Device Name |
Book/Story |
Author |
Date |
Fabricow Cattle and other creatures that create gene-designed biomachinery in their wombs. |
Piecework |
Brin |
1990 |
Fabricules Tiny bits of fabric that were self-cleaning; gloves made of this material always stayed clean. |
The Diamond Age |
Stephenson |
1995 |
Face Dancer Mimicry enhanced through genetic manipulation. |
Dune Messiah |
Herbert |
1969 |
Face Recognition Sunglasses Sunglasses that connect with a remote database to perform face recognition. |
The Water Knife |
Bacigalupi |
2015 |
Face Seal A dive mask for deep sea diving. |
Starfish |
Watts |
1999 |
Face-Plate The transparent front of a space suit helmet. |
Skylark Three |
Smith |
1930 |
Factory Crawler (or Harvester Crawler) A mobile factory which filtered and processed the sands of Dune for the spice, mélange. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Fairy Digits (Tiny Waldoes) Waldoes used for very fine work. |
Waldo |
Heinlein |
1942 |
Fake-Meter A pocket-sized counterfeit currency detector. |
The Killing Machine |
Vance |
1964 |
False Animal Repairman A specialized roboticist who repaired robotic animals. |
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? |
Dick |
1968 |
Family Atomics Noble houses had their own atomic weapons. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Famnexdo A set of four simulacra, one adult male, one adult female and two children; the family next door. |
The Simulacra |
Dick |
1964 |
Fan Ray A protective ray screen in the shape of a cone. |
The Onslaught From Venus |
Phillips |
1929 |
Fanmetal High tensile strength material; used in collapsible structures opened by "fanning" them out. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Farcaster A portal for traveling between distant stars; inexpensive, instantaneous travel to remote worlds. |
Hyperion |
Simmons |
1989 |
Farming Trantor Taking apart a vast city, and returning to farming the land. |
Second Foundation |
Asimov |
1953 |
Farside The portion of the Moon's surface that faces away from Earth. |
We Have Fed Our Sea |
Anderson |
1958 |
Faster-Than-Light Describes something that exceeds the usual speed limit on physical objects of 186,282 miles per second in vacuum. |
Islands of Space |
Campbell |
1931 |
Fatline A communications technology that provides immediate communication between star systems; faster-than-light communication. |
Hyperion |
Simmons |
1989 |
Feeding Room An automated child care. |
Le Monde Tel Qu'il Sera (The World As It Shall Be) |
Souvestre |
1846 |
Feeler-Planes Special sensors that make extremely detailed three-dimensional models. |
The Houses of Iszm |
Vance |
1954 |
Feelies (Feely) Device adds the tactile element to entertainment. |
Brave New World |
Huxley |
1932 |
Femfatalatron A device that reverses an infatuation for a particular woman. |
The Cyberiad: Fables for the Cybernetic Age |
Lem |
1965 |
Fencing Mirror A dummy fighting instructor for the young Kwisatz Haderach-in-training. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Fenton Silencer A device to cancel noise over a broad area. |
Tales from the White Hart |
Clarke |
1957 |
Ferretscope A counter-surveillance tool to detect the presence of listening devices. |
If This Goes On... |
Heinlein |
1940 |
Fido Combination television, news camera and surveillance device. |
Riders of the Purple Wage |
Farmer |
1967 |
Field-Minder An agricultural robot. |
But Who Can Replace A Man |
Aldiss |
1958 |
Field-Projector A device that dematerializes a person and then sends forth a ray that will then rematerialize a person at the end. |
Easy Money |
Hamilton |
1938 |
Fieldstim A device that used stimulation of a large skin area to impart images to the user. |
Freezone |
Shirley |
1985 |
Fight Machine (Boxing Robot) An autonomous boxer. |
Jingle in the Jungle |
Giunta |
1957 |
Filament Paper Book Very small book, made for space travelers in an era when the smallest added weight was costly. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Filing Crystal Part kiosk, part storage system. |
Babel-17 |
Delany |
1966 |
Filling Station Moon The idea that Man could first go to the Moon to obtain fuel or propellant. |
A Daring Trip To Mars |
Valier |
1931 |
Filmag A video magazine. |
Sunward Flight |
Zagat |
1943 |
Filmbook A storage medium for information, both text and video. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Filter Program Using programs to filter Internet results; a person need see only what they want to see. |
Earth |
Brin |
1990 |
Filter Wheel A device for filtering liquid or gas to obtain a pure sample of a selected molecule. |
The Diamond Age |
Stephenson |
1995 |
Filterable Virus A special virus that is instantly carcinomatous. |
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch |
Dick |
1965 |
Filter-Mask Perfect for dystopian future air pollution. |
The Sheep Look Up |
Brunner |
1972 |
Filt-Plug A nose plug worn to collect moisture from exhaled air. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Finely Divided Dust Propellant Reaction mass to drive spacecraft. |
Earthlight |
Clarke |
1955 |
Finger Jet Bath The ultimate in luxury tubs. |
The Houses of Iszm |
Vance |
1954 |
Finger Watch A ring that contains a working timepiece and a display. |
Key Decision |
Fyfe |
1951 |
Fire Storm When clouds of antimatter dust encountered ordinary matter spaceships. |
Collision Orbit |
Williamson |
1942 |
Firebulance An ambulance equipped to sterilize by fire. |
Vector |
St. Clair |
1958 |
First Contact The initial encounter with a non-human race. |
Proxima Centauri |
Leinster |
1935 |
Fixed Star Advertising In which the positions of the fixed stars are changed to form advertising. |
Pi in the Sky |
Brown |
1945 |
Flame Barrier A form of protective force field. |
The Storm |
van Vogt |
1943 |
Flame Disintegrator Ravening flames from a hand-held device. |
The Eternal Wanderer |
Schachner |
Astounding |
Flame Pistol A hand-held weapon that incinerates opponents. |
Invisible Ships |
Vincent |
1931 |
Flame Projector Handheld device shoots flame. |
Water-Bound World |
Vincent |
1932 |
Flash Crowd (Flash Mob) What you call a group of people who suddenly appear at an interesting location. |
Flash Crowd |
Niven |
1972 |
Flash Suit Special suit for practice battles. |
Ender's Game |
Card |
1985 |
Flashlight Laser Small cylindrical device that generates a green beam of variable intensity and focal length; can illuminate or cut. |
Ringworld |
Niven |
1970 |
Flat Cat A nearly two-dimensional furry little beast. |
The Rolling Stones |
Heinlein |
1952 |
Flat Photo A two-dimensional pictorial representation of a three-dimensional real space. A picture. |
Hyperion |
Simmons |
1989 |
Flatscreen Movie Like holographic or three-dimensional recordings, but showing only two dimensions. |
Orbital Resources |
Barnes |
1991 |
Flavor-Capsule A small pill used to turn ordinary water into a flavored beverage. |
Foundation and Empire |
Asimov |
1952 |
Flavor-Fix Rheostat Technology makes sure that the flavor of automatically-produced food is perfect. |
The Jester |
Tenn |
1951 |
Flesh Gun A weapon that burns the skin and meat off the victim. |
The Computer Connection |
Bester |
1974 |
Flesh Men Thinking beings that are not mechanical robots - human beings. |
Robots of the World! Arise! |
Wolf |
1952 |
Flesh Putty A flesh replacement, good for putting in bullet holes. |
Titanium Noir |
Harkaway |
2023 |
Flexible Armor Suit A pressure suit that, while flexible, becomes rigid like armor upon impact. |
Neutron Star |
Niven |
1966 |
Flexible Car Map A nonrigid map that extrudes from the dashboard of a car when needed. |
Heavy Weather |
Sterling |
1994 |
Flexible Frank An all-purpose household robot. |
The Door Into Summer |
Heinlein |
1956 |
Flexible Metal Arms (Tentacles) An interesting description of how mechanical tentacles might function. |
The Metal Giants |
Hamilton |
1926 |
Flexible Sprung Boots Boots designed to be flexible when walking, but upon a hard step, will have a spring characteristic. |
Inherit the Stars |
Hogan |
1977 |
Flexible Stem A long flexible tube that can expand and contract its length quickly. |
The Killing Machine |
Vance |
1964 |
Flexible Wall Sheet Display A large clear sheet that displays information. |
The Mechanical Monarch |
Tubb |
1958 |
Flexitime A work system that actually tells you when you've put in your time. |
Master of Space and Time |
Rucker |
1984 |
Flex-Wheels Special wheels designed for getting around on the Moon. |
2001: A Space Odyssey |
Clarke |
1968 |
Flexy (or Flexies) A flexible, quasi-living computer. |
Pushing Ice |
Reynolds |
2005 |
Flicker Drive A space ship drive that allows instantaneous travel across the galaxy. |
Fremder |
Hoban |
1996 |
Flickercladding A covering that allowed robots to absorb incident light or emit light, as needed. |
Wetware |
Rucker |
1988 |
Flight Stick A personal flying vehicle, stripped down to the basics. |
The Flight of the Horse |
Niven |
1969 |
Flip to Brake Maneuver to put the tail end (with rocket output) in the forward direction of travel to use for lowering velocity. |
Murder on the Asteroid |
Binder |
1933 |
Flitter A small craft used for short-range journeys. |
Vortex Blaster |
Smith |
1941 |
Flitterboat A one-man cargo space craft. |
A Spaceship Named McGuire |
Garrett |
1961 |
Floater A device that allows the user to literally float in the air |
Armageddon: 2419 A.D. |
Nowlan |
1928 |
Floater (Vehicle) A conveyance distinguished primarily by antigravity power. |
The Machine |
Campbell |
1935 |
Float-home Living entity genetically designed for use as a houseboat. |
Whipping Star |
Herbert |
1969 |
Floating Booths Comfortable bar booths that float around and come together for conversation. |
Handicap |
Niven |
1967 |
Floating Building An apartment building that floats a few feet off the ground. |
Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said |
Dick |
1974 |
Floating Castle A vast building floating freely above the land surface of Ringworld. |
Ringworld |
Niven |
1970 |
Floating Island Large artificial islands floating on Earth's seas. |
Saturn's Race |
Niven (w/S. Barnes) |
2000 |
Floating Lunar Dust Electrostatically charged particles that float above the surface of the Moon. |
Dust Rag |
Clement |
1956 |
Floating Robot A robot that floats in mid-air. |
The Floating Robot |
O'Brien |
1941 |
Floating Spherical Pool Control of gravity permits mid-air pools of water. |
One Against The Legion |
Williamson |
1939 |
Floating Villa An artificial island several acres in extent. |
Doom Over Venus |
Hamilton |
1940 |
Fluid Metal Letters A smooth metal display able to display words. |
Vulcan's Hammer |
Dick |
1960 |
Fluor Strips Lighting long narrow devices. |
Sacred Martian Pig (Idris' Pig) |
St. Clair |
1949 |
Flycycle Combination flying motorcycle, kitchen and autodoc. |
Ringworld |
Niven |
1970 |
Flying Car Flying police car has VTOL. |
Blade Runner |
Scott |
1982 |
Flying Crowbars Kinetic energy weapons deployed from space. |
Footfall |
Niven (w/J. Pournelle) |
1985 |
Flying Eye A remote-controlled device for surveillance overflight. |
The Repairman |
Harrison |
1959 |
Flying Harness Device allows free movement in the air. |
The Skylark of Space |
Smith |
1928 |
Flying Platform Simple black squares that fly and hover. |
Locked Worlds |
Hamilton |
1929 |
Flying Robot Drone Probe A remote-controlled flying drone used for remote investigation and surveillance. |
The Man in the Maze |
Silverberg |
1969 |
Flying Saucer Spacecraft flown by the androgynes of Titan - under control of the Puppetmasters. |
The Puppet Masters |
Heinlein |
1951 |
Flying Wing A V-shaped plane capable of flight to the edge of the atmosphere. |
Triplanetary |
Smith |
1934 |
Flywheel Cycle A motorcycle powered by a flywheel. |
The Stainless Steel Rat's Revenge |
Harrison |
1970 |
Flywheel Launcher Gigantic flywheels that build up enough power to launch a spacecraft - hurl it into the heavens! |
The Brick Moon |
Hale |
1869 |
Foam Station Sprayer A device that stills the stormy Great Red Spot on Jupiter. |
Red Storm on Jupiter |
Long, Jr. |
1936 |
Focusing Psychoactive microbe improves the attention-focusing ability of those infected. |
A Deepness in the Sky |
Vinge |
1999 |
Fold Box A chest that is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. |
Glory Road |
Heinlein |
1963 |
Folding Computer Terminal A foldable pocket computer. |
The Merchants of Souls |
Barnes |
2002 |
Folding Terminal A computer that unfolds itself for use. |
The Mountain in the Sea |
Naylor |
2022 |
Fontema A strange two 'wheeled' animal. |
First Lensman |
Smith |
1950 |
Food Brick Appropriate manufactured food for any species. |
Ringworld |
Niven |
1970 |
Food Factory Mechanized production of food by entirely artificial means. |
Exiles of the Moon |
Schachner (w. AL Zagat) |
1931 |
Food Pellets Sustenance in a concentrated form. |
The Republic of the Future |
Dodd |
1887 |
Food Pills A substitute for ordinary nutrition. |
A Strange Trip |
Hopkins |
1885 |
Food Preparation Machine An automated device for the production of complete meals. |
Unto Us A Child Is Born |
Keller |
1933 |
Food Tablet All of your nutrients in one easy-to-swallow form factor. |
John Jones's Dollar |
Keeler |
1915 |
Foot Loops Hold yourself down in zero gravity situations with this low-tech device. |
The Power Planet |
Leinster |
1931 |
Force Pencil Device straps to forearm, projects a force beam. |
Gather, Darkness! |
Leiber |
1943 |
Forced Scholars Hothouse intellectuals. |
Le Monde Tel Qu'il Sera (The World As It Shall Be) |
Souvestre |
1846 |
Force-Field A barrier to objects, created by projected forces. |
A Subterranean Adventure |
Bauer |
1930 |
Force-Field Penknife A pocket-sized knife, the blade of which is a force-field. |
Foundation |
Asimov |
1951 |
Force-Ray A large, hand-held spear of force. |
Buck Rogers, 2430 AD |
Nowlan (w/D. Calkins) |
1929 |
Force-Screen A variation on the force shield idea. |
The Dweller in Outer Darkness |
Long, Jr. |
1939 |
Fornixation Electrical stimulation of the pleasure centers of the brain. |
Riders of the Purple Wage |
Farmer |
1967 |
Forward Warehousing Using the trunks of cars as little warehouses. |
Stealing Worlds |
Schroeder |
2019 |
Fossil Shell Coin The use of rare natural shells of an extinct species, for money. |
The Coming Race |
Bulwer-Lytton |
1871 |
Fottengill Process An early mention of the idea that energy can be derived from random noise. |
Gypped |
Biggle, Jr. |
1956 |
Fractal Knife The blade uses a fractal geometry to increase its cutting surface. |
Virtual Light |
Gibson |
1993 |
Free Fall Phrase describing how bodies move in orbit. |
The Shot Into Infinity |
Gail |
1929 |
Free Play (The Mind Game) A computer simulation that presents an enjoyable game for young people that is also used for psychological evaluation. |
Ender's Game |
Card |
1985 |
Free Return Trajectory The idea that it would be possible for a projectile to go around the Moon and then return to Earth. |
From the Earth to the Moon |
Verne |
1867 |
Free Robot A robot without a master. |
Robot Unwanted |
Keyes |
1952 |
Free Telephone Call All telephone calls are free - in exchange for short commercials. |
The Subliminal Man |
Ballard |
1963 |
Freedom ID A chip inserted into the hand for identification (and surveillance) purposes. |
Spark |
Twelve Hawks |
2014 |
Freedom Machine A birth control device developed using nanotechnology. |
The Diamond Age |
Stephenson |
1995 |
Free-fall Couch Furniture that achieves the comfort of free-fall, the weightless condition normally achieved only in space. |
Hyperion |
Simmons |
1989 |
Freeside Orbital Resort A resort that orbits the Earth. |
Neuromancer |
Gibson |
1984 |
Freezebox A chamber for long term sleep between the stars. |
Think Blue, Count Two |
Smith |
1962 |
Freezone A vast floating island in international waters. |
Freezone |
Shirley |
1985 |
Fresher Short for "refreshing chamber,", it is the future of personal hygiene technology. |
Methuselah's Children |
Heinlein |
1941 |
Frictionless Cups Cups with a special surface to which liquid does not adhere. |
Protector |
Niven |
1973 |
Frictionless Toilet A toilet bowl that does not require water, because its surface is frictionless. |
The Mote in God's Eye |
Niven (w/J. Pournelle) |
1974 |
Fruit-Picking Machine An humanoid machine for automatic fruit picking. |
The Hidden Colony |
von Hanstein |
1935 |
FTL Abbreviation for "faster than light". |
The Enchanted Forest |
Leiber |
1950 |
Fuel Tree Plants raised as fuel. |
Anathem |
Stephenson |
2008 |
Fulgurator An 'autopropulsive projectile'. |
Facing The Flag |
Verne |
1896 |
Fuligin A material the color of which is blacker than black. |
The Shadow of the Torturer |
Wolfe |
1980 |
Full-Motion Building Advertising Facade An advertising display that covers an entire skyscraper; it provides full-motion video to onlookers. |
Blade Runner |
Scott |
1982 |
Full-Shift Set Variable Infinite possibilities built into a game machine. |
Return Match |
Dick |
1967 |
Funnel-Shaped Landing Framework A special purpose landing dock area that is wider at the top until the craft is captured toward the bottom. |
Evans of the Earth-Guard |
Hamilton |
1930 |
Fur Pressure-Suit A warm pressurized suit for use in the airless void of space. |
The Skylark of Space |
Smith |
1928 |
Fusion Power Creating energy from nuclear fusion reactions. |
The Judas Valley |
Vance |
1956 |
Fusion Sunlight Tube Central light source for a spun cylinder space station. |
At the Bottom of a Hole |
Niven |
1966 |
Fyunch(click) An alien assigned to become an expert in just one person. |
The Mote in God's Eye |
Niven (w/J. Pournelle) |
1974 |