Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick:
Science Fiction Inventions, Technology and Ideas

This marvelous novel has a lot going for it that never made it into the film Blade Runner. There are wonderful scenes and situations that show Dick's artistry in making you doubt just exactly what "human" means. You will sit and ponder for a long time after reading this book. Select an invention:

Android Safety Mechanism
A device that temporarily incapacitates an android.

Andy - an artificial human
A slang term for "android" - an artificially created humanoid being.

Disease Circuit
A feature of robotic animals which indicated a need to repair by emulating animal sickness.

Electric Cat (Robot Cat)
A robot presenting the appearance of a common domestic cat.

Electric Sheep - livestock as consumer electronics
An electronic farm animal; a non-organic robot covered with sheepskin that acts like a sheep.

False Animal Repairman
A specialized roboticist who repaired robotic animals.

The collection of useless bits of trash we wallow in; all the paper and junk that is not recycled.

Mood Organ - play your partner
A device which allows you to dial the mood you would like to have.

Nexus-6 Brain Unit - meet my friend Roy
The processing power behind android intelligence.

Nexus-7 Android
The next version after the Nexus-6.

Oat-Tropic Circuit
A robotic feature that caused electronic animals to move toward offered food.

Panic Alarm
Alarm senses intruders and instills mindless panic.

Penfield Wave Transmitter - an emotional brain remote control
A device that directs some sort of energy wave into a person's brain, allowing them to experience a chosen (dialed) mood.

Replicant - an artificial human
An android; an artificial human being.

Voight-Kampff Empathy Test - can you pass?
A test consisting of a set of images and questions, asked while the subject's biometric data are gathered; intended to separate humans from non-humans. is devoted to the creative inventions of science fiction authors and movie makers. Look for the Science Fiction Invention Category that interests you, the Glossary of Science Fiction Inventions, the Timeline of Science Fiction Inventions, or see what's New.
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