Science Fiction Dictionary: Ideas, Terms and Technology
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Device Name Book/Story Author Date
Jack In
To open one's nervous system to a computer's virtual world.
Tower of Glass Silverberg  1970
Moving data around to avoid detection or capture.
Islands in the Net Sterling  1988
JAL Shuttle
Shuttle capable of attaining low earth orbit.
Neuromancer Gibson  1984
Jaunte Stage
A cleared space that existed to serve the needs of people who would jaunte (teleport) into that space.
The Stars My Destination Bester  1956
A spacer who modified herself to more easily live in space.
The Ophiuchi Hotline Varley  1977
A spacecraft able to explore planetary surfaces.
Prelude to Foundation Asimov  1988
Jet-Powered Aquaplane
Overpowered surface boat.
The Star King Vance  1964
Jetta Tube
Spray causes immediately a trance-like state where a person’s body becomes rigid.
Revolt on Inferno Rousseau  1931
A device providing near instantaneous travel between two points.
Prominent Author Dick  1954
Jodie Grid
A 'tattoo' that provides points for mapping your face into a grid.
The Diamond Age Stephenson  1995
Joeboy (Muscle Grafts)
Additional muscle tissue added through surgery.
Neuromancer Gibson  1984
A movable bathroom for hire; cost is offset by reclamation.
The Water Knife Bacigalupi  2015
Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive Sunglasses
Sunglasses that darken at the sight of danger.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Adams  1979
Rocket fuel catalyst that makes space travel commercially practical.
Venus Mines, Incorporated Schachner (w. AL Zagat)  1931
Joy-boat Junior
A private space yacht, capable of suborbital journeys.
Methuselah's Children Heinlein  1941
A networked personal digital assistant - that really is an assistant.
The Age of The Pussyfoot Pohl  1966
Joystick Controls w/Remote Display
A fire-by-wire remote-controlled weapon system.
The Land Ironclads Wells  1903
Jubba Cloak
An all-purpose garment in common use on Arrakis
Dune Herbert  1965
Artificially grown veal.
Lazarus St. Clair  1955
A device that jumbles sensory input.
Changeling Zelazny  1980
Instantaneous movement over vast distances, points many light-years apart.
Invaders From The Infinite Campbell  1932
Jump Drive
A means of propulsion used on spacecraft that allows a ship to travel from point to distant point without actually needing to traverse the space in between.
Ethical Engineer Harrison  1963
Jump Harness
A device small enough to be worn as a backpack, that gave booster power for jumping.
Stranger in a Strange Land Heinlein  1961
Jump Point
A specific location in space where an interstellar jump can be accomplished.
Bill for Delivery Anvil  1964
Jump Through Hyperspace
Device that makes faster-than-light travel possible.
Foundation Asimov  1951
Computer used for calculating jumps between stars.
The Lady Was A Tramp Sharon  1957
The entrance to an energy passage providing instantaneous transportation between points across the galaxy.
Whipping Star Herbert  1969
Inertron belt results in effective weightlessness.
Armageddon: 2419 A.D. Nowlan  1928
A spaceship capable of making interstellar jumps, that is, it could move over vast distances instantaneously.
The Lady Was A Tramp Sharon  1957
An automated email program that specializes in sending junk mail (spam)
Distraction Sterling  1998
Jupiter Mining Shoes
Specialized footgear for walking on the Great Red Spot.
Red Storm on Jupiter Long, Jr.  1936
A robotic entity serving the function of a trial jury.
Wanted in Surgery Ellison  1957
A robot designed to sneak around and spy on people.
The Man Who Japed Dick  1956

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