Name |
(Publication Date)
A-Bomb Abbreviation for "atomic bomb".
Anson MacDonald (1941) |
Arthur Bird (1899) |
Aerial Navies Use of vast numbers of air-ships (planes) to overwhelm land defenses.
George Griffith (1903) |
Chris Wooding (2006) |
Air-Mine Fight invasion from above with an analogous method to mining the surface of the sea.
Edmond Hamilton (1939) |
George Griffith (1893) |
David Gerrold (1983) |
Chris Wooding (2006) |
Philip K. Dick (1968) |
Angel Teeth Essentially a spear dropped from a great height (or from orbit) with a guidance system.
Daniel Suarez (2010) |
L.F. Stone (1931) |
Thomas A. Easton (1990) |
Atom-Gun A handheld device that sprays atomic fire.
Edmond Hamilton (1940) |
Jack West (1940) |
Raymond Z. Gallun (1940) |
H.G. Wells (1914) |
Robert Cromie (1895) |
Atomic Explosive A handheld bomb that melted its way into an armored door, then detonated.
Raymond Z. Gallun (1938) |
Clifford Simak (1932) |
Philip Nowlan (w/D. Calkins) (1929) |
Michael Crichton (1969) |
Autonomic Plow A set of farm implements able to combine and perform as a weapon.
Philip K. Dick (1964) |
Autonomous Assassination Drone A flying UAV that is self-guided to a target, destroys the target, and is capable of destroying itself after mission completion.
Daniel Suarez (2012) |
Neal Stephenson (1995) |
Ray Cummings (1938) |
Edmond Hamilton (1938) |
David Brin (1990) |
William Gibson (1999) |
Larry Niven (1985) |
James Blish (1957) |
H.G. Wells (1898) |
H.G. Wells (1898) |
Harry Harrison (1970) |
Blast Rifle A gun that creates a short-range energy blast.
Frank Belknap Long, Jr. (1937) |
Nictzin Dyalhis (1925) |
Kurt von Rachen (1941) |
Blue Beam A pitiless pale blue beam of death!
Edmond Hamilton (1931) |
Edmond Hamilton (1926) |
Bolo An highly advanced combat tank controlled by a sophisticated Artificial Intelligence.
Keith Laumer (1960) |
Philip K. Dick (1955) |
Boulder A device that homed in on a person's brain wave pattern; a very specific assassination device.
Philip K. Dick (1964) |
Greg Bear (2007) |
Cannibal Grass Genetically engineered grass that acts as a defense layer for a home.
Thomas A. Easton (1990) |
Cephalotropic Dart A slim, short-range device that homes in on the brain wave pattern of the target.
Philip K. Dick (1964) |
William Gibson (1999) |
Philip K. Dick (1964) |
William Gibson (1993) |
Philip K. Dick (1965) |
Cold Ray A device that pulled warmth from anything it was aimed at.
Edmond Hamilton (1927) |
Cold-Beam Puts a cloud of extreme cold around the target.
Philip K. Dick (1955) |
Peter F. Hamilton (1996) |
Nat Schachner (1937) |
Bruce Sterling (1984) |
Daniel Suarez (2006) |
Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr. (1940) |
Neal Stephenson (1995) |
C-Plus Cannon Weapon fire that can skip past the speed of light and back.
Fred Saberhagen (1974) |
Philip E. High (1968) |
Frank Herbert (1965) |
John W. Campbell (1934) |
M.L. Staley (1930) |
Death-Beam Ravening pale beams of light used in space battles.
Edmond Hamilton (1928) |
Death-Capsule A tiny implanted explosive capsule can be activated remotely.
Edmond Hamilton (1940) |
Death-Ray A thin ray of electric light that melts flesh away from the bone.
George Griffith (1903) |
Edmond Hamilton (1928) |
Decay Ray A mysterious ray that seems to hasten Time for whatever it illuminates.
- Marius (1928) |
Demagnitizing Ray A beam of radiation that makes even the strongest steel as brittle as chalk.
George Griffith (1911) |
Disintegrator A device that causes objects to burst into molecular pieces.
Garrett P. Serviss (1898) |
Nat Schachner (w. AL Zagat) (1931) |
John Varley (1984) |
Henri Dahl Juve (1929) |
Disruptor Bomb A bomb with a very special purpose; when detonated in space, it makes it impossible to detect the center of the explosion from the dispersion of the fragments.
Robert Silverberg (1969) |
Nat Schachner (w. AL Zagat) (1931) |
John Munro (1897) |
John W. Campbell (1933) |
Victor Appleton (1911) |
Jules Verne (1875) |
Manly Wade Wellman (1940) |
Nat Schachner (1932) |
Nat Schachner (1932) |
John W. Campbell (1934) |
Jack Vance (1967) |
Anson MacDonald (1941) |
Frank Herbert (1965) |
Fan Ray A protective ray screen in the shape of a cone.
Frank Phillips (1929) |
Philip K. Dick (1965) |
Nat Schachner (Astounding) |
Harl Vincent (1931) |
Harl Vincent (1932) |
Flesh Gun A weapon that burns the skin and meat off the victim.
Alfred Bester (1974) |
Larry Niven (w/J. Pournelle) (1985) |
Force Pencil Device straps to forearm, projects a force beam.
Fritz Leiber (1943) |
Isaac Asimov (1951) |
Philip Nowlan (w/D. Calkins) (1929) |
William Gibson (1993) |
Jules Verne (1896) |
Philip K. Dick (1965) |
Gaussrifle Projectiles driven by electromagnetic forces.
Harry Harrison (1970) |
Glass Pistol A clear glass gun that fires poisoned splinters.
Stanley G. Weinbaum (1934) |
Nat Schachner (1936) |
Gom Jabbar A needle with deadly poison, used to test for humans.
Frank Herbert (1965) |
Robert Heinlein (1951) |
Philip K. Dick (1960) |
Robert Heinlein (1959) |
H.G. Wells (1898) |
Cordwainer Smith (1965) |
Neal Stephenson (1992) |
Homer A device fired from a gun that ends the life of a citizen, based on the color of their palm flower.
William Nolan (w/G.C. Johnson) (1967) |
Frank Herbert (1965) |
Clifford Simak (1961) |
Hypnosis Ray Eases the words of dictators into the minds of the credulous.
Eric Frank Russell (1941) |
Bart Kosko (1987) |
H.G. Wells (1897) |
George Lucas (1976) |
Jetta Tube Spray causes immediately a trance-like state where a person’s body becomes rigid.
Victor Rousseau (1931) |
H.G. Wells (1903) |
William Shatner (1989) |
Iain M Banks (1990) |
Larry Niven (1966) |
Laser Finger Special powered suit add-on makes you even quicker on the draw.
Jack C. Haldeman (1974) |
Poul Anderson (1966) |
Daniel Suarez (2006) |
Frank Herbert (1965) |
Philip K. Dick (1954) |
Lewiston Standard blaster pistol with terrifying power.
E.E. 'Doc' Smith (1934) |
Jules Verne (1875) |
George Lucas (1976) |
Larry Niven (1970) |
Loitering Micro-Missile A small missile that does not need line-of-sight and can move at a slow pace until it finds its target.
Philip E. High (1968) |
Neal Stephenson (1992) |
Clyde Wilson (1938) |
John W. Campbell (1976) |
Chris Wooding (2006) |
Jim Vanny (1931) |
Magnetic Shell A munition that is powerfully attracted to ferrous ships.
Frank Stockton (1897) |
Robert Silverberg (1969) |
Jack Williamson (1931) |
Frank Herbert (1965) |
Roger Zelazny (1967) |
Mercy Rifle Device fired slivers of anesthetic as darts.
Larry Niven (1968) |
Metal BIrds Surveillance robots that carried weapons, in addition to using their metal bodies.
Philip K. Dick (1960) |
Peter Watts (2006) |
Minovsky Particles A custom-generated subatomic particle with many technological applications.
Yoshiyuki Tomino (1979) |
Mobile Suit A giant (typically 18 meters tall) humanoid-shaped armored combat vehicle.
Yoshiyuki Tomino (1979) |
Jack Williamson (1931) |
William Nolan (w/G.C. Johnson) (1967) |
Philip K. Dick (1965) |
Necap A device that burns out neural connections.
Alan Dean Foster (2010) |
J. Harvey Haggard (1936) |
Needle Gun A weapon that fires thin slivers of metal.
Charles Cloukey (1931) |
Ray Cummings (1928) |
Needler Small palm-sized weapon firing thin bolts of energy.
E.E. 'Doc' Smith (1937) |
E.E. 'Doc' Smith (1934) |
John W. Campbell (1932) |
Nerve Machine A device that delivers pure pain via neural currents.
Harry Harrison (1970) |
Isaac Asimov (1951) |
H. Beam Piper (1951) |
Greg Bear (2007) |
Edmond Hamilton (1928) |
Paralysis Bomb A device like a hand grenade that released paralyzing radiation.
Robert Heinlein (1940) |
Arthur K. Barnes (1938) |
Ray Cummings (1931) |
Edmond Hamilton (1927) |
Raymond Z. Gallun (1940) |
Ray Cummings (1930) |
Ray Cummings (1936) |
Philip K. Dick (1960) |
Ray Cummings (1930) |
E.E. 'Doc' Smith (1931) |
Persuader Device secured to a person that ensures compliant behavior by threat of force.
Chris Wooding (2006) |
Richard Morgan (2003) |
Pinlight Thimble-sized photonuclear bomb.
Cordwainer Smith (1953) |
Kendall Foster Crossen (1953) |
J.J. Ferrat (1956) |
Frederik Pohl (w/CM Kornbluth) (1952) |
Philip K. Dick (1965) |
Philip K. Dick (1964) |
Polaron Beam A unique beam of energy that scatters some of its light at right angles to the direction of propagation.
Arthur C. Clarke (1951) |
Harry Harrison (1960) |
David Drake (1979) |
Project X A device that produces sound rays that are intolerable to living things.
Ayn Rand (1957) |
John W. Campbell (1932) |
Harold Ramis (1984) |
Raymond Z. Gallun (1937) |
E.E. 'Doc' Smith (1934) |
Edmond Hamilton (1938) |
Ray gun A weapon that projects a beam of destructive force.
Victor Rousseau (1917) |
John W. Campbell (1930) |
Harl Vincent (1929) |
Razorback Autonomous motorcycle weapons platform.
Daniel Suarez (2006) |
Razorgirl Surgically implanted blades under the fingernails.
William Gibson (1984) |
Neal Stephenson (1992) |
Greg Bear (2007) |
Philip E. High (1966) |
Robot Gun An automated gun; typically used for sentry duty.
Alan Dean Foster (1986) |
Philip K. Dick (1956) |
Philip Frances Nowlan (1928) |
Rod In a fight, it is used in a manner similar to a sword and a flamethrower.
Gordon R. Dickson (1969) |
Fritz Leiber (1943) |
Manly Wade Wellman (1941) |
Manly Wade Wellman (1944) |
Satellite Ion Cannon Orbiting station armed with a particle beam weapon, used for surgical tactical strikes.
Westwood Games (1995) |
Harry Harrison (1970) |
Seed Bomb A tiny explosive that can be embedded under the skin.
Philip K. Dick (1974) |
Raymond Z. Gallun (1961) |
Michael Crichton (1985) |
Shatter-Gun A hand-held device that literally scrambles the brains of the victim.
Jack Vance (1954) |
Philip K. Dick (1965) |
Frank Herbert (1965) |
Miles J. Breuer (1932) |
Steven Spielberg (2002) |
Neal Stephenson (1995) |
Slamhound An automated assassination device with a keen sense of smell.
William Gibson (1986) |
Larry Niven (1970) |
Margaret St. Clair (1953) |
Charles Stross (2003) |
Slow Pellet Stunner A projectile device that throws darts in a manner calculated to get past a force shield.
Frank Herbert (1965) |
Michael Crichton (1985) |
Soft Weapon A device that changes its shape to alter its function.
Larry Niven (1967) |
Raymond Z. Gallun (1936) |
Spetsdöd A unique gun that is part of the shooter.
Steve Perry (1985) |
Gordon R. Dickson (1960) |
E.E. 'Doc' Smith (1934) |
Robert Heinlein (1949) |
Piers Anthony (1968) |
Arthur C. Clarke (1955) |
Stone Burner Atomic weapon which burrows deep into a planet; its radiation also attacks selected nerve tissues.
Frank Herbert (1969) |
Stun Pistol A hand-held device that causes unconsciousness.
Isaac Asimov (1952) |
Stunner - freeze! A non-lethal weapon; typically used like a firearm but only renders its victim unconscious.
S.D. Gottesman (1941) |
Frank Herbert (1972) |
Philip Pullman (1997) |
Philip K. Dick (1964) |
Philip K. Dick (1954) |
Nat Schachner (1932) |
Supertank An air-cushioned armored combat vehicle powered by a fusion generator.
David Drake (1979) |
E.E. 'Doc' Smith (1939) |
H.G. Wells (1914) |
Murray Leinster (1947) |
Robert Heinlein (1959) |
Tangler Strong webbing in a tiny capsule, it expands to a net, capturing a suspect.
William Nolan (w/G.C. Johnson) (1967) |
Teleray Destruction over great distances.
Carl Jacobi (1938) |
Ray Cummings (1942) |
E.E. 'Doc' Smith (1942) |
Philip K. Dick (1964) |
W.F. Wallace (1952) |
Vandelite Gun An artillery device that freezes the explosive material for firing so it doesn't explode in the gun when it fires.
George Griffith (1903) |
William Nolan (w/G.C. Johnson) (1967) |
Larry Niven (1970) |
Robert Heinlein (1940) |
John W. Campbell (1936) |
Vortex Gun A device that projects whirling fields of atomic instability.
Jack Williamson (1939) |
Jack Vance (1964) |
Maureen F. McHugh (1994) |
George Griffith (1893) |
Greg Bear (2007) |
Wire Gun Shoots a length of constricting wire.
Ray Cummings (1936) |
Larry Niven (1980) |
Fritz Leiber (1943) |
Zero-Ray Inflicts a fatal frostbite on living tissue.
Clark Ashton Smith (1931) |