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"One can see the free software movement as a precusor for a "free hardware" or "free wetware" movement--one that will provide free libraries of designs for biological or nanotechnological products that replicators can be programmed to churn out."
- Charles Stross

Penfield Wave Transmitter  
  A device that directs some sort of energy wave into a person's brain, allowing them to experience a chosen (dialed) mood.  

This device is the functional part of a mood organ. You could probably find the transmitter you needed at a good hobbyshop; the problem is figuring out how to tune in on the emotional brain.

Setting down his weapons kit he fumbled it open, got out a nondirectional Penfield wave transmitter; he punched the key for catelepsy, himself protected against the mood emanation by means of a counterwave broadcast through the transmitter's metal hull directed to him alone.
Technovelgy from Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, by Philip K. Dick.
Published by Doubleday in 1968
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This makes for a new kind of non-lethal weapon. You could, of course, project other moods. For example, you could project Obedience to Lawful Authority, Sheeplike Subservience, or even Fawning Admiration of Government Functionaries. According to the novel, the Penfield wave transmitter is capable of generating very specific emotional responses.

The Penfield Wave Transmitter was almost certainly named after Wilder Penfield. He is credited with first establishing (in 1957) that a map of the human body exists in the brain; in other words, specific areas of the cortex process information from different body areas.

Another technovelgy item, the tasp from Larry Niven's Ringworld, a handheld device that causes the affected person to enter a state of ecstatic pure pleasure, may also be of interest. Specialized, but then, it may produce the one state that everyone is guaranteed to like.

Compare to the peeper from Shadow World (1957) by Clifford Simak.

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  More Ideas and Technology from Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
  More Ideas and Technology by Philip K. Dick
  Tech news articles related to Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
  Tech news articles related to works by Philip K. Dick

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