Device Name |
Book/Story |
Author |
Date |
P-120 Reconnaissance Robot A multi-legged robot built for speed and silence. |
A Season for Slaughter |
Gerrold |
1992 |
Pacification Drones Surveillance drones that emit calming notes. |
The Breach |
Hill |
2020 |
Padloid A tawdry news publication on a PDA, or notepad, device. |
Steel Beach |
Varley |
1992 |
Padre Booth Device that provides religious aid and comfort on demand. |
Galactic Pot-Healer |
Dick |
1969 |
Paid Avoidance Zone An area where the inhabitants agree, for a government-paid fee, to live without sophisticated services. |
The Shockwave Rider |
Brunner |
1975 |
Pail of Air A small bucket filled with (liquid) air. |
A Pail of Air |
Leiber |
1951 |
Pain Box A small box which induced pain into the nerves of the hand. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Pain Canopy Pain by nerve induction improves interrogation. |
Gather, Darkness! |
Leiber |
1943 |
Pain Ray Creates pain by nerve induction. |
Crashing Suns |
Hamilton |
1928 |
Painted Respirator Masks Children choose to decorate otherwise uniform equipment masks. |
Red Planet |
Heinlein |
1949 |
Paint-to-Order Robot Artist A robotic mechanism that could produce a unique picture, given subject and artistic style. |
The Music Master |
Wallace |
1953 |
Palimpscreen A thin piece of digital paper. |
The Mountain in the Sea |
Naylor |
2022 |
Palm Flower It's like a life clock. |
Logan's Run |
Nolan (w/G.C. Johnson) |
1967 |
Palm Lock A lock or seal which can be opened only by contact with the palm of the human hand to which it has been keyed. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Palm Plate A device that scanned for a palm print prior to opening a door. |
The Mechanical Monarch |
Tubb |
1958 |
Palm Scan A means of positive identification, in this case, for an ATM machine. |
All Tomorrow's Parties |
Gibson |
1999 |
Panatrope A device that modifies human dna to ensure survival in harsh alien environments. |
Surface Tension |
Blish |
1952 |
Panic Alarm Alarm senses intruders and instills mindless panic. |
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? |
Dick |
1968 |
Panoramic Viewer Permits observation at a distance, as well as the projection of a holographic image. |
Childhood's End |
Clarke |
1953 |
Panther Modern Cyberterrorists for hire. |
Neuromancer |
Gibson |
1984 |
Paper Steel Specially treated paper that forms material as hard as steel. |
Robur-the-Conqueror |
Verne |
1866 |
Para-Beam A beam of energy that paralyzes the victim. |
The Mechanical Monarch |
Tubb |
1958 |
Paracompass A very specialized compass that makes use of local magnetic anomalies. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Paragravity Artificial gravity. |
Collision Orbit |
Williamson |
1942 |
Parallel Universe An entirely separate realm or universe that exists along with our own; it may be wildly different or vary from ours by only a tiny degree. |
Men Like Gods |
Wells |
1923 |
Paralysis Bomb A device like a hand grenade that released paralyzing radiation. |
If This Goes On... |
Heinlein |
1940 |
Paralysis Ray A special ray that produces paralysis. |
Satellite Five |
Barnes |
1938 |
Paralyzing Blast A red Ray of light that freezes those it falls upon. |
The Exile of Time |
Cummings |
1931 |
Paralyzing Cone A device that paralyzes the muscles. |
The Atomic Conquerors |
Hamilton |
1927 |
Paralyzing Eye False eye contains mechanism for causing brief paralysis. |
The Best-Laid Scheme |
de Camp |
1941 |
Paralyzing Gun Renders senseless any human in its path. |
The Achilles Heel |
Gallun |
1940 |
Paralyzing Ray Stops body motions. |
Brigands of the Moon |
Cummings |
1930 |
Paralyzing Ray (Bolar Current) A beam that forces a person to remain rooted to a particular spot. |
Blood of the Moon |
Cummings |
1936 |
ParanoidLinux A computer operating system that deliberately obscures the activities of the user. |
Little Brother |
Doctorow |
2008 |
Parastatics Means of completely eliminating injury in vehicles during crashes. |
Return from the Stars |
Lem |
1961 |
Parent Drone A drone platform that launches smaller drones. |
Kill Decision |
Suarez |
2012 |
Parenthood Lottery A means of restricting population growth. |
Super-Toys Last All Summer Long |
Aldiss |
1969 |
Parking Orbit An orbit from which access to the planet's surface via a small auxiliary vessel is quick and uncomplicated. |
Methuselah's Children |
Heinlein |
1941 |
Parlor Wall (TV Parlor) The original "big screen TV" takes up an entire wall of a room. |
Fahrenheit 451 |
Bradbury |
1953 |
Passenger-Carrying Mortar A unique way of crossing a river, without a boat or a bridge. |
Le Monde Tel Qu'il Sera (The World As It Shall Be) |
Souvestre |
1846 |
Patient Bath Robot Robot gives patient a bath. |
Roujin Z |
Otomo |
1991 |
Pay Per View TV The broadcast of games and matches to private televisions for a fee. |
The Threat of the Robot |
Keller |
1929 |
Pedomotive A kind of stilt-like leg extenders; take longer strides, get there faster. Extreme sports gear. |
The Diamond Age |
Stephenson |
1995 |
Peeper A device that unlocked the dreams and fantasies inherent in the user's brain. |
Shadow World |
Simak |
1957 |
Pencil Beam A thin tube-like laser beam weapon. |
Vulcan's Hammer |
Dick |
1960 |
Pencil Heat Ray An offensive, man-portable heat ray. |
Brigands of the Moon |
Cummings |
1930 |
Penetron A synthetic substance that is opaque unless penetrated by infra-red. |
Redmask of the Outlands |
Schachner |
1934 |
Penfield Wave Transmitter A device that directs some sort of energy wave into a person's brain, allowing them to experience a chosen (dialed) mood. |
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? |
Dick |
1968 |
Pent House An island in the sky - a hermetically sealed skyscraper isolated entirely from its surroundings. |
The Pent House |
Keller |
1932 |
Pentavalent Nitrogen A high explosive formed from nitrogen. |
Spacehounds of IPC |
Smith |
1931 |
People-Mover A fixed mode of transporting people outside; and, they get to sit down. |
Wetware |
Rucker |
1988 |
People-Sorter A device able to sort human beings with incredible speed. |
Millennium |
Varley |
1983 |
Perfect Voice Modulation Artificially creating the perfect human singing voice. |
Prima Donna 1980 |
Brown |
1931 |
Perky Pat Layout A very special playset into which adults could project their very being. |
The Days of Perky Pat |
Dick |
1963 |
Permalloy Protects ships from the hazards of space. |
Fugitives From Earth |
Bond |
1939 |
Permanent Skywriting Non-wispy skywriting letters. |
Soap Opera |
Nelson |
1953 |
Perpetual Train A vast machine that lays its own tracks as it moves forward. |
Iron Council |
Mieville |
2004 |
Personal Cache An online data repository used to store personal data. |
Earth |
Brin |
1990 |
Personal Capsule An impenetrable device containing information for your eyes only. |
Foundation |
Asimov |
1951 |
Personal Force-Shield A portable force-shield small enough to be carried by a single man. |
Foundation |
Asimov |
1951 |
Personal Interest Profile (PIP) A set of topics about which you would like to hear the latest news; known today as Google News Alerts. |
The Fountains of Paradise |
Clarke |
1978 |
Personal Metallic Record Disc A stamped metal record that contains all of a person's data in a convenient form. |
The Ancient Brain |
Stangland |
1929 |
Personal Rocket Jet A small, handheld jet pack that can be used to maneuver freely in space. |
Space Cadet |
Heinlein |
1948 |
Personal Smelter A device used to reduce metallic objects (like coins, pots, cables) to an ingot with known value. |
The Shockwave Rider |
Brunner |
1975 |
Personal Solar Plant A single-home solar-powered energy source. |
Ring Around the Sun |
Simak |
1952 |
Personality Alteration Permanent alternation of personality, the tools of the trade. |
Gather, Darkness! |
Leiber |
1943 |
Personality Death Punishment leaves the body intact. |
Robot Justice |
Harrison |
1959 |
Personality Simulator A device which, when fed enough data about a person, simulated their personality allowing the user to predict behavior in stated circumstances. |
The Dosadi Experiment |
Herbert |
1977 |
Personality Simulator (Virtual Person) A computer program that presents the appearance of being a person. |
True Names |
Vinge |
1981 |
Personality-Construct (Lazarus) A chip providing a robotic body with the attributes of the selected person. |
Killing Gramps |
Schwader |
1988 |
Personalized Fashion Display A set of displays that show you dressed in different uniforms. |
Bill the Galactic Hero |
Harrison |
1965 |
Personalized News First reference to news that is customized to the needs of each individual subscriber. |
Ralph 124c 41 + |
Gernsback |
1911 |
Persuader Device secured to a person that ensures compliant behavior by threat of force. |
Storm Thief |
Wooding |
2006 |
Phantomatic Generator (Virtual Reality) A computer-generated experience. |
Summa Technologiae |
Lem |
1964 |
Phantoscope (phenomenoscope) A device that provides you with a computer-operable display; can be worn or surgically implanted right on your own eyes. |
The Diamond Age |
Stephenson |
1995 |
Phased Acoustical Array An music system implanted right on your eardrum. |
The Diamond Age |
Stephenson |
1995 |
Philips Squeeze Gun A handheld railgun |
Altered Carbon |
Morgan |
2003 |
Phone-Grid Transex Network Addictive network-enhanced sexuality. |
Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said |
Dick |
1974 |
Phonographic Locks Doors that open using voice recognition. |
A Journey to the Year 2025 |
Fezandie |
1921 |
Phonotelephote A means of transmitting and receiving both voice and picture for a personal conversation. |
In the Year 2889 |
Verne |
1889 |
Photic Borer (Artesian Ray) A ray of energy that illuminates a cross-section of Earth as it goes through solid earth and rock. |
The Great Stone of Sardis |
Stockton |
1897 |
Photo Crystal (Cube) A small handheld display for a picture |
Foundation and Empire |
Asimov |
1952 |
Photoelectric Course Warning A means of keeping a spaceship on course using a selected star and a photoelectric cell. |
Out Around Rigel |
Wilson |
1931 |
Photo-Electric Mosaic A means of capturing astronomical images. |
Beyond Which Limits |
Schachner |
1937 |
Photoelectric Telescope (Photoelectric Eyes) An astronomical telescope that uses the photoelectric effect to gather light, and then to present the finished image on a screen. |
The Cometeers |
Williamson |
1936 |
Photograph of Earth from Space An aerial photograph from outside the atmosphere. |
The Prince of Space |
Williamson |
1931 |
Photomnemonic Tablet A device that both records and displays images with the same element. |
Anathem |
Stephenson |
2008 |
Photonic Sail A sail that uses light pressure for propulsion. |
Think Blue, Count Two |
Smith |
1962 |
Photonomous A program that strips out the digital noise signature from a picture file. |
Little Brother |
Doctorow |
2008 |
Photophone A device that provided a view of the other booth. |
The Planeteer |
Flint |
1918 |
Photosensitive Pigment Special paint that stays 'blank' until exposed to a scene. |
Cry Hope, Cry Fury! |
Ballard |
1966 |
Photosight An automotive device that automatically follows a painted white line on the roadway, letting the car drive itself. |
The Sign of the Tiger |
Nourse (w/Meyer) |
1958 |
Photo-Voltaic Robes Outerwear made from material that absorbs sunlight and outputs electricity. |
Snow in the Desert |
Asher |
2002 |
Phymech A robotic physician. |
Wanted in Surgery |
Ellison |
1957 |
Physiognomic Template A method for changing the appearance of your face at will. |
Ubik |
Dick |
1969 |
Picphone A small telephone that has a screen to show pictures. |
Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said |
Dick |
1974 |
Pigoon A transgenic pig, bred to grow replacement organs for humans. |
Oryx and Crake |
Atwood |
2003 |
Pilot Beam A signalling device that space craft in orbit descending to Earth could home in on and land. |
Methuselah's Children |
Leinster |
1941 |
Pilot-Robot The piloting gear of a space tug. |
Collision Orbit |
Williamson |
1942 |
Pina2bo A huge cannon that shot shells filled with sulfur high into the atmosphere for the purpose of geoengineering a change in climate. |
Termination Shock |
Stephenson |
2021 |
Pinlight Thimble-sized photonuclear bomb. |
The Game of Rat and Dragon |
Smith |
1953 |
Pizzled (Semantic Garble) Use of nonsensical statements to deliberately confuse an artificial intelligence. |
Autofac |
Dick |
1955 |
Placental Decanters Perfect human bodies with control implants for remote use. |
The Girl Who Was Plugged In |
Tiptree, Jr. |
1974 |
Planck Juice A continuous pre-quark force-medium with no distinguishing characteristics (it's mostly gluons) |
Master of Space and Time |
Rucker |
1984 |
Planet Buster A bomb so powerful it could destroy a planet. |
Assignment to Aldebaran |
Crossen |
1953 |
Planet City A planet the surface of which is entirely covered over, forming one single city. |
The Message From Space |
Speaker |
1930 |
Planet Rules Regulations governing the behavior of the away team on a new planet. |
Drop Dead |
Simak |
1956 |
Planetary Computer Network A global data net. |
Dialogues |
Lem |
1957 |
Planetary Engineering Remaking or modifying an entire planet. |
The Cometeers |
Williamson |
1936 |
Planetary Globe A craftsman's model of a planet. |
Star of Wonder |
May |
1953 |
Planetary ID Card Identification for every person on every planet in the solar system. |
Doom Over Venus |
Hamilton |
1940 |
Planetary Propulsion-Blasts Devices capable of moving and steering planets to new orbits or new stars. |
Thundering Worlds |
Hamilton |
1934 |
Planetary Telegraphing A method for communicating with dwellers on other planets in the solar system. |
In the Deep of Time |
Lathrop |
1897 |
Planet-Busting Bomb A munition with sufficient power to destroy an entire planet. |
Testing |
Ferrat |
1956 |
Planetfall Making a landing on a planet from space. |
Quicksands of Youthwardness |
Jameson |
1940 |
Planetoid With Earth Gravity |
The Soul Eaters |
Conover |
1944 |
Planetruck Huge vehicle for planetary surface transport. |
The Slave Ship to Andrigo |
Rocklynne |
1951 |
Planets Made Habitable A plan to "terraform" a planet to improve its habitability by human beings. |
Last and First Men |
Stapledon |
1930 |
Planet-Smasher Devices capable of destroying an entire planet. |
Propagandist |
Leinster |
1947 |
Plani-Glass Transparent and light and has the tensile strength of steel! |
Crystalized Thought |
Schachner |
1937 |
Planoforming A form of "faster than light" travel allows for interstellar travel. |
The Game of Rat and Dragon |
Smith |
1953 |
Plasta-Skin Artificial Skin |
Star Rangers (The Last Planet) |
Norton |
1953 |
Plasteel Extremely tough form of steel, stabilized with stravidium fibers grown into its crystal. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Plastex A combination of plaster and latex, it allows houses to change shape for you. |
The Thousand Dreams of Stellavista |
Ballard |
1962 |
Plastibulb A squeezable drink container. |
The Proud Robot |
Padgett |
1943 |
Plastic Constructor (3D Printer) A 3D printer - for spaceships. |
Things Pass By |
Leinster |
1945 |
Plastic Igloo A heavy plastic shelter for use in airless environments. |
Love Among The Robots |
McDowell |
1946 |
Plastic-Eating Bacteria Mutated bacteria able to 'eat' or dissolve rubber and plastic. |
The Andromeda Strain |
Crichton |
1969 |
Plasticocoon Holds a prisoner motionless. |
The Space Merchants |
Pohl (w/CM Kornbluth) |
1952 |
Plastifoam Used to seal large leaks in space craft. |
Collision Orbit |
Williamson |
1942 |
Plastirobe A dress that varies in opacity by distance. |
Sales Pitch |
Dick |
1954 |
Plastiskin Artificial human skin to cover prosthetics. |
Unforeseen |
Graham |
1949 |
Plastissue Artificial flesh. |
Accidental Flight |
Wallace |
1952 |
Plastotek False skin disguise. |
Menace From Vega |
Randall |
1958 |
Plasto-Textile A fabric that cannot be stained. |
Foundation |
Asimov |
1951 |
Platform Flyer A small craft suitable for journeys close to the ground. |
The Star King |
Vance |
1964 |
Platinum Alloy Disc A silvery disc used for data record storage. |
Triplanetary |
Smith |
1934 |
Pleasure Cap A device that delivers amps of pleasure directly to the brain. |
A Planet Named Shayol |
Smith |
1961 |
Pleasure Planet A vast world devoted to enjoyment. |
After World's End |
Williamson |
1939 |
Plexiskin A means of disguise. |
A Spaceship Named McGuire |
Garrett |
1961 |
Plug-Ups Tiny plastic balls that seal leaks on spacecraft. |
Passage at Arms |
Cook |
1985 |
Pneumatic Bumpers An inflatable bumper system for ground-based motor vehicles. |
The Brain Pirates |
Campbell |
1938 |
Pneumatic Suit An airtight spacesuit. |
The Shot Into Infinity |
Gail |
1929 |
Pneumatic Tube Station Passengers are sealed into a narrow cylinder that is shot through a pressurized tube to their destination. |
Exiles of the Moon |
Schachner (w. AL Zagat) |
1931 |
Pneumatic-Tube Zone The portion of a city that is served by direct tubes to each dwelling. |
Mechanocracy |
Breuer |
1932 |
Pneumo-Slacks Pants that make you look beefier. |
The Proud Robot |
Padgett |
1943 |
Pocket Computer A pocket-sized computer. |
The Feeling of Power |
Asimov |
1958 |
Pocket Display Projector A pocketsized projector capable of displaying high resolution images so they can be viewed by a group of people. |
The Anome |
Vance |
1971 |
Pocket Dome Handy easy-to-set-up shelter. |
Chindi |
McDevitt |
2002 |
Pocket Gravity Nullifier Personal device stops gravity's effect. |
The Sky Maniac |
Juve |
1929 |
Pocket Nucleo-Bulb A nuclear-powered pocket-sized flashlight. |
Foundation |
Asimov |
1951 |
Pocket Phone (or pocketphone) A telephone that is not hard wired to the network; a mobile or cell phone. |
Assignment in Eternity |
Heinlein |
1953 |
Pocket Projector A personal device for replaying media. |
Foundation and Empire |
Asimov |
1952 |
Pocket Receiver An early visualization of the smartphone. |
The Magellanic Cloud |
Lem |
1955 |
Pocket Scanner A device that scans for the codes that will open a vehicle's door on command. |
Sagramanda |
Foster |
2006 |
Pocket Universe A created, separate space within the normal space of the universe. |
Pocket Universes |
Leinster |
1946 |
Pocket wireless phone An entirely portable, pocket-sized, telephone. |
John Jones's Dollar |
Keeler |
1915 |
Pocket-Caller Private communication device that fits in your pocket. |
The Worlds of Tomorrow |
Wellman |
1940 |
Pocket-Planet An asteroid. |
The Duel on the Asteroid |
Miller (w/D. McDermott) |
1932 |
Pocket-Sized Ad-Blocker A device that prevented targeted advertisements from reaching you. |
Sagramanda |
Foster |
2006 |
Pocket-Wings Individual powered flight. |
A Journey to the Year 2025 |
Fezandie |
1921 |
Pod-Chair A living chair, grown by the Iszc to perform its function. |
The Houses of Iszm |
Vance |
1954 |
Point-Five Construct (Pseudo-Relationship) An artificial intelligence person, serving as a companion for a human person not capable of forming real relationships. |
The Mountain in the Sea |
Naylor |
2022 |
Poison Snooper A device that checked food and drink for poisons. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Poison Space Cloud (Etheric Poison) A deadly cloud of gas large enough to envelop the solar system. |
The Poison Belt |
Doyle |
1913 |
Poison Tongue Dart Weapon surgically implanted in the tongue. |
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch |
Dick |
1965 |
Poison-Bearing Invisible Glove Membranous apparel for the hands, used to dispense poisons. |
Lies, Inc. |
Dick |
1964 |
Pokkecon A device tied into a good will network. |
Maneki Neko |
Sterling |
1998 |
Polar Ice Water ice at the poles of the Moon. |
The Ring of Charon |
Allen |
1990 |
Polarization Apparatus A device that caused a space ship to repel the Earth and send a space ship on its way. |
Slaves of Mercury |
Schachner |
1932 |
Polarized Window Rather than curtains, use the window to control the light. |
The Houses of Iszm |
Vance |
1954 |
Polaron Beam A unique beam of energy that scatters some of its light at right angles to the direction of propagation. |
Earthlight (Novella) |
Clarke |
1951 |
Polawindow A window-sized polarizer filter that allows changes in light intensity and color. |
The Godmakers |
Herbert |
1972 |
Poldek Ability to sense life. |
The Saga of Pelican West |
Russell |
1937 |
Police Control-Override A device that allows police officers to take control of an otherwise normal vehicle. |
The Hounds of Hell |
Laumer |
1964 |
Police Detection Robot An automated evidence-gathering robot. |
The Unreconstructed M |
Dick |
1957 |
Police Robot A fully autonomous, man-shaped robotic police officer. |
Arm of the Law |
Harrison |
1958 |
Police Sketch Artist Software A tablet-style computer with sketch pad software to help identify suspects. |
Runaway |
Crichton |
1985 |
Polycarbon Exo Exoskeleton made of a strong, lightweight material. |
Mona Lisa Overdrive |
Gibson |
1988 |
Polycarbon Phone Screen A telephone that provides videophone capability using a very thin screen that is folded away when not in use. |
Count Zero |
Gibson |
1986 |
Polyceltron Iconoscope Televisor A portable camera and microphone setup that could broadcast on-the-spot news. |
Newscast |
Vincent |
1939 |
Polyfrequency Neutralizer Dissolves projected solidographs (holograms). |
Gather, Darkness! |
Leiber |
1943 |
Poppins An android body imprinted with the personality of a Master Nanny. |
Kiln People |
Brin |
2002 |
Pork Tree A plant that produces an analog to animal meat. |
The Ophiuchi Hotline |
Varley |
1977 |
Portable Atomic Heater Compact source of energy. |
Misfit |
Heinlein |
1939 |
Portable Ident-Plate A small, thin device that will capture biometric data from a person's finger. |
Earth |
Brin |
1990 |
Portable Telephone The essence of a cell phone. |
Space Cadet |
Heinlein |
1948 |
Portal Sensory experience of a data network. |
True Names |
Vinge |
1981 |
Porter Televox-Robot A robot that carries your bags through the passageways of space liners. |
On Board the Martian Liner |
Breuer |
1931 |
Position Locator Display Screen shows the position of hundreds of aircraft; |
Flight of the Eastern Star |
Repp |
1929 |
Positive Ray Propulsion (Ion Drive) An ion drive. |
The Prince of Space |
Williamson |
1931 |
Positron Beam Vast numbers of positrons, the antimatter counterpart of the electron, are beamed around the Earth. |
The Great Thirst |
Schachner |
1934 |
Positronic Brain A computer CPU with the capacity to rival a human brain. |
Reason |
Asimov |
1941 |
Positronic Motor A combination of motor and brain; an engine with a cerebellum and a carburetor. |
Sally |
Asimov |
1953 |
Post Office A vault used to store time capsules left by travelers to the past; not your usual delivery service. |
Millennium |
Varley |
1983 |
Post-Crime Criminal activities after they have actually happened. |
The Minority Report |
Dick |
1956 |
Poster TV This display gives new meaning to the term "flat screen." |
A World Out of Time |
Niven |
1976 |
Powdered Alcohol Alcohol in non-liquid form. |
The Stainless Steel Rat's Revenge |
Harrison |
1970 |
Power Holster Puts the sidearm right in your hand. |
Deathworld |
Harrison |
1960 |
Power Planet A satellite that supplies the Earth with power. |
The Power Planet |
Leinster |
1931 |
Power Stilts Platforms that push inundated cities ever higher. |
The Human Blend |
Foster |
2010 |
Powered Armor (or Powered Suit) An armored suit that magnifies the power of the soldier's muscles, along with other weapons. |
Starship Troopers |
Heinlein |
1959 |
Powered artificial exoskeleton A robotic device designed to support someone too weak to comfortably move in high gravity. |
Between Planets |
Heinlein |
1951 |
Powered Print-Book Part computer, part book. |
Prelude to Foundation |
Asimov |
1988 |
Powered Suit with Trauma Maintenance A powered suit (or powered armor) that is set up to save as much of your body as possible in worse case scenarios. |
The Forever War |
Haldeman |
1974 |
Powergun A directed energy weapon. |
Hammer's Slammers |
Drake |
1979 |
Power-skis Just the accoutrement for exploration, depending on the world. |
Selection |
Le Guin |
1964 |
Power-Wagon Wagon powered by muscular creature from Etamin 9; uses carbohydrate syrup for fuel. |
The Last Castle |
Vance |
1967 |
Pray-Machine A kind of energy receiver that could retrieve a soul from the radiation belt surrounding a planet. |
Lord of Light |
Zelazny |
1967 |
Pray-o-Mat A device that would offer prayers in exchange for a few coins properly deposited. |
Lord of Light |
Zelazny |
1967 |
Precipitrons Filtration system to remove dust and other particulates from the atmosphere in space stations. |
The Beat Cluster |
Leiber |
1961 |
Precog A person with precognitive ability (can predict the future). |
The Minority Report |
Dick |
1956 |
Precog (v) To see the future. |
Police Operation |
Piper |
1948 |
Precrime A system by which criminal acts are known before they occur. |
The Minority Report |
Dick |
1956 |
Precrime Analytical Wing Contains the precognitives and the machinery need to hear and analyze their predictions of future crimes. |
The Minority Report |
Dick |
1956 |
Precrime Sleeve Communicator A device for communication worn as part of the uniform jacket. |
Minority Report (Movie) |
Spielberg |
2002 |
Predator Wrist Display A wrist bracelet with a variety of useful functions. |
Predator |
McTiernan |
1987 |
Predictable Crime A criminal act that computers were able to foresee in advance. |
All the Troubles in the World |
Asimov |
1958 |
Predictions Registry An organization that keeps track of predictions made by individuals. |
Earth |
Brin |
1990 |
Predictograph Capable combining and projecting hundreds of complex curves into the future. |
Futility |
Meek |
1929 |
Preserved Brains Preserving a brain, and then communicating with it. |
Murder in the Void |
Hamilton |
1938 |
Preserving Machine A device that would create a unique animal from a piece of classical music. |
The Preserving Machine |
Dick |
1953 |
Pressor (Pressor Beam) A force-field beam that pushes, rather than pulls. |
Spacehounds of IPC |
Smith |
1931 |
Pressor Field A force field that pressed against anything that encountered it. |
The Forever War |
Haldeman |
1974 |
Pressure Curtain A force field that creates a barrier that people can pass through but air cannot - an airlock in a spacecraft. |
The Mote in God's Eye |
Niven (w/J. Pournelle) |
1974 |
Pressurized Penthouse A stratospheric perch - if buildings are tall enough, you'll need this. |
Bread Overhead! |
Leiber |
1958 |
Prethink The ability to predict the future in a routine perceptual manner. |
The Golden Man |
Dick |
1954 |
Prime Directive The first and most important rule; usually protective. |
With Folded Hands |
Williamson |
1947 |
Prime Radiant A projector that puts all of a vast collection of writings on the wall of a special conference room. You could interact with it by writing on the wall; changes were stored. |
Second Foundation |
Asimov |
1953 |
Primer A special software program that teaches basic language skills. |
The Diamond Age |
Stephenson |
1995 |
Print-Book You’ve seen them. |
Prelude to Foundation |
Asimov |
1988 |
Prism Window A device for getting a better view of the ground from inside an airplane. |
The Space Merchants |
Pohl (w/CM Kornbluth) |
1952 |
Prison Planet (Penal Settlement) A prison so far from Earth. |
Revolt on Inferno |
Rousseau |
1931 |
Privacy Screen A device that shields occupants from all possible forms of electronic intrusion and surveillance. |
Neuromancer |
Gibson |
1984 |
Private Flyer A privately-owned air vehicle that used no control surfaces for maneuvering. |
Childhood's End |
Clarke |
1953 |
Private Space Cruiser A fully space-worthy ship under private ownership. |
Crashing Suns |
Hamilton |
1928 |
Probability Time Wave Tube A device that allows the user to see every possible event. |
Elimination |
Campbell |
1936 |
Probe Screen Hood A device that blocks attempts to see into the contents of the brain mind. |
The Hood Maker ('Immunity') |
Dick |
1955 |
Procreative Stump A woman's torso, kept alive for the purpose of using the womb as an incubator. |
Hellstrom's Hive |
Herbert |
1972 |
Production Prescription A file that can be used to reproduce an object. |
The Magellanic Cloud |
Lem |
1955 |
Profile Sniffers A software device that sifts Internet access records for patterns associate with particular personality types. |
Distraction |
Sterling |
1998 |
Project Scoop A space craft feature that collects dust for study. |
The Andromeda Strain |
Crichton |
1969 |
Project X A device that produces sound rays that are intolerable to living things. |
Atlas Shrugged |
Rand |
1957 |
Projectile-Vehicle A projectile, or shot, capable of enclosing passengers and being safely hurled to the moon by an enormous cannon. |
From the Earth to the Moon |
Verne |
1867 |
Projection A means of projecting your image to a distant place. |
The Computer Connection |
Bester |
1974 |
Projection Commercials A three-dimensional advertisement that is placed in your path in a public place like a bar. |
The Computer Connection |
Bester |
1974 |
Projection Rig A portable holographic projector. |
Mona Lisa Overdrive |
Gibson |
1988 |
Propulsion Gun What can you push against in space? |
Venus Mines, Incorporated |
Schachner (w. AL Zagat) |
1931 |
Proselytizing Robot A robotic preacher; designed for use where believers are unwelcome. |
Cities in Flight |
Blish |
1957 |
Prosthetic Robotic Arm (Thought-Attuned) A detachable robotic arm, controlled directly through neural linkage. |
Bleekman's Planet |
Jorgensen |
1957 |
Prosthetic Yachting Gloves Robotic gloves for sailors. |
Mare Nostrum |
Sterling |
2022 |
Protective Energy Halo A device that cast a hemisphere of protective beams. |
The Scarab |
Gallun |
1936 |
Protective Field (Safety Field) An static energy field used to protect a city. |
The Man in the Maze |
Silverberg |
1969 |
Protective Shield An energy shield for one person. |
Triplanetary |
Smith |
1934 |
Protine A mutant algae that can be engineered to look and taste similar to normal food. |
Solar Lottery |
Dick |
1955 |
Protolectric Gun Fires twin beams of protons and electrons. |
Electronic Siege |
Campbell |
1932 |
Proton Pack The business end of a mobile particle accelerator. |
Ghostbusters |
Ramis |
1984 |
Proton Pistol (Proton Beam) A device that unleashed a 'protonic storm' of energy. |
A Menace in Miniature |
Gallun |
1937 |
Protonite Radioactive fuel for spacecraft. |
Twelve Hours To Live |
Williamson |
1931 |
Protophason Amplifier Detects brain activity of those in half-life. |
Ubik |
Dick |
1969 |
Protoplast Artificial life, tougher than protoplasm. |
Dawn of the Demigods |
Gallun |
1954 |
Provigil A medication that makes the user 'untired' - not just more awake. |
When the Devil Dances |
Ringo |
2002 |
Provigil-C A special drug that promotes wakefulness in troops. |
A Hymn Before Battle |
Ringo |
2000 |
Proxy Robot A remote-controlled floating telepresence robot, for use by aliens who cannot share an atmosphere. |
Hotel Cosmos |
Gallun |
1938 |
Pry-Vie (Robotic Detective) A robotic private eye; autonomic detection services. |
Clans of the Alphane Moon |
Dick |
1964 |
Pseudoflesh Meat (protein) that is produced apart from an animal; great steaks without rumination. |
Whipping Star |
Herbert |
1969 |
Pseudogravity Gravity produced by artifice, rather than by a suitably large mass. |
Common Sense |
Heinlein |
1941 |
Pseudo-Insects (Synsects) A swarm of self-guided, programmed microarmies. |
One Human Minute |
Lem |
1984 |
Psychic Probe A device capable of discerning truthful information in a living human brain. |
Foundation and Empire |
Asimov |
1952 |
Psychode A device that enables communication by thought alone. |
The Infinite Enemy |
Williamson |
1938 |
Psychohistory Branch of mathematics describes the behavior of human beings en masses. |
Foundation |
Asimov |
1951 |
Psycho-History The application of psychology to historical data. |
Beyond All Weapons |
Russell |
1941 |
Psycho-Lease Encephalic Gadget A device that provided the conviction that a faked scene was, in fact, real. |
Galactic Pot-Healer |
Dick |
1969 |
Psychophone A device that allows the user to tune their mind to a future reality - a time-traveling device. |
The Mechanical Mice |
Hugi |
1941 |
Psycho-Phone A device that recorded and played back the thoughts of the user. |
A Biological Experiment |
Keller |
1928 |
Psychophonic Nurse A child-care robot - a nanny bot. |
The Psychophonic Nurse |
Keller |
1928 |
Psychoprobe Get to the truth. |
Satellite Five |
Barnes |
1938 |
Psychoscanner A device capable of taking impressions, feelings and memories from living brains; it can be used on animals as well. |
Propagandist |
Leinster |
1947 |
Psychotropic House Buildings designed to sense, and mirror, the psychological state of their owners. |
The Thousand Dreams of Stellavista |
Ballard |
1962 |
Psypyx A way of gathering and recording mental impressions. |
Earth Made of Glass |
Barnes |
1998 |
P-Terminal Implant A device consisting of implanted power pack, control and electrodes placed near pleasure centers of the brain. |
The Terminal Man |
Crichton |
1972 |
Public Eye A floating, free-roaming surveillance camera. |
Friday |
Heinlein |
1982 |
Public Iris Scanner A device that uses iris-scanning for identification, and does not require subject awareness. |
Minority Report (Movie) |
Spielberg |
2002 |
Public Urine Collection Arcologies offer public latrines, then collect for reclamation. |
The Water Knife |
Bacigalupi |
2015 |
Public Vehicle Tube Underground transportation tubes. |
The Houses of Iszm |
Vance |
1954 |
Puddinged A poorly formed 3D printed copy, with an interior that was a mass of malformed material. |
Pay for the Printer |
Dick |
1956 |
Puff (Puff Balls) Material that is used to help Skyrines dropped to the surface of Mars get rid of some of that excess velocity. |
War Dogs |
Bear |
2014 |
Puff-Pipe Pipe with lighting built in. |
Flamingo: A Drama of A.D. 1950 |
Heller |
1930 |
Pulse-Timer A watch that uses your visual cortex for a read-out device. |
Heretics of Dune |
Herbert |
1984 |
Punishment Sphere Used to bring disruptive elements of society into line. |
Alpha Centauri |
Meier |
1999 |
PURDAH A method of ensuring that a given text was created by its putative author, while masking the identity of the author. |
Fall; or, Dodge in Hell: A Novel |
Stephenson |
2019 |
Purple Wage Guaranteed subsidy paid to every citizen. |
Riders of the Purple Wage |
Farmer |
1967 |
Purza the Pukha A toy with sensors used to monitor children in hospitals. |
The Rowan |
McCaffrey |
1990 |
Pushpot An independent rocket motor that can attach itself to an object bound for space. |
Space Tug |
Leinster |
1953 |
PyrE A thermonuclear explosive that is detonated by thought alone. |
The Stars My Destination |
Bester |
1956 |