike the letters onto the paper, rather than the finger muscles of the typist.
Dr. Hackensaw's Secrets Some Minor Inventions Fezandie  1926
Electric Wall
A wall of electric force.
The World With A Thousand Moons Hamilton  1942
Electrical Brain
A mechanism that grants memory an intelligence to machines.
Paradise and Iron Breuer  1930
Electrical Farming Implements
Labor-saving automatic farm equipment.
Looking Forward: A Dream of the United States of the Americas in 1999 Bird  1899
Electrical Grandmother (Robot Grandma)
A robotic companion.
I Sing The Body Electric! Bradbury  1969
Electrical 'Tether'
A device to make sure an astronaut could return from a free space walk.
Edison's Conquest of Mars Serviss  1898
Electrical Valet
A robotic manservant, skilled in dressing its owner.
The Lord of Tranerica Coblentz  1939
Electrically Heated Clothes
Using artificial heating to counteract the cold of space.
Repetition van Vogt  1940
Electric-Automatic Household Robot Cook
A robot chef - an Electric-Automatic Household Benefi­cent Genius!
Ely's Automatic Housemaid Bellamy  1899
Electric-Automatic Housemaid Robot (Automaton)
A very early description of a robot to help around the house.
Ely's Automatic Housemaid Bellamy  1899
Electric-Space-Strain Projector
Device enables the wireless transmission of power.
The Mightiest Machine Campbell  1934
A surface vessel powered entirely by electricity.
A Strange Trip Hopkins  1885
Electrified Fence
A wire fence carrying an electrical charge sufficient to deter crossing the boundary.
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court Twain  1889
Electrify the Rail
Use of substantial electrical charge applied to outer hull to repel potential boarders.
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Verne  1875
Electro-Automatic Pistol
Circular, pocket-sized weapon.
The Worlds of Tomorrow Wellman  1940
Binoculars with electronic focusing.
A Specter is Haunting Texas Leiber  1968
Fired by an electro-gun.
Pirates of the Gorm Schachner  1932
A device used to artificially stimulate cell growth and development.
The Ancient Brain Stangland  1929
The latest thing in electrically stimulated learning.
The Knowledge Machine Hamilton  1948
It shoots electro-bullets.
Pirates of the Gorm Schachner  1932
Electro-Magnet Anchor
Attach a line to a spacecraft hull.
The Space Rover Sloat  1932
Electromagnetic Cannon
A set of devices on the Ringworld used to land spacecraft safely on the fast-moving rim.
Ringworld Niven  1970
Electromagnetic Gun
An electromagnetic railgun angled up a mountainside, which uses electricity for the power to launch a space ship.
The Moon Conquerors Romans  1930
Electromagnetic Shotgun
A device to shut down an artificial intelligence if it becomes dangerous.
Neuromancer Gibson  1984
Electromechanical Educator
An automated teaching machine.
The Fourth R Smith  1959
Electron Gun
How to add a lot of electrons to a lot of positrons?
The Great Thirst Schachner  1934
Electronic Analogue of Living Brain
Imposing the abilities of a human brain into a computer
The Tunnel Under The World Pohl  1955
Electronic Bard
A computing machine that is able to write original poetry.
The Cyberiad: Fables for the Cybernetic Age Lem  1965
Electronic Body Analyzer
A replacement for the human doctor.
The Andromeda Strain Crichton  1969
Electronic Book
An early reference and description of electronic book hardware and operation.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Adams  1979
Electronic Book Store
A place to pick up your electronic books.
Return from the Stars Lem  1961
Electronic Cash
A digital currency, like Bitcoin.
Heavy Weather Sterling  1994
Electronic Image Intensifier
Much more sensitive than the human eye.
A Fall of Moondust Clarke  1961
Electronic Locator
A device that determines the location of a person.
World of Null-A van Vogt  1945
Electronic Spy
An autonomous device that kept itself hidden while keeping track of an individual's activity.
Ring Around the Sun Simak  1952
Electronic Voting
Using computer terminals to register votes from citizens.
The Shockwave Rider Brunner  1975
Electronic-Eyed Snake
A fully automated stomach pump.
Fahrenheit 451 Bradbury  1953
Electronized Gravity Plate
Artificial gravity for use on space stations and spacecraft.
Blood of the Moon Cummings  1936
Focuses the sun's rays on a planetary surface for terraforming purposes.
The Day We Celebrate Bond  1941
An automatic transcription device.
A Fall of Moondust Clarke  1961
A device that could clearly image space battles and space ships, even from a great distance.
The Mines of Haldar Hugi  1934
An autonomous, electric truck.
The Corkscrew of Space Anderson  1956
People who have undergone treatments to extend their lives.
Queen of Angels Bear  1990
Email Shirt
See your email on your shirt.
Oryx and Crake Atwood  2003
A device that imparts memories into the regrown brain, just like uploading content into a computer's random access memory.
Earth Made of Glass Barnes  1998
Embryo Visualization
Special display technique lets researchers see cell development in three dimensions.
Daughter of Elysium Slonczewski  1994
Embryonic Robots
Very small robots, possibly a very early reference to nanotechnology in science fiction.
Counter Clock World Dick  1967
Emergency Air-Suit
A light-duty space suit.
Voyage 13 Cummings  1938
Emergency Corrective Rockets
Used when you seem to be off-course in your spaceship.
The Emperor of the Stars Schachner (w. AL Zagat)  1931
Emergency Lifeboat
A small craft used as a bail-out vehicle from a large space station or spacecraft.
Triplanetary Smith  1934
Emergency Repulsion (Repulsive Ray)
A beam of force that repels one object from another.
Blood of the Moon Cummings  1936
Emergency Repulsion Ray
A handheld means of propulsion in space.
Earth-Venus 12 Wilson  1936
Emergency Shelter
A small cubicle that provides a last refuge in case the spacecraft's atmosphere is lost.
2001: A Space Odyssey Clarke  1968
Emergency Space-Boat
An escape ship.
Revolt of the Star Men Gallun  1932
Emergency Space-Suit
A compacted space-suit stored for emergency use.
Pirates of the Gorm Schachner  1932
Emergency Treatment Tank (Chamber)
A fully enclosed regeneration device.
Agent of Vega Schmitz  1949
An autonomous worm that searches the Net for lack of courtesy.
Earth Brin  1990
Emissarial Projection
An expert system able to converse and act in the capacity of ambassador.
The Algebraist Banks  2004
Emotion Meter
A device for empirically determining human emotion.
The Emotion Meter Nevins, III  1935
Emotional Register (ER)
A small disk worn in the forehead that discloses the emotional state of the wearer.
The Primal Urge Aldiss  1961
A being capable of telepathic empathy with others.
Empath McIntosh  1956
Empathy Box
A device which allows a group of people to empathize with a single person (like television lets many people view the same broadcast).
The Little Black Box Dick  1964
Empty Man
A fully-functioning body, the personality of which had been wiped clean.
A World Out of Time Niven  1976
Energy Converter
Massive unit on the sunside of Mercury converts heat into energy, and beams it around the solar system.
Runaround Asimov  1942
Energy Curtain Key
A small handheld "key" to shut off a force field.
Venus Mines, Incorporated Schachner (w. AL Zagat)  1931
Energy Screen
A field of force.
Far Centaurus van Vogt  1944
Energy Weapon
A device that fires pure energy, used as a weapon.
The Mightiest Machine Campbell  1934
Device projects destructive power.
The Last Castle Vance  1967
Engineless Automobile Hover
No engine, no steering wheel, yet it runs.
An Adventure in Time Flagg  1930
Environmental Happening
Weather created as a work of art.
The Phantom of Kansas Varley  1976
E-paper Hologram
A cover image that really pops out at the viewer.
Darwin's Children Bear  2003
E-paper Newspaper
A paper-thin, flexible LCD-style display that is large enough to display a full newspaper page.
Minority Report (Movie) Spielberg  2002
Epileptigenic Ray
Ray causes uncontrollable spasms in human subjects.
Sixth Column MacDonald  1941
EPR Phone
Telephony that uses quantum effects for transmission - and is therefore the ultimate in anti-eavesdropping technology.
Mariposa Bear  2009
Erased Memory
A procedure that deletes selected memories from the human mind.
We Can Remember It For You Wholesale Dick  1966
Eros Ship-Planetoid
A vast cylindrical ship, long thought to be a planetoid.
The Great Illusion Garth  1938
Ersatz Window
A display device used in a room without an actual view of the outside; it shows a projection of a real scene.
Galactic Pot-Healer Dick  1969
A ladder that you don't have to climb to get to the top.
Crashlander Niven  1994
Escape Pod
A small automated ship attached to a larger ship or station, used in the event of an emergency.
The Vanisher Shaara  1954
Escape Pod (Life Pod, Boat Pod)
A small ship used solely as a "life boat."
Star Wars Lucas  1976
Escape Port
Emergency egress from a space ship for one person.
Hell Ship of Space Kummer, Jr.  1940
A small spacecraft used when abandoning the main ship.
The Ethical Equations Leinster  1945
A disposable medium for reading electronic messages.
Darwin's Children Bear  2003
A person to perceive the contents of another person's mind.
The Demolished Man Bester  1952
Esper Photo Analysis
A device that can find remarkable levels of detail from a photograph.
Blade Runner Scott  1982
Espionage Machine
A machine that makes it possible to experience the sensations of another person at a distance.
No, No, Not Rogov! Smith  1958
E-Suit (Environmental Suit)
A forcefield that encloses air and heat around the body, but does not repel objects or radiation.
Chindi McDevitt  2002
Eternity Drug
A medication that puts a person into a deep hibernation-like sleep for decades at a time.
Far Centaurus van Vogt  1944
Ether Boat
A space craft.
Murder on the Asteroid Binder  1933
Ether Eddy
A shimmering region of space marking a break-through into another universe.
The Cavern of the Shining Pool Zagat  1937
Ether Ship
A space-going ship.
Aleriel or A Voyage to Other Worlds Lach-Szyrma  1886
Etheric Propulsion-Vibrations
Faster-than-light travel.
The Star-Roamers Hamilton  1933
Etheric Typhoon
The idea that space itself can have disturbances.
A Question of Salvage Jameson  1939
A device that looked at the 'ether' pervading space as a means of determining gravitation field strength.
Spawn of the Red Giants Long, Jr.  1937
Spacefraft fueled by radioactive materials.
Red Star Bogdanov  1908
Etherphone Receiver
A special earpiece to hear coded updates.
Hotel Cosmos Gallun  1938
The communications spectrum of the solar system.
The Duel on the Asteroid Miller (w/D. McDermott)  1932
An invisibility field.
Triplanetary Smith  1934
Ethical Calculus
Mathematics used to determine positive social conduct.
Alpha Centauri Meier  1999
Ethical Suicide Parlor
A comfy environment in which you might commit ethical suicide, and thereby serve society.
Welcome to the Monkey House Vonnegut, Jr.  1958
Evacuating Arms
Empty out the contents of an airlock exposed to space.
Space Flotsam Gallun  1934
EverRest Cryotorium
Rest forever in cryonic suspension among the stars.
Flare Zelazny  1992
Evolution Machine
A device that accelerates the process of evolution by millions of times.
The Man Who Evolved Hamilton  1931
Tailored microbes to repair human flesh.
The Caryatids Sterling  2009
Exodus Ship
A generation ship to save a culture from extinction.
Tani of Ekkis Reeves  1930
Fighting suit
A Good Old-Fashioned Future Sterling  1999
Exoskeleton (Medical)
Specially designed for Thins, eight-foot tall microgravity humans.
A Specter is Haunting Texas Leiber  1968
Express Dolphin
A most agreeable means of locomotion under the waves.
Le Monde Tel Qu'il Sera (The World As It Shall Be) Souvestre  1846
External Eyelenses
Way retro means of correcting vision problems in human beings.
Altered Carbon Morgan  2003
From another dimension.
Skylark of Valeron Smith  1934
Extraecliptic Travel Lanes
Organized interplanetary travel using routes not confined to the ecliptic.
A Question of Salvage Jameson  1939
Extra-Factual Memory
A "memory" placed in a person's mind by artifice, rather than by real life experience.
We Can Remember It For You Wholesale Dick  1966
Extra-Terra Bio-Institute (ETBI) Bio-Conditioning
The overarching work of adapting human beings to alien worlds.
The Impossible World Binder  1939
EYE Program
A massive government database on civilians.
Spark Twelve Hawks  2014
Corneal cap that acts as a pair of goggles for extreme depth diving.
Starfish Watts  1999
A projection system using small goggles to project an image directly on your eye.
Idoru Gibson  1996
A generic term for the external computing processing unit needed for eye implants.
WWW: Wake Sawyer  2009
Flying remote-operated surveillance drones.
This Moment of the Storm Zelazny  1966

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