Device Name |
Book/Story |
Author |
Date |
ICE (intrusion countermeasures electronics) Electronic protection for computer databases. |
Neuromancer |
Gibson |
1984 |
Ice Dart A variation on an old locked door mystery idea. |
Nanotime |
Kosko |
1987 |
Iceberg Water Tub An enormous bag or tub that encloses an iceberg used to supply fresh water. |
Oath of Fealty |
Pournelle (w/L. Niven) |
1981 |
Ice-Nine A crystalline form of water so stable that in practical terms it would never melt. |
Cat's Cradle |
Vonnegut, Jr. |
1963 |
Icon Thumbsized Image A very early reference to a screen icon. |
2001: A Space Odyssey |
Clarke |
1968 |
Ideator A computer device specifically made to help model genes and proteins for identification. |
Darwin's Children |
Bear |
2003 |
Ident Darts Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that track individuals. |
The Electric Ant |
Dick |
1969 |
Identification Beacon Radio pulse to identify orbiting craft. |
Methuselah's Children |
Heinlein |
1941 |
Identification Ring An apparently ordinary ring, which minutely describes and identifies its wearer. |
Sinister Barrier |
Russell |
1939 |
Identificator A hologram projector used to flash door signs. |
The Star King |
Vance |
1964 |
Ident-Key Allows the retrieval of a person's entire history of reading material, allowing the prediction of his future thinking. |
The Penultimate Truth |
Dick |
1964 |
Idoru A virtual person like a video game character; an entity given specific characteristics, existing only in computer networks. |
Idoru |
Gibson |
1996 |
Igloo Inflatable Moon Habitat An inflatable, portable lunar shelter that can be easily moved and set up. |
A Fall of Moondust |
Clarke |
1961 |
Igloo-Shaped Space Shelter Easy to set up on airless asteroids. |
Collision Orbit |
Williamson |
1942 |
Illuminum A metal that glows with its own light. |
Altered Carbon |
Morgan |
2003 |
Illyrion Super-heavy and super-stable elements with atomic numbers greater than 296. |
Nova |
Delany |
1968 |
Ilse The first intelligent ship brain. |
Long Shot |
Vinge |
1972 |
Image-Amps Boost the signal from the eyes to see in the dark. |
Neuromancer |
Gibson |
1984 |
Immersive Home Video Technology lets users interact with home videos. |
Minority Report (Movie) |
Spielberg |
2002 |
Immunocules Very small, lightweight objects able to move in three dimensions; they form a protective shield against airborne devices. |
The Diamond Age |
Stephenson |
1995 |
Imp Personal Robot A small 'subtree' robot that is designed for the personal use of astronauts. |
Rocheworld |
Forward |
1985 |
Impact Suit A body suit that is flexible, but upon a hard impact becomes rigid and impenetrable. |
The Flying Sorcerers |
Gerrold (w/L, Niven) |
1971 |
Impactor Determines Composition The use of an impactor to smash into a small celestial body; watching the impact can determine the composition of the small body. |
The Mechanical Monarch |
Tubb |
1958 |
Imperial Handicraft Globe Perfectly crafted globe for planetary governors. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Impermite A substance that is impervious to penetration. |
Redmask of the Outlands |
Schachner |
1934 |
Impervium Unique material is impenetrable and indestructible. |
Clash by Night |
O'Donnell |
1943 |
Implanted Comlink Transceiver inserted below the skin. |
Savior |
Kress |
2004 |
Implanted Credit Card A credit card system that could be surgically implanted; uses radio frequency identification to communicate with checkout hardware. |
The Diamond Age |
Stephenson |
1995 |
Implanted Interface With Retinal Nerves Circuitry that provides a 'look' at what the eye sees. |
The Continuous Katherine Mortenhoe (The Unsleeping Eye) |
Compton |
1973 |
Implanted Microprocessor Monitor Chips that are implanted in people to ensure compliance with company rules. |
Neuromancer |
Gibson |
1984 |
Implanted Steel Teeth Replacement teeth implanted in the jaw. |
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch |
Dick |
1965 |
Implanted Tranceiver Device enables two-way communication with needing to carry a device. |
The Godmakers |
Herbert |
1972 |
Implant-Watch Subcutaneous timepiece; uses patterns of colored lights to show the time. |
Cloak of Anarchy |
Niven |
1972 |
Imprint (A Ditto Blank) Impress one's personality upon a 'ditto blank' android. |
Kiln People |
Brin |
2002 |
Improve Memory Help immortals make sense of their memories. |
Methuselah's Children |
Heinlein |
1941 |
Indestructible Contract Legal document in which can't be easily altered or damaged. |
Dorsai! |
Dickson |
1960 |
Indirect Cold Light Apparently source-less lighting, highly efficient, with no waste heat. |
The Silent Destroyer |
Juve |
1929 |
Individual Flyer Personal antigravity and wing unit. |
Asteroid Pirates |
Heckman |
1938 |
Individualized Clothing Manufacture A device that will produce suits of clothing based on measurement data gathered. |
When the Sleeper Wakes |
Wells |
1899 |
Indoor Stadium An entirely enclosed baseball stadium. |
Flamingo: A Drama of A.D. 1950 |
Heller |
1930 |
Indoor Weighted Belt Device to stay grounded in low gravity on the Moon. |
Blood of the Moon |
Cummings |
1936 |
Inert Resin A special coating that eliminates maintenance on marine structures. |
Islands in the Net |
Sterling |
1988 |
Inertia Screen A device that canceled out the law of inertia to help decelerating space craft occupants. |
Space Rating |
Berryman |
1939 |
Inertia Tank A device that protected its delicate contents by cushioning. |
Masson's Secret |
Gallun |
1939 |
Inertial Bracelet Device to still hand tremors. |
Psychohistorical Crisis |
Kingsbury |
2001 |
Inertialess Drive Faster-than-light travel achieved! |
Triplanetary |
Smith |
1934 |
Inertron Material with all the properties of heavier metals, but lighter. |
Armageddon: 2419 A.D. |
Nowlan |
1928 |
Inert-Wear Clothing made of dead fibers; clothing that is unmoving, static. |
Say Goodby to the Wind |
Ballard |
1970 |
Infiltrators Surveillance devices, small and insectile. |
Vulcan's Hammer |
Dick |
1960 |
Infinite Improbability Drive Generates a field in which anything, no mater how improbable, can exist. |
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy |
Adams |
1979 |
Inflatable Air Lock Air lock making use of inflatable side walls to achieve large size. |
Space Tug |
Leinster |
1953 |
Inflatable Church A church using an inflatable projection screen as an altar. |
The Shockwave Rider |
Brunner |
1975 |
Inflatable Expansion Bubble Inflatable chamber to provide temporary additional space for cramped space craft. |
Crashlander |
Niven |
1994 |
Inflatable Living-Globe An inflatable bubble in space, suitable for human habitation. |
The Beat Cluster |
Leiber |
1961 |
Inflatable Lunar Resort An inflatable structure on the moon, intended to provide rest and relaxation to lunar residents. |
Solar Lottery |
Dick |
1955 |
Inflatable Roofed Valley A habitat on an asteroid created by placing a tent-like roof over a natural valley or depression, and then inflating it. |
Misfit |
Heinlein |
1939 |
Infowar Operation Making use of various means to disrupt the enemy's military and civilian information networks. |
Distraction |
Sterling |
1998 |
Ingestible Communication Capsule A tiny transmitter that can be swallowed, which makes possible voice communication. |
Triplanetary |
Smith |
1934 |
Inorganic Evolution A process by which robots could alter their own structure, or the ways that they interact with other robots, to adapt to a changing world. |
The Invincible |
Lem |
1954 |
Insosuit A space suit specially designed to resist extreme heat. |
Runaround |
Asimov |
1942 |
Instant Customized Clothing A machine that produced a selected item of clothing, on the spot, based on customer demand. |
Methuselah's Children |
Heinlein |
1941 |
Instant Photography A photograph that develops immediately inside the camera. |
The Silent Destroyer |
Juve |
1929 |
Instantaneous Kodaks (Traffic Control) Use of cameras to help police officers enforce speed limits. |
A Journey In Other Worlds |
Astor IV |
1894 |
Integral Calculator A device that accepts complex equations and solves them. |
Exiles of the Moon |
Schachner (w. AL Zagat) |
1931 |
Intellectual Cell A smart lymphocyte; a cell with enhanced capacity for memory, understanding and communication. |
Blood Music |
Bear |
1984 |
Intelligent Trash Sorting Robots sort the garbage - almost completely. |
Robot Justice |
Harrison |
1959 |
Interactive Blackboard Early description of an interactive display device for lectures and demonstrations. |
Vulcan's Hammer |
Dick |
1960 |
Interactive Map A small book with a 'touch-screen' paper interactive map. |
Return from the Stars |
Lem |
1961 |
Interactive Suicide Note A last message for the people you are leaving behind - that encourages their participation. |
Press Enter |
Varley |
1984 |
Interactive Video Column A video display in a chain convenience store that shows random scenes from other stores in the chain around the world. |
All Tomorrow's Parties |
Gibson |
1999 |
Interchangeable Hands Specialized manual extremities. |
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch |
Dick |
1965 |
Interests Profile An intelligent agent; a software program with your personal tastes on file. |
The Age of The Pussyfoot |
Pohl |
1966 |
Intergalactic Going between galaxies. |
Invaders From The Infinite |
Campbell |
1932 |
Internal Body Power Pack A tiny battery used to power implants. |
The Stars My Destination |
Bester |
1956 |
International Fantasy Gaming Society (IFGS) A group dedicated to playing live action role-playing games. |
Dream Park |
Niven (w/S. Barnes) |
1981 |
Internet Addiction A state in which human beings experience addiction to computer access and data streams. |
Hyperion |
Simmons |
1989 |
Interplanetary Clearance Bureaucratic red tape associated with busy space ports. |
Methuselah's Children |
Heinlein |
1941 |
Interplanetary Communications Center The backbone for a solar system-wide communications system. |
QRM - Interplanetary |
Smith |
1942 |
Interplanetary Passport Required document for space travelers. |
Murder in the Void |
Hamilton |
1938 |
Interplanetary Radiograph Station Network of communication in the solar system. |
On The Martian Way |
Bishop |
1907 |
Interplanetary Restaurant An eatery and watering hole designed for use by a variety of space-faring races. |
Asteroid Pirates |
Heckman |
1938 |
Interplanetary Union Of Spacemen An organized union of people who work in space. |
Old Fireball |
Schachner |
1941 |
Interplanetary-Liner A vast passenger ship in space. |
Liners of Space |
Vanny |
1930 |
Interstellar Express Car Uses anti-gravitation metal to achieve terrific speeds in space. |
In the Deep of Time |
Lathrop |
1897 |
Interstellar Laser Propulsion System A means of traveling to the stars, using a Sol-based laser system and light sail-equipped ship. |
Rocheworld |
Forward |
1985 |
Inter-Universal Messenger A device intended to travel to another dimension. |
Cities in Flight |
Blish |
1957 |
Inter-Vehicle Communication The ability to talk car-to-car directly. |
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch |
Dick |
1965 |
Interway Computer-controlled highway. |
The Tels |
Black |
2003 |
IntruGrab A system designed to capture intruders. |
The Hunch |
Anvil |
1961 |
Inurbanity (Inurbane) Criminal penalties for persons who are unable to behave properly in crowded cubic cities. |
The Cubic City |
Tucker, D.D. |
1929 |
Invasion Gate For Aliens Using alien instructions to create a gate for alien invasion. |
Monsters of Mars |
Hamilton |
1931 |
Inviolability Field A kind of field of force built into a robe, to protect an individual person. |
Gather, Darkness! |
Leiber |
1943 |
Invisibility The idea that it is possible to make a person invisible using some sort of optical technology to alter the body. |
The Invisible Man |
Wells |
1897 |
Invisibility Magnets They can cloak a space ship by bending light around it. |
Redmask of the Outlands |
Schachner |
1934 |
Invisibility Shield A means of concealing a physical object to the naked eye. |
Triplanetary |
Smith |
1934 |
Invisible Cloak A cloak that renders the wearer invisible. |
Brigands of the Moon |
Cummings |
1930 |
Invisible Watchmen Automated 'home security' sentry system that targets and eliminates intruders. |
Murder in the Void |
Hamilton |
1938 |
Invulnerable Wall A material created by insects that grew stronger as it was compressed. |
Jackpot |
Simak |
1956 |
Ion Cannon Fires blasts of charged particles. |
Star Wars |
Lucas |
1976 |
Ion Drive A space drive that emits a stream of ions as reaction mass; it starts out slow but builds up to interstellar speeds. |
Equalizer |
Williamson |
1947 |
Iridium Spirals (Street Lights) Streetlights provide sunlight at night. |
Ralph 124c 41 + |
Gernsback |
1911 |
Iridium-Sponge Brain A human-like metal brain for robots. |
Adam Link's Vengeance |
Binder |
1940 |
Iron Fingers Special metal manipulators set on the hull of a space craft, and manipulated from the inside. |
The Death's Head Meteor |
Jones |
1930 |
Iron Inlay Plates Works perfectly with an electromagnetic table to maintain place settings. |
A Daring Trip To Mars |
Valier |
1931 |
Iron Man Robot With Human Brain A huge robot with a tub containing a human brain. |
Iron Man |
Ernst |
1933 |
Ironing Robot A robot that smooths the wrinkles out of clothing. |
Iron (утюг) |
Mikheev |
1972 |
Isolation Barrage Device prevents eavesdropping. |
Wandl, The Invader |
Cummings |
1932 |
Ixian Probe A device that looks at brain tissue so carefully that memories can be seen. |
Heretics of Dune |
Herbert |
1984 |
Ixian Sight Mask Device to allow the blind to see. |
Children of Dune |
Herbert |
1976 |