San Francisco Autobus
'THE autobus turned silently down the wide street...' - Stanley G. and Helen Weinbaum, 1938.
(re: Stanley G. and Helen Weinbaum, 11/3/2023 ) |
Volvo's Autonomous Truck
'They were automatic trucks such as are used for making deliveries...' - Miles J. Breuer, 1932.
(re: Miles J. Breuer, 2/19/2023 ) |
Tesla's 20,000 Superchargers
''To recharge the batteries, which can be done in almost every town and village...' - John Jacob Astor IV, 1894.
(re: John Jacob Astor IV, 10/27/2020 ) |
AutoX Sets Up Asia's Largest Robotaxi Center
'The robot cab seemed to know where it was going and, no doubt, the master machine from which it received its signals knew.' - Robert Heinlein, 1951.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 4/23/2020 ) |
Hardt Hyperloop Fast Transit In A Can
'...my method will draw the cars forward by an inductive action that is capable of providing tremendous speeds.' - Harl Vincent, 1929.
(re: Harl Vincent, 4/1/2020 ) |
Drone Swarm Lifts Truck - Not!
'It was now the season that these Birds were wont to take their flight away...' - Francis Godwin, 1638.
(re: Francis Godwin, 3/27/2020 ) |
Electric Unicycle Is A Tumblebug
'A tumblebug does not give a man dignity, since it is about the size and shape of a kitchen stool, gyro-stabilized on a single wheel.'
(re: Robert Heinlein, 3/19/2020 ) |
No Autonomous Trucks? Wait, What?
'...it resembled conventional human-operated transportation vehicles, but with one exception -- there was no driver's cabin.' - Philip K. Dick, 1955.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 3/3/2020 ) |
Musk Tweets A Boring Tunnel Pic
'We hit the sub-basement and went at once to the express tubes...' - Robert Heinlein, 1956.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 10/26/2017 ) |
Hyperloop One Video Shows It Works!
'Complete evacuation of the interior of the tubes [and] a wave that provides the new propulsive energy for the cars...' Hard Vincent, 1929.
(re: Harl Vincent, 7/10/2017 ) |
Amazing Tesla Autopilot Video
'As the beautiful old car cruised in almost perfect silence under the guidance of its automatic controls...' - Arthur C. Clarke, 1976.
(re: Arthur C. Clarke, 4/8/2017 ) |
Hi-Yo Modobag! Away!
'A tumblebug does not give a man dignity...' - Robert Heinlein, 1941.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 9/11/2016 ) |
Rollkers Walking Skates
'Each had three small, rubber-covered wheels, one in front and two in the rear.'- Hugo Gernsback, 1911.
(re: Hugo Gernsback, 3/19/2015 ) |
Fix Michigan Roads, Or Get Hovercars?
'Dead for many years was the old concept of smooth, hard-surfaced, almost polished highways...'- Clifford Simak, 1961.
(re: Clifford Simak, 3/17/2015 ) |
Ninebot One Self-Balancing Wheel
'It had been a long time since the Chief Engineer had ridden one of these silly-looking little vehicles...'- Robert Heinlein, 1941
(re: Robert Heinlein, 12/10/2014 ) |
Calling Google's RoboTaxi
'The taxi utilized sophisticated electronic sensors to perceive its surroundings...'- Allan Dean Foster, 2006.
(re: Allan Dean Foster, 8/23/2013 ) |
Robotic Roller Skate Micro-Mobility
Personal transportation for each foot is an idea that just won't go away; take a look at the prototypes in this short video.
(re: Hugo Gernsback, 12/2/2009 ) |
SkyTran's Sky Pod MagLev Taxis
Speaking as someone who spent about 6,000 hours commuting to work in a car and steering it down the same road over and over, I'd rather just ride, thanks. When do I get my Sky Pods?
(re: Larry Niven, 10/13/2009 ) |
Skyhook Jess Heavy Lifter Like Pournelle's Skyhook
Interesting aircraft combines elements of a blimp and a helicopter for transporting heavy equipment and materials where there are no roads. Pournelle fans are already familiar with the idea and the name.
(re: Jerry Pournelle, 7/9/2008 ) |
World's Fastest Elevator Now In World's Tallest Building - Going Up?
Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corp announced the installation of the world's fastest passenger elevator just exactly where it is needed - in Taipei 101, the world's tallest building. The elevator runs at a top speed of 1,010 meters per minute
(re: Isaac Asimov, 12/18/2004 ) |
Stealth Now Old Hat - USAF Looks Into Teleportation
Lest you think that our friends at DARPA are the only ones interested in science-fictional possibilities, the USAF recently took delivery on a new study regarding the military potential of teleportation.
(re: Frank Herbert, 11/1/2004 ) |
ULTra - driverless automatic taxi
The ULTra, an automated, driverless taxi system, offers a small private car (up to four passengers) that goes straight to the destination set by the user.
(re: Larry Niven, 4/14/2004 ) |
Poweriser: Extreme Sports Gear from The Diamond Age
In The Diamond Age, author Neal Stephenson creates a vivid picture of a future Shanghai. The novel mixes "futuristic" devices based on nanotechnology with simpler mechanical devices that are almost Victorian in their simplicity...
Imagine my surpri
(re: Neal Stephenson, 3/11/2004 ) |
Ghostrider Robot: Sterling's Smart Motorcycle?
The Ghostrider Robot (aka Dexterit), an entrant to the upcoming "Grand Challenge" race sponsored by DARPA, is an autonomous self-balancing robotic motorcycle.<
(re: Bruce Sterling, 3/9/2004 ) |
First Flight of a Laser Powered Airplane
Today, NASA tested a laser-powered airplane: a 312-gram (11-ounce), 1.5-meter (five-foot) wingspan plane. A laser beam struck the photovoltaic cells that powered the tiny motor that turned its propeller.
(re: Larry Niven, 10/11/2003 ) |