Humanoid Robots Building Humanoid Robots
''Pardon me, Struthers,' he broke in suddenly... 'haven't you a section of the factory where only robot labor is employed?'' - Isaac Asimov (1940)
(re: Isaac Asimov, 2/23/2025 ) |
Robot Hand Separate From Robot
'The crawling, exploring object was V-Stephen's surgeon-hand...' - Philip K. Dick, 1955.
(re: Philip K Dick, 10/29/2024 ) |
Optimus Robot Can Charge Itself
'... he thrust in his charging arm to replenish his store of energy.' - William Morrison, 1941.
(re: William Morrison, 10/17/2024 ) |
Is Your Autonomous Tractor Safe?
'The field-minder finished turning the top-soil of a two-thousand-acre field.' - Brian W. Aldiss, 1958.
(re: Brian W. Aldiss, 10/11/2024 ) |
RoboShiko! Sumo Exercises Still Good For Robots
'... the expressionless face before me was therefore that of the golem-wrestler, Rolem, a creature that could be set for five times the strength of a human being.' - Roger Zelazny, 1966.
(re: Roger Zelazny, 9/29/2024 ) |
Giant Robotic Hands At Gundam Next Future Science
'Waldo put his arms into the primary pair before him; all three pairs, including the secondary pair mounted before the machine, came to life.' - Robert Heinlein, 1942.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 9/27/2024 ) |
Torobo Humanoid Robot Hammers A Nail
7-axis dual arms, 3-axis waist (pitch, pitch, yaw), 3-axis neck (yaw, pitch, roll), and 4-axis undercarriage!
(re: Michael Crichton, 7/16/2024 ) |
Chaffeur Robot Musashi Will Drive Your Regular Car
'What would you do,' Eric asked the robot cabdriver, 'if your wife had turned to stone, your best friend were a toad, and you had lost your job?' - Philip K. Dick, 1954
(re: Philip K Dick, 7/10/2024 ) |
Rizon 4 Ironing Robot
'But after washing and drying clothes had to be smooth - free from fine lines and wrinkles ...' - Mikhail Mikheev, 1972.
(re: Mikhail Mikheev, 6/22/2024 ) |
KIME Robot Mixologist
'...the perpetual beam carved in the robot face of the bartender.' - Alfred Bester, 1956.
(re: Alfred Bester, 12/19/2023 ) |
Laika Concept Robotic Dog Companion
'He snapped his fingers, and a lean, rangy hound rose from the corner...' - Otis Adelbert Kline, 1937.
(re: Otis Adelbert Kline, 12/15/2023 ) |
Mika The Robot-Boss
'the robot-boss was busy at the lip of the new lode instructing and egging the men on to greater speed...' - David C. Cooke, 1939.
(re: David C. Cooke, 11/7/2023 ) |
Sensitive, Soft Robot Skin
'...tinted material that had all the feel and appearance of human flesh and epidermis.' - Harl Vincent, 1934.
(re: Harl Vincent, 10/23/2023 ) |
Finger Sensors For Robot Hands
'What strange sensitivity! What an amazing development of science was manifested in every move and act and word of this Robot!' - Ray Cummings, 1931.
(re: Ray Cummings, 10/19/2023 ) |
'No, I'm Not A Robot' - Robot
'... with a weird simulation of life, the ten forked ends of each arm commenced a rattling pressing of the buttons.' - Schachner and Zagat, 1931.
(re: Schachner and Zagat, 9/17/2023 ) |
FlyCroTug Drones Work In Teams Now
'It slid smoothly out of its cell like a metal wasp emerging from its nest, and hung in midair.' - James P. Hogan, 1979.
(re: James P. Hogan, 8/17/2023 ) |
Solar Panel Cleaning Robots
'... polishing their way the whole length of Rama's six artificial suns.' - Arthur C. Clarke, 1972.
(re: Arthur C. Clarke, 7/7/2023 ) |
Mechanical Horse Sculpture Gallops In Place
'Rod placed the brain inside the panel... the horse raised its head, wiggled its ears, blinked twice, gave a tentative whinny.' - Christopher Stasheff, 1969.
(re: Christopher Stasheff, 1/19/2023 ) |
Tentacle Robot Gripper Recalls War Of The Worlds
'It presented a sort of metallic spider with five jointed, agile legs, and with an extraordinary number of jointed levers, bars, and reaching and clutching tentacles.' - HG Wells, 1898.
(re: HG Wells, 12/21/2022 ) |
Mesmer Robot Head Must Be Seen
'... he placed [the brain] inside the robot head, and clapped the padded wig over it.' - Otis Adelbert Kline, 1937.
(re: Otis Adelbert Kline, 12/7/2022 ) |
Robotic Surgeons Outperform Human Surgeons
'...the objects moving about so gently and putting their instruments away were not living beings, but robots.' - John Russell Fearn
(re: John Russell Fearn, 8/17/2022 ) |
Giving Snakes Their Legs Back
Then some unknown race had chanced upon the dreamers and decided to 'help them out.' - Vernor Vinge, 1992.
(re: Vernor Vinge, 8/7/2022 ) |
Robotics Jobs In The Food Industry
'The efficient robot waiter of the Sky Club had cleared away the remnants of an epicurean meal.' Nat Schachter and Al Zagat, 1931.
(re: C.E. Heller, 6/21/2022 ) |
Compressorhead Robotic Band Jams
'The massive feet working the pedals, arms and hands flashing and glinting...' - Herbert Goldstone, 1953.
(re: Herbert Goldstone, 2/7/2022 ) |
ElectroVoxel Reconfigurable Robots
'...a vaguely terrifying foot-high shape, squared and angled and pointed and ANIMATE.' - Abraham Merritt, 1920.
(re: Abraham Merritt, 2/5/2022 ) |
Gentle Monster Robot Head
'The robot knelt before the head, lifted it slowly, and with... its strong hands placed it on its shoulders...' - Hugo Correa, 1968.
(re: Hugo Correa, 11/21/2021 ) |
Robotic 'Third Thumb' Rewires Your Brain
'When he's connected up to your nervous system, you'll be able to make him whistle, hiss, roar, flap his wings and spit sparks...' - Samuel R. Delany, 1966.
(re: Samuel R. Delany, 5/9/2021 ) |
Sophia Robots By The Thousands
'There is a built-in microphone that hears everything you say, and an electric brain that selects a suitable answer.' - Fritz Lieber, 1954.
(re: Fritz Lieber, 1/21/2021 ) |
Reachy Humanoid VR Teleoperation App
"I went to the control room where the three other men were manipulating their mechanical men...' - AG Stangland, 1929.
(re: AG Stangland, 1/11/2021 ) |
Shape-Shifting Robot From MIT
'... the structure of that shape is retained down to the molecules.' - Samuel R. Delany, 1966.
(re: Samuel R. Delany, 10/29/2020 ) |
I Love Ceiling-Mounted Robots
'Immediately an enormous apparatus fell on to her out of the ceiling...' - EM Forster, 1911.
(re: EM Forster, 10/1/2020 ) |
Microscopic Robots On The March!
'Microscopic machinery, smaller than ants, smaller than pins, working energetically, purposefully...' - Philip K. Dick, 1955.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 8/5/2020 ) |
Ford Uses Obedient Robot Dogs To Update Facilities Maps
'If he sent out two or three of the small tele-operated devices... [he] could see machinery and construction details in real time from both above and below.' - Niven and Pournelle, 1981.
(re: Niven and Pournelle, 7/19/2020 ) |
Robot Dog Learns To Be Doggy From Real Dogs
'So we took pictures of Guzub making a Three Planets, and I could construct this one to do it exactly right down to the thousandth of a second.' - Anthony Boucher, 1943.
(re: Anthony Boucher, 5/5/2020 ) |
Out-Of-Work Blue Collar Robots Need Your Help
'His legs relaxed with a rattle as he cut off all power below his waist... and ran his eye down the Help Wanted - Robot column...' - Harry Harrison, 1956.
(re: Harry Harrison, 1/13/2020 ) |
Shapeshifter Robot Is Comprised Of Cobots
'Its lines wavered, flowed, and then painfully reformed. For an interval, the device struggled with itself...' - Philip K. Dick, 1957.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 9/27/2019 ) |
Humanoid Robot's Muscles Biomimic Ours
'It is remarkable that the long leverages of their machines are in most cases actuated by a sort of sham musculature...' HG Wells, 1898.
(re: HG Wells, 8/19/2019 ) |
Unusual Twist On Woman Dates Robot
'My hearing, vision and awareness went along with that excellent imitation of a young Adonis...' - Manly Wade Wellman, 1938.
(re: Manly Wade Wellman, 6/29/2019 ) |
Blood Battery Robotic Fish
'With one fluid motion, it surged forward, plunged, and was gone.'- Michael Swanwick, 2002.
(re: Michael Swanwick, 6/21/2019 ) |
Bee+ Robobee Now With Four Wings
'It was a tiny thing, scarcely more than an inch and a half in length...' - Raymond Z. Gallun, 1936.
(re: Raymond Z. Gallun, 6/11/2019 ) |
Husqvarna Automower 435X AWD
'Gramp Stevens sat in a lawn chair, watching the mower at work...' - Clifford Simak, 1944.
(re: Clifford Simak, 4/15/2019 ) |
I Can't Resist Worm Robots
'Seen close it was not completely flexible...' - Harry Harrison, 1962.
(re: Harry Harrison, 1/25/2019 ) |
Soft Robotics - Now With 3D Printed Sensors!
'A series of chemelectric afferent nerve-analogues, which permitted it to gauge to an ounce the amount of pressure necessary to snap a bone...' - Roger Zelazny, 1966.
(re: Roger Zelazny, 3/12/2018 ) |
Robot Only Faster, Not Better, At Recycling
'Whenever a robot finds something it can't identify straight off... it puts whatever it is in the hopper outside your window.' - Harry Harrison, 1956.
(re: Harry Harrison, 12/1/2017 ) |
effie Automated Ironing Appliance
'Household Automata received an urgent task to develop production units of бытовые тканевые разглаживk
(re: Mikhail Mikheev, 10/18/2017 ) |
HEXA Robotic Help For Plants
Then some unknown race had chanced upon the dreamers and decided to 'help them out.' - Vernor Vinge, 1992.
(re: Vernor Vinge, 10/8/2017 ) |
Temi Robotic Telepresence Roommate
'Small [telepresence] devices with cameras and sound equipment which could move freely...' - Niven and Pournelle, 1981.
(re: Niven and Pournelle, 7/16/2017 ) |
Design Your Own Robot (Carefully)
'I didn't realize it, but I was patiently building the most dangerous thing in creation...' - Maurice Hugi, 1941.
(re: Maurice Hugi, 5/21/2017 ) |
Dubai Mall Hires Robocop
'This was as close as a robot could get to a cop in uniform, without being a joke.' - Harry Harrison, 1958.
(re: Harry Harrison, 5/15/2017 ) |
3D Print Tiny Bio-Bots
'... biological robots were not living creatures.' - Arthur C. Clarke, 1972.
(re: Arthur C. Clarke, 3/11/2017 ) |
Bill Gates Suggests Tax On Robots
'A worker replaced by a nubot that 'appears or pretends to be human' had to be compensated...'- John Twelve Hawks, 2014.
(re: John Twelve Hawks, 2/17/2017 ) |
Roboy 3DPrinted Humanoid Robot
'A robot child that would be reared within the bosom of a human family...' - Henry Slesar, 1958.
(re: Henry Slesar, 2/12/2017 ) |
Ardu McDuino, Bagpipe Robot
'Rollo sat at the keyboard, prim, inhuman, rigid, twin lenses focused...' - Herbert Goldstone, 1953.
(re: Herbert Goldstone, 2/1/2017 ) |
Robot Animals Set To 'Spy in the Wild'
'[The electric sheep], sophisticated piece of hardware that it was, chomped away in simulated contentment...' - Philip K. Dick, 1968.
(re: Philip K. DIck, 12/20/2016 ) |
Korea's Avatar Robot
Not quite ready to chase eight-foot tall blue aliens, but it's pretty cool!
(re: Robert Heinlein, 12/16/2016 ) |
ChainFORM Robot For Your Wrist
'...a vaguely terrifying foot-high shape, squared and angled and pointed and ANIMATE.' - Abraham Merritt, 1920.
(re: Abraham Merritt, 12/14/2016 ) |
ibotn Toddler-Care Mini-Robot
'She's not like a machine. She's like a person. A living person.' - Philip K. Dick, 1955.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 11/25/2016 ) |
Moley Kitchen Robot Ready By 2018
'...the electric cook was stirring empty nothing in a pan, with a zeal worthy a dozen eggs.' - Elizabeth Bellamy, 1899.
(re: Elizabeth Bellamy, 11/12/2016 ) |
Robots Don't Need To Be Humanoid
'People are used to android robots... They'll be scared of your unhuman-looking contraptions...' -Anthony Boucher, 1943.
(re: Anthony Boucher, 9/13/2016 ) |
Xian'er Buddhist Monk Robot
'Getting to his feet he crossed the waiting room to the Padre booth...' - Philip K. Dick, 1969.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 4/29/2016 ) |
Would You Date A Robot? 1 in 4 Say 'Yes'!
'My hands touched a great keyboard, whence, perfect through long practice, I could direct lifelike motion.' - Manly Wade Wellman, 1938.
(re: Manly Wade Wellman, 4/26/2016 ) |
Robotic Suitcase Follows You
'The machine would carry his bag in its soft plastic jaws and follow him as faithfully as a well-trained hound...'
(re: John Brunner, 1/1/2016 ) |
Robots Should Start Out As Babies
'He is beginning to learn control of his limbs: it is apparent that he will walk before his human brother.'
(re: David H. Keller, 12/2/2015 ) |
Sprint Wants Sales Robots
'Robot-salesmen were everywhere, gesturing, pleading...' - Philip K Dick, 1954.
(re: Philip K Dick, 10/14/2015 ) |
Do You, Human, Take This Robot...?
'Streamlined, smooth-working, absolutely noiseless, breath-takingly realistic.' - Fritz Lieber, 1954.
(re: Alice W. Fuller, 10/11/2015 ) |
Harvard's Robobees Now 'Fly' Underwater
'...the Scarab buzzed into the great workroom as any intruding insect might, and sought the security of a shadowed corner.' - Raymond Z Gallun, 1936.
(re: Raymond Z. Gallun, 10/4/2015 ) |
Robot-Based Trash Collection
'Robots pick up the garbage and junk and load it in there...' - Harry Harrison, 1956.
(re: Harry Harrison, 9/30/2015 ) |
Telepresence In The Office
'That led to his development of robot probes; small devices with cameras and sound equipment which could move freely... under direct control.' - Niven and Pournelle, 1981.
(re: Niven and Pournelle, 9/22/2015 ) |
Golf Robot Putts Out
'The robot solemnly hit a ball against the wall, picked it up and teed it, hit it again, over and again...' - Frederik Pohl, 1954.
(re: Frederik Pohl, 6/26/2015 ) |
Walker Robot Helps The Elderly
'The robant and the tiny old woman entered the control room slowly...'- Philip K. Dick, 1953.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 5/3/2015 ) |
Robot Chef Makes Thousands Of Dinners
'I got one of those new electronic cameras... and I could construct this one to do it exactly right down to the thousandth of a second.'- Anthony Boucher, 1943.
(re: Anthony Boucher, 4/11/2015 ) |
Budgee Robot Carries Your Bags
'From now until his credit expired the machine would carry his bag in its soft plastic jaws...'- John Brunner, 1975.
(re: John Brunner, 3/25/2015 ) |
UR3 Robot At Work On Copies Of Itself
'I don't mean that you should construct this ultra-microrobot with your own fingers, of course...'- Raymond Z. Gallun, 1937.
(re: Raymond Z Gallun, 3/8/2015 ) |
Bridge-MINDER Repair Robot
'The repair robots had started out on their rounds...'- Stanislaw Lem, 1954.
(re: Stanislaw Lem, 3/6/2015 ) |
ROBEAR Nursing Care Robot
What other robots are strong enough to carry you? Do you want them to do so?
(re: Katsuhiro Otomo, 2/24/2015 ) |
Henn-na Robot Hotel
'... hotels that specialized in non-human service.'- Harry Harrison, 1970.
(re: Harry Harrison, 2/1/2015 ) |
Eel Robots Ideal For Naval Warfare
Because anguilliform swimming is more efficient, and stealthier, than thunniform swimming. But you already knew that.
(re: Murray Leinster, 12/1/2014 ) |
Competing With Blue Collar Robots
'With the chronic worry of the unemployed, he... ran his eye down the Help Wanted - Robot column...'- Harry Harrison, 1956.
(re: Harry Harrison, 11/4/2014 ) |
Robot Bartenders At Sea
'We've promised him a generous pension from the royalties on usuform barkeeps...'- Anthony Boucher, 1943.
(re: Anthony Boucher, 11/3/2014 ) |
Ginger the LOLbot
'His capacity to distinguish between gags that are partly funny and gags that are very funny'- William Tenn, 1951.
(re: William Tenn, 10/28/2014 ) |
Most Advanced Robotic Hand?
'Hands I could order from the atomics-engineering equipment companies...'- Robert Heinlein, 1956.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 10/2/2014 ) |
Dyson 360 Eye Robot Vacuum Cleaner
'It vacuum-cleaned... or polished, consulting tapes in its idiot memory to decide which.'- Robert Heinlein, 1956.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 9/4/2014 ) |
Robot Swarm Obeys Commands
'What is the nature of this cloud? What is your opinion?'- Stanislaw Lem, 1954.
(re: Stanislaw Lem, 8/18/2014 ) |
Tiniest Microphone Inspired By Fly
'Transmitting to its manipulator, far away now, all that it heard through its ear microphones...'- Raymond Z. Gallun, 1936.
(re: Raymond Z. Gallun, 7/21/2014 ) |
LS3 AlphaDog Robot Marine Corps Video
'He admired the fast-plodding, articulated legs, so necessary since roads had degenerated...'- Anthony Boucher, 1951.
(re: Anthony Boucher, 7/9/2014 ) |
Robots Implore Humans For Help Online
'Whenever a robot finds something it can't identify straight off... it puts whatever it is in the hopper outside your window.'- Harry Harrison, 1956.
(re: Harry Harrison, 6/29/2014 ) |
Ray, Your Parking Robot
'[Mary] claimed her car from the robopark...'- Robert Heinein, 1941.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 6/25/2014 ) |
Pepper, Your Robot Companion
'She's - she's not like a machine. She's like a person. A living person.'- Philip K. Dick, 1955.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 6/5/2014 ) |
Who Will Own The Robots?
'...machines did the work of man, and the aristos, owners of the machines, played in soft idleness...'- Zagat and Schachner, 1931.
(re: Zagat and Schachner, 5/16/2014 ) |
M-Block Modular Robots Assemble Themselves
'... as though a child should build from nursery blocks a fantastic shape which abruptly is filled with throbbing life.'- Abraham Merritt, 1920.
(re: Abraham Merritt, 4/14/2014 ) |
Robotic Toaster Sells Itself
'I'm not yours to order around... I'm to remain with you until you buy me.'- Philip K. Dick, 1954.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 3/18/2014 ) |
WildCat Runs Faster Than You, Untethered
'...moving with such drifting ease that it was like a single solid cloud of black-grey smoke blown at him in silence.' Ray Bradbury, 1953.
(re: Neal Stephenson, 11/7/2013 ) |
Mobiserv Social Companion Robot
'Behind Norton came a withered old woman. Beside her moved a gleaming robant...'- Philip K. Dick, 1953.
(re: Philip K Dick, 8/21/2013 ) |
Self-Assembling Robot Swarm
'...the Sheen Robots assemble themselves when the signal to do it is registered by them.'- James Schmitz, 1966.
(re: James Schmitz, 7/24/2013 ) |
CurvACE Artificial Compound Insect Eye
'...transmitting to its manipulator, far away now, all that it ... saw with its minute vision tubes.'- Raymond Z. Gallun, 1936.
(re: Raymond Z. Gallun, 5/25/2013 ) |
Drosophila Robotica, The Mechanical Fly
'... the Scarab [flying robot] buzzed into the great workroom as any intruding insect might...'- Raymond Z. Gallun, 1936.
(re: Raymond Z. Gallun, 5/7/2013 ) |
Robo-Raven Flapping Wing Robot Bird
'When he had first built them, they had been crude indeed, flying mechanisms with little more than a reflex-response unit.'- Philip E. High, 1968.
(re: Philip E. High, 5/6/2013 ) |
Bartendro Robot Bartender
'He sipped the cognac that the robot bartender handed him...'- Alfred Bester, 1956.
(re: Harry Harrison, 4/19/2013 ) |
Coman Bully-Resistant Robot
'It makes me wonder if we're not seeing the beginning of a new species... The race to come after man.'- Philip K. Dick, 1953.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 4/8/2013 ) |
PETMAN Robot Marches On
'Dressed in Morey's own sports knickers and golfing shoes, the robot solemnly hit a ball against the wall... again, over and again.'- Frederik Pohl, 1954.
(re: Frederik Pohl, 4/5/2013 ) |
RoboBee Swarm Replaces Pollinating Insects?
'With a buzz that any uninformed person would have mistaken for that of a beetle, it started out on its journey.'- Raymond Z. Gallun, 1936.
(re: Raymond Z. Gallun, 3/15/2013 ) |
Robotic Bat Wing
'...they stirred, almost simultaneously, as if shaken by a sudden breeze. They began to flex their wings.'- Roger Zelazny, 1980.
(re: Roger Zelazny, 2/26/2013 ) |
CAPIO Exoskeleton Controls AILA Robot
'Waldo flexed and extended his fingers gently; the... waldoes... followed in exact, simultaneous parallelism.'- Robert Heinlein, 1942.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 11/24/2012 ) |
Tiny Bio-Bots Take Big Steps Forward
'If the biological robots were not living creatures, they were certainly very good imitations.'- Arthur C. Clarke, 1972.
(re: Arthur C. Clarke, 11/20/2012 ) |
bebionic3 Myoelectric Robotic Hand
'At the moment Eldritch made use of the five-finger humanoid manual extremity...'- Philip K. Dick, 1965.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 11/5/2012 ) |
CIROS Robot Makes Your Salad
'Half your time in cooking is wasted reaching around for what you need next.'- Anthony Boucher, 1943.
(re: Anthony Boucher, 11/4/2012 ) |
Robot Snakes On A Plane!
'in operation it is not unlike the common earthworm.'- Harry Harrison, 1962.
(re: Emmett McDowell, 10/1/2012 ) |
Beam Yourself To Distant Places
'If he sent out two or three of the small tele-operated devices... Rand could effectively be in several places at once...' - Niven and Pournelle, 1981.
(re: Niven and Pournelle, 9/27/2012 ) |
Winbot Scrubs Your Windows
'There were the window cleaners... who were apparently polishing their way...' - Arthur C. Clarke, 1972
(re: Arthur C. Clarke, 9/14/2012 ) |
DARPA M3 Soft Camo Robots
'Monique's tissues had at least three other basic attractor modes... [like] the spread-out "puddle" shape...'
(re: Rudy Rucker, 8/23/2012 ) |
SHOAL Robotic Fish Patrol Harbors
'The Mitsubishi turbot wriggled, as if alive. With one fluid motion, it surged forward, plunged, and was gone.'
(re: Michael Swanwick, 5/22/2012 ) |
Israel's Robotic Butterfly Drone Flies Indoors
'There it studied its surroundings, transmitting to its manipulator... all that it heard through its ear microphones and saw with its minute vision tubes.'
(re: Raymond Z. Gallun, 5/20/2012 ) |
HyQ Four-Legged Robot From Italy
'He admired the fast-plodding, articulated legs, so necessary since roads had degenerated...'
(re: Anthony Boucher, 5/16/2012 ) |
Robots In The Mines
Dangerous professions can be made safer with robots.
(re: Isaac Asimov, 5/14/2012 ) |
Shrewbot Uses Whiskers As Sensors
See the video for a good example of how biomimicry can lead to uncanny mechanical imitations of nature.
(re: Ray Bradbury, 1/25/2012 ) |
Qrio Robot Golfer
What's a fair handicap for a robot?
(re: Frederik Pohl, 1/12/2012 ) |
Korean Talking Robotic Head
Another strange robotic head, that may come to a classroom near you. Some day.
(re: William Gibson, 11/3/2011 ) |
PETMAN Robot Video
Wear in (and wear out) your clothes robotically.
(re: Frederic Pohl, 11/1/2011 ) |
iCub Crawling Robot
iCub may seem to be taking a step backward, but it's all human development.
(re: Brian Aldiss, 10/6/2011 ) |
Musical Robotic Head
'An anthropomorphic robotic head with a human-like face and a sheet of artificial skin.'
(re: William Gibson, 8/14/2011 ) |
Soft Biocompatible Memory Device
Perfect for DARPA's GummiBots, this device also holds promise as a way to achieve implantable memory devices.
(re: Various, 7/22/2011 ) |
Human-like Brain For Robots?
Could our own brains inspire research that leads to robots that can think for themselves in challenging situations? These researchers think so.
(re: Isaac Asimov, 7/19/2011 ) |
Kilobot Robot Swarm
Someday, we'll find robots organized like this underfoot.
(re: Ray Bradbury, 6/18/2011 ) |
KMR-M6 Hexapod Robot
Take a look at the video to see how quick this six-legged robot really is.
(re: Michael Crichton, 4/8/2011 ) |
Self-Charging Nao Robot Video
Nao learns to self-charge; I like the way he chills out while waiting for a full charge, too.
(re: Stephen Barr, 3/8/2011 ) |
Robots Are Social Media, The TED Video
Fascinating TED video talk on social robots; links also to some of these robots covered on Technovelgy, with more information and video.
(re: George Lucas, 2/14/2011 ) |
Pi4-Workerbot Adapts Quickly
This adaptable robot is available to fill in on those shifts where no short-term human help is available. No, it's not an American robot.
(re: Harry Harrison, 12/2/2010 ) |
Robofish Quick As Startled Pike
Admire the quickness of this new robotic fish; it's eight times quicker than previous robofish.
(re: Michael Swanwick, 11/2/2010 ) |
PIRO Window Washing Robot
Nicely implemented window washing robot perfect for those vertical surfaces.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 9/21/2010 ) |
Core Bipedal Robotic Vehicle
With a bit more quickness, you'll be thinking that the AT-ST walkers from Star Wars were coming to life.
(re: George Lucas, 9/17/2010 ) |
Robot Surgeons To Be Fully Autonomous
'Facing him from behind the desk was the surgeon The nameplate on the desk included a fully identifying series of letters and numbers... To call him Doctor would be quite enough.'
(re: Isaac Asimov, 7/29/2010 ) |
Robotic Tentacle Manipulator
HG Wells described snake-like tentacle manipulators in his 1898 classic War of the Worlds. And what does this device look like if you turn it upside down?
(re: H.G. Wells, 7/29/2010 ) |
Telepresence Robot Roundup With Anybot
The field of telepresence robotics is starting to heat up; take a look at this roundup to see the variety of functions performed.
(re: Niven and Pournelle, 7/28/2010 ) |
FURO Waitress Robot
It's the latest tech from Dex's Diner in Star Wars! Well, almost.
(re: George Lucas, 7/8/2010 ) |
Perching Flying Robot
This robot can perch until needed, saving energy for the mission. Which is to help people.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 6/29/2010 ) |
Paro Robot Seal Helps Grandma
Robotic baby harp seals are slowly wiggling their way into American nursing homes. A good idea? Or a phildickian idea?
(re: Anne McCaffrey, 6/21/2010 ) |
Belvedere The Robot Butler
Great video of a DIY butler robot; watching the little boy react to it will make your day.
(re: Frederik Pohl, 6/12/2010 ) |
Robotic Butterflies For Parks Near You?
Among the synthetic trees, unliving turf and flower-holograms in the parks of the future, we will have robotic butterflies.
(re: Roger Zelazny, 5/26/2010 ) |
Robots, Knives and Soft-Tissue Injury
I certainly hope that robots can learn to be careful with knives, especially when human beings are nearby. Oh, and no running with scissors.
(re: Various, 5/9/2010 ) |
Family Nanny Robot
We're still waiting for helpful nanny robots - it's been more than fifty years already.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 5/3/2010 ) |
Rubber Mouth Robot Learns To Speak
This robotic device is capable of learning human speech autonomously. On a personal note, it's also capable of seriously creeping me out.
(re: Various, 4/19/2010 ) |
PaPeRo Robot Cashier's Helper
PaPeRo, that lovable little robot, follows in the fictional footsteps of Artoo-Detoo.
(re: George Lucas, 3/31/2010 ) |
Armed Robots Bad Idea
Many, but not all, sf writers agree that armed robots are a bad idea. Can you think of exceptions?
(re: Philip K. Dick, 3/25/2010 ) |
MeBot Gesturing Robot Videos
MeBot is a fascinating experiment in telepresence robotics. I found an additional video, as well as lots of supportive research on the premise that gesturing robots communicate well with humans.
(re: Various, 3/22/2010 ) |
NASA Project M Robot Avatar On Moon
Would it be possible to wake up on the Moon, Avatar-style? Interesting proposal to put telepresence robots on the Moon.
(re: Pournelle and Niven, 2/26/2010 ) |
Dancing DIY Hexapod Robot Video
Take a look at this learning robot and enjoy the soundtrack on the video, which sets a new standard for robotic presentation.
(re: Michael Crichton, 2/10/2010 ) |
IMPASS Robot 'Smart Wheel' Video
They're making great progress with Neal Stephenson's 'smart wheels' - take a look at the video.
(re: Neal Stephenson, 2/4/2010 ) |
PALRO Companion Robot
Who's your favorite companion robot? Little PALRO might fit the bill.
(re: Douglas Adams, 2/3/2010 ) |
Predator, Prey Robots Evolve
Just how much help should human beings give to robots as they evolve toward greater functionality?
(re: Various, 2/3/2010 ) |
Mahru-Z Robot Maid
Roomba is great, but it won't pick up after me. This robot can do it!
(re: Robert Heinlein, 1/18/2010 ) |
ENON Upgraded To Sales Robot
'Robot-salesmen were everywhere, gesturing, pleading, shrilling...' Philip K. Dick, 1954. With video.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 1/12/2010 ) |
Roxxxy Sex Robot From TrueCompanion
This robot is guaranteed to converse with you on your wavelength - just like the 'manufactured wife' imagined more than 100 years ago.
(re: Alice W. Fuller, 1/9/2010 ) |
iRobot's Five Million Home Robots
If you've been looking for a nice round number to express the penetration of robots into the consumer market, this is a nice round number.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 1/5/2010 ) |
Man Wisely Surrenders To Robot
SF film goers are, of course, familiar with instances in which people have failed to appropriately surrender to robots.
(re: Various, 1/1/2010 ) |
The Miraculous Stigmatabot Robot Bartender
Penitents are invited to place their grail below the Stigmatabot's wound spigot, which should give you some insight into this mad creation.
(re: Anthony Boucher, 12/27/2009 ) |
Coelacanth Robot Discovered In Japan
Remarkable robot created mostly from recycled materials; with video and links to lots of robotic fish stories.
(re: Michael Swanwick, 12/11/2009 ) |
Robo-Air Jet Fakes The Force
Very impressive control, young robot. Kudos to Aaron Becker and Robert Sandheinrich from University of Illinois (with video).
(re: George Lucas, 12/9/2009 ) |
iRobiQ Nanny Robot
Philip K. Dick saw this one coming more than fifty years ago. Imagine that. With video showing how iRobiQ will interact with your family.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 12/6/2009 ) |
Giant Robotic Hand Video
Yes, the Waldo F. Jones Synchronous Reduplicating Pantograph comes in larger sizes.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 12/5/2009 ) |
X-Brat Robot Autonomous Mech Warfare
Interesting chance to see a work in progress; this fully autonomous box is your enemy - if you're a three inch tall red cylinder.
(re: Various, 11/26/2009 ) |
Mini Robot Swarms
Why shouldn't robots work in swarms - open source swarms?
(re: Ray Bradbury, 11/21/2009 ) |
Bandit Robot Personal Trainer
Socially assistive robotics seems like an interesting field of study, but I'm not sure about robot drill instructors.
(re: Clamp, 11/20/2009 ) |
Robot Martial Arts Videos
Take a look at these four robots performing a variety of martial arts moves.
(re: Aldo Giunta, 11/16/2009 ) |
Lev, Theremin-Playing Robot
Pretty cool DIY robotic device reprises a classic song from the 1950's, the same ere during which the theremin dominated sf movie soundtracks.
(re: Arthur C. Clarke, 11/13/2009 ) |
PETMAN Robot Video Shows Non-Human Origin
Oh, it's bipedal, alright, but those legs are not quite human. In fact, I think that it walks just like the aliens in that 1996 movie 'The Arrival'
(re: Frederik Pohl, 10/26/2009 ) |
Gyrosphere Robot Climbs Out Of Holes
Nothing like spherical robots; I'm guessing that the Rovers will make a big comeback on the remake of The Prisoner this fall.
(re: Various, 10/19/2009 ) |
Dish Washing Robot Arm
Watch this video of a one-armed dish bandit! Only a prototype, but I still think that Heinlein was on to something when he wondered about dishwashing robots.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 10/19/2009 ) |
iRobot's ChemBot Blob: JSEL Takes Baby Steps
iRobot's version of the Chembot project is not the only effort to move away from clanky, rigid robots. See the blob video, remember the sci-fi B-movies of yesteryear.
(re: , 10/15/2009 ) |
Snackbot, Robotic Bringer Of Snacks
Should roboticists be forced to walk long distances for snacks, or should they have snacks brought to them by autonomous robots, thus letting them spend more time creating cool robots? This question answers itself.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 10/14/2009 ) |
Robobees To Swarm At Harvard
Ten million dollars from the NSF for wild-eyed science fiction from the 1930's? You betcha.
(re: Raymond Z. Gallun, 10/9/2009 ) |
Funktionide Blob: A Video Love Story
In spite of the best efforts of the electroactive polymer blob's creator, the idea of a robotic blob that crawls into bed with me does not relax me. With video.
(re: Various, 10/6/2009 ) |
Obrero Robot Has The Soft Touch
It would be a pleasure to shake hands with this robot, which uses sensitive manipulation to gauge just the right gripping force.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 10/6/2009 ) |
Marvin Intel's Self-Charging Robot
This robot seeks power - from standard AC outlets. I can think of a fifty-year-old reference for that idea. Can you think of an older one?
(re: Stephen Barr, 9/30/2009 ) |
RAPHaEL 2 Robotic Hand
Luke Skywalker, your new hand is almost ready. Now, with force feedback controls and more durable fingers.
(re: George Lucas, 9/29/2009 ) |
Panasonic Roboticbed Transformer
There should probably be some sort of law that keeps otherwise healthy people from getting one of these. Too tempting on the weekends.
(re: Katsuhiro Otomo, 9/26/2009 ) |
First Thought-Controlled Combat Robot
Science and science fiction are neck and neck, as the first thought-controlled fighting robot premieres at the same time as a movie with thought-controlled robotic soldiers.
(re: Various, 9/25/2009 ) |
Robots Need Realistic Skin!
Do you feel put off by the cold, impersonal touch of your robot? Help is on the way.
(re: Various, 9/24/2009 ) |
Marubot Robot Football League
Okay, so the robot football players are not very big. Full-size robot football players must surely follow.
(re: Various, 9/23/2009 ) |
SIL06 Robot Land Mine Detector
This hexapod robot uses an alternating tripod-style gait and a sensor head to locate dangerous land mines.
(re: Michael Crichton, 9/22/2009 ) |
Hajime 33 Robot Kicks, Walks
I'm very impressed by the height of this robot; this remote-controlled player is taller than you are.
(re: Various, 9/19/2009 ) |
Bloodbot Robot Takes Blood Samples
This clever robot has come along just fifty years after Harry Harrison described the basic idea for readers of Fantastic Universe.
(re: Harry Harrison, 9/15/2009 ) |
Robots With Human Brains
What is self-organizing and intelligent and comes in a convenient paste? Human brain cells, that's what.
(re: Peter Watts, 9/14/2009 ) |
Spherical Soft Robots Use Shape Memory Alloys
These soft body robots move by deforming their own structure - and they're safer for soft humans to be around than those clumsy rigid body robots. Unless they're Rovers.
(re: Samuel R. Delany, 9/11/2009 ) |
Be Master To Robot Slave
Be the master of your robotic slave and force it to ... play tennis?
(re: Robert Heinlein, 9/10/2009 ) |
Regina Robot Heavy Healthcare Lifting
Could you please help transfer that unconscious sumo wrestler from his bed to a wheelchair? Regina says 'No problem.'
(re: Katsuhiro Otomo, 9/9/2009 ) |
Foldy The Laundry-Folding Robot Video
For some people, it's important to have clothing folded just right. Well, robots are available to help you now. Video added to article.
(re: Various, 9/8/2009 ) |
Plasmobot Amorphous Biological Robot
'The plasmodium is capable of solving complex computational tasks, such as the shortest path between points and other logical calculations.'
(re: Rudy Rucker, 9/4/2009 ) |
Cheap Microrobot Swarms
This amazing little bot is all on one circuit bard. Why not make a whole black cloud of them?
(re: Abraham Merritt, 9/1/2009 ) |
RIBA Robot for Interactive Body Assistance
This nursing assistant robot looks like a friendly bear; it can pick up and transfer patients weighing up to 135 pounds easily and safely.
(re: Katsuhiro Otomo, 8/27/2009 ) |
MIT Robofish Now More Fishy
No longer mechanical contraptions with thousands of moving parts, these modern robotic fish are sleek imitations of life.
(re: Michael Swanwick, 8/26/2009 ) |
Phasma Insect Robot Runs Like A Bug
This insectile remote-controlled robot is designed to run like an insect from the ground up; that's what makes the video a bit creepy.
(re: Various, 8/26/2009 ) |
Robot Cats Perfect For Older Britons
Ah, those engineers at the Royal Academy. They've been getting into the science fiction section of the library again, eh?
(re: Philip K. Dick, 8/20/2009 ) |
Robots Learn To Lie
What are the consequences for humanity if we encourage robots to learn how to lie? What are the consequences for the robots?
(re: Arthur C. Clarke, 8/19/2009 ) |
Spiderbot Self-Healing Networks
I'm starting to think that if you want an ad hoc network, you need to send in the robots. With video.
(re: Charles Stross, 8/13/2009 ) |
Himawari Homotropic Sunflower Robot
This robot shows real progress toward what Philip K. Dick called 'homotropic' machines - robots that seek out and follow people.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 8/8/2009 ) |
Knife-Wielding Robot With X-Ray Vision
At great expense, this robot has been given sensors to tell just exactly where the ribs are, where the legs are and of course where the shoulders are.
(re: Robert Silverberg, 8/8/2009 ) |
Robot Hands Ready To Kick Your Ass
This compilation of robotic hand-to-sensor coordination shows why the future of sports is mechanical. Stop worrying about steriod use -start testing for robotic prosthetic use.
(re: Various, 8/4/2009 ) |
GHOST Robot Fire Fighters In London
These robotic fire-fighter aren't quite up to the autonomous standard set by their Transformer forebears, but they're coming along nicely.
(re: Various, 7/31/2009 ) |
Baseball Robot Pitching Batting Battle VIDEO
These two robots can perform remarkably well at certain aspects of the game. Electromechanical hitters and pitchers have a certain appeal; now we need steampunk versions for that 1890's feel. Now updated with video.
(re: Various, 7/25/2009 ) |
HRP-4C Robot In Wedding Dress A Mechanical Bride
'Like the father of a bride, I feel both happy and sad.' So said developer Kazuhito Yokoi as he watched his lifelike robotic creation walk down the runway in a wedding dress. With video.
(re: Fritz Leiber, 7/23/2009 ) |
Screamers - PKD's Claws - The Robotic Research Begins
Research on how sandfish lizards manage to both run and burrow under the sand is being touted as an aid to robotic research. I thought that Philip K. Dick's robots evolved on their own.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 7/21/2009 ) |
EATR Robot Is A Vegetarian
It turns out that reports of, well, ghoulish behavior on the part of Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot were completely unfounded. Not surprisingly.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 7/18/2009 ) |
Robot Learns To Smile
Machine learning is the way they've been teaching an Einstein robot to smile. Grad students approve.
(re: Stephen Barr, 7/9/2009 ) |
Dream Cat Venus An Android's Dream
This is starting to sound a bit more like the electric animals from the PKD novel. Particularly the vidlenses.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 7/6/2009 ) |
Robotic Obama Not Ready To Lead Nation
SF fans hoping for an autonomous robotic leader were a little disappointed by the animatronic Obama; however, compare a video of the Obamabot with a video of an sfnal CGI leader
(re: Various, 7/4/2009 ) |
Shrapnel-Locating Autonomous Robot
This autonomous robotic arm uses a biopsy needle and a special technique to find bits of shrapnel as small as 2 mm needle fragments in the body.
(re: Larry Niven, 6/24/2009 ) |
Book-Reading Robot Reads Aloud
This book reading robot had better put its game face on if it thinks it can take away one of my favorite activities - reading books to my children.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 6/14/2009 ) |
Psikharpax Le Robot Rat
Avoid human beings and feed - just the sort of behaviors that robotic rats need.
(re: Ray Bradbury, 6/10/2009 ) |
HIRO Human Interactive Robot
Just how close do you want to work with robots? This robot can help roboticists find the answers.
(re: Issac Asimov, 5/11/2009 ) |
Saya Humanoid Robot Teacher
Did you think that 'no more teacher's dirty looks' would prevail in the era of the robotic teacher. Au contraire.
(re: Issac Asimov, 5/10/2009 ) |
RAPHaEL Robotic Hand Air-Powered
Thumbs up for this unique robotic hand, created by undergraduates. Compressed air is all you need to run it.
(re: George Lucas, 5/5/2009 ) |
DIY Robochess Robot From Iran
This do-it-yourself chess-playing robot was created by an 18 year-old Iranian student; it includes a mechanism for moving the pieces on the board.
(re: Ambrose Bierce, 5/5/2009 ) |
Digilegs - Digigrade Leg Extensions
Sure, we've all wanted to trot like animals through the park. But Kim Graham has gone one step further and created wearable satyr leg extensions.
(re: Various, 4/30/2009 ) |
robuLAB10 Healthcare Roomba
This little bot is just a prototype, but imagine if you will a little household medical robot that follows your elderly mother-in-law around the house.
(re: David H. Keller, 4/27/2009 ) |
PETMAN Humanoid Robot
This robot will be used for product testing of protective gear by the US Army. Better it than thou.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 4/21/2009 ) |
Festo Aqua Ray Robot
I love underwater robots. Especially the biomimetic underwater robots. This manta ray robot is amazing with the skin on - or off. With video!
(re: Various, 4/20/2009 ) |
Robot AquaPenguins Soar Underwater
This robot has an extremely flexible 'fuselage' or body that helps it move uncannily like a real penguin. Note: this article now has video!
(re: Michael Swanwick, 4/20/2009 ) |
Flying Micro-Robot Has Pincer
With a laser-activated pincer and weighing just 3 hundredths of an ounce, this micro-robot might someday be a fly on the wall of your clean room.
(re: Robert Forward, 4/13/2009 ) |
A-Pod Robot Hexapod Video
Is there an uncanny valley for insectile robots? If so, this one is wiggling right on through it.
(re: Michael Crichton, 4/9/2009 ) |
Honda Thought-Controlled Robot
If you're going to have a robotic doppelganger, it should move using your thoughts alone. Updated!
(re: Various, 3/31/2009 ) |
Living Robot Has Biological Brain
Recent developments and more details about these robots with reorganized living rat neuron brains. A first step toward swibble-culture, Mr. Dick?
(re: Philip K. Dick, 3/29/2009 ) |
ApriAttenda Robot Nurse For Aging Japan
Three main factors are pushing the Japanese into creating these robotic servants, which they will then market around the world.
(re: Ray Bradbury, 3/27/2009 ) |
Robotic Fish To Detect Pollution
These lifelike robotic fish will use chemical sensors to find the source of hazardous pollutants in the water.
(re: Michael Swanwick, 3/22/2009 ) |
CareBot MSR Personal Care Robot
New entry in the home and health care robotics area; it can even make use of your own family's colloquial expressions.
(re: Various, 3/19/2009 ) |
Yoshiyuki Sankai And His HAL Exoskeleton
Fascinating series of interviews on video shows how a prominent roboticist read science fiction as a child, and then worked to make it come true as an adult.
(re: Isaac Asimov, 3/18/2009 ) |
Grapevine Pruning Robot
Do robots deserve a day of rest? New robot prototype perform pruning chores cheaper than people.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 3/18/2009 ) |
HRP-4C Robot Woman Is A Cybernetic Humanoid
Just wait until the artists supplement the work of engineers; the fact that this robot duplicates humanoid movement within a human form factor is amazing.
(re: Fritz Leiber, 3/16/2009 ) |
Robot Accepts Gesture Commands
Okay, so you've been gesturing to machines for years. Better watch it - now they know what you're trying to say.
(re: Douglas Adams, 3/11/2009 ) |
DESIRE Trash-Tossing Robot
This prototype robot is shown in a CeBIT video distinguishing trash from non-trash. That's better than early sfnal robots could do.
(re: Harry Harrison, 3/5/2009 ) |
iCub Robot Humanoid Child RobotCub
This European open-source robot child is intended to explore human cognition through the medium of a 3 year-old child. With video.
(re: Brian Aldiss, 2/24/2009 ) |
Robot Baby Crib By Suima
If you have one of those kids who just don't sleep well, there's this mechanical baby bed.
(re: David H. Keller, 2/12/2009 ) |
Robot Brain Grows As It Learns
New technique - an incremental evolutionary algorithm - lets this robot add layers to its physical brain.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 2/9/2009 ) |
Robotic Suit For Farmers In Japan
No more (non-powered) squatting and pulling; now, robotics are on your side too, farmers. But what about droids who do the work for you?
(re: Robert Heinlein, 1/9/2009 ) |
Swarm-Bots Take Small Children Away
It's really up to you whether you are pleased with the idea of a couple dozen swarming robots autonomously finding a small child and pulling her away.
(re: Stanislaw Lem, 1/7/2009 ) |
Basil Reification Robot
A general purpose household robot should be able to easily identify household items like chairs - but until now, they couldn't do it very well.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 12/22/2008 ) |
Huggable Robotic Bear Video
This is an informative video; however, the pictures of Huggable without his outer skin may be shocking.
(re: Anne McCaffrey, 12/17/2008 ) |
Aiko Fembot No Stepford Wife
She might be more like the original than the Stepford version. Reads everything and does complex math in her head.
(re: Fritz Leiber, 12/14/2008 ) |
RoboClam Smart Anchor
Another fascinating biomimetic robot; researchers want to know how Nature can do ten times better than human ingenuity.
(re: Murray Leinster, 12/6/2008 ) |
Table Robot Balances On Two Wheels
Very spartan robot balances on just two wheels to carry your tray or bring your drinks; two table robot videos for your viewing enjoyment.
(re: George Lucas, 12/4/2008 ) |
Winboni Window-Washing Robot
Very neat little robot is a real winner - of a prestigious award for students. Check the video.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 12/2/2008 ) |
Jules Robot Now Matches Your Smile
This robotic head represents the latest efforts by Hanson robotics, who brought you the Philip K. Dick robotic head several years ago.
(re: Various, 11/13/2008 ) |
Honda Walking Assist Device
Nifty invention from Honda also illustrates some differences between people in the US and people in Japan.
(re: Fritz Leiber, 11/7/2008 ) |
SkyBot High-Rise Window Cleaning Robot
SkyBot is a rigorously tested solution for a problem that kills 70 workers in the U.S. alone - high-rise window washing.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 10/31/2008 ) |
Toyota Robot Maid Learns From Mistakes
Great-looking robot maid from Toyota and Tokyo University researchers goes slow, but learns to avoid mistakes and memorizes good strategies.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 10/29/2008 ) |
Multi-Robot Pursuit System: We'll Be Back!
I'm sure that everything will go fine with this project, which could have useful applications in search and rescue, fire fighting and for all I know, the food service industry.
(re: Isaac Asimov, 10/27/2008 ) |
Anna Konda Robot Spraying Water Video
Neat video of the Anna Konda firefighting snake robot spraying water; could be effective in mine fires or other closed quarters.
(re: Emmett McDowell, 10/3/2008 ) |
Robotic Busboy Like R2D2
Intel-sponsored research catches up to what we all saw in Star Wars a quarter-century ago.
(re: George Lucas, 9/7/2008 ) |
Robot Cops By 2084?
Not a very daring prediction, but at least they're thinking about it.
(re: Isa, 8/13/2008 ) |
Heart Robot Wants To Feel Your Love
I'm not sure whether or not this robot crosses the uncanny valley, but I think it's part way through creepy valley. Also, Spielberg should get a cut of any royalties.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 8/5/2008 ) |
RoboStool Homotropic Furniture
Great idea from Norris Labs; I think Philip K. Dick might have recognized it - I especially like the newspaper angle in the video.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 8/4/2008 ) |
Palette Super Model Robot
This robot mannequin can react to the people watching and can be programmed with movements taken from human models.
(re: Friz Leiber, 7/31/2008 ) |
Actroid DER2 Gets TV Commercial Gig Video
Another job lost to robots: this is really bad news for American actors who like to scam extra dough by appearing in Japanese commercials that will never be seen in the US.
(re: Fritz Leiber, 7/28/2008 ) |
Tai-robot-kun Robot Sea Bream
This robot fish looks almost good enough to eat; if it swims autonomously by, however, it's just doing its job.
(re: Michael Swanwick, 7/27/2008 ) |
Robot Fashion Models
Finally, fashion models can be as thin as they need to be; if aluminum is used, they can be lighter, too.
(re: Fritz Leiber, 7/22/2008 ) |
ReWalk Exoskeleton Video
Interesting video shows off the capabilities of this medical exoskeleton; increased mobility is the goal.
(re: Fritz Lieber, 7/22/2008 ) |
Hexbug Robot Crab
This little crab would good scuttling around on your desk; its sensors help it avoid the edge.
(re: William Gibson's, 7/14/2008 ) |
DIY Snake Arm Robot Prototype
Neat little snake arm robot prototype done by a student; what have you been doing for your robotics projects?
(re: H.G. Wells, 7/14/2008 ) |
Do People Prefer Humanoid Robots?
Interesting study use MRI data to see if human beings are much more likely to enjoy their interaction with humanoid robots.
(re: Anthony Boucher, 7/11/2008 ) |
Stelarc Walking Head Robot Scarier Than Necessary
This is a pretty cool robot, but I can't imagine choosing to use this over something friendlier; unless, of course, you were going to go whole hog and really creep them out.
(re: Various, 7/9/2008 ) |
SnoMote Like Imperial Probe Droid
This clever little autonomous robot can explore the Antarctic ice while looking exactly like something on your ten year-old's Christmas list.
(re: George Lucas, 7/2/2008 ) |
Shadow Caddy Robot Is Golfer's Dream Bot
Very simple design and execution makes this a highly usable bot; see the video, and compare it to four other much more complicated ideas for carrying bags around.
(re: John Brunner, 6/30/2008 ) |
The Trons Robot Band
Any thoughts on what kind of music would be best for a robotic band?
(re: Various, 6/23/2008 ) |
AMP Robot Chases You With Tunes
Being chased by robots through your house is not always a positive experience, but AMP will banish those nightmares in which you are pursued by bots.
(re: Philip K Dick, 6/21/2008 ) |
Fuel Powered Muscles For Robots
Will it be possible to have a human-sized robot that can perform the same work as a person on battery power alone?
(re: Martin Caidin, 6/16/2008 ) |
Hopping Robot Sets Record
Hopping is a surprisingly good exploration strategy; biomimetic robots can take advantage of hopping.
(re: Isaac Asimov, 5/22/2008 ) |
Robots May Get Compound Insect Eye Vison
Interesting biomimetic research from the Naval Warfare Center, done in collaboration with the common housefly, Musca domestica.
(re: Edmond Hamilton, 5/11/2008 ) |
Honda Walking Assist Exoskeleton Video
Honda lets you strap on this partial-exoskeleon and walk a bit easier. At least, that's the theory behind this experimental device. With video.
(re: Fritz Leiber, 5/6/2008 ) |
Robot Chef Learns By Demonstration
Give a robot an omelet, and you feed it for a day. Teach a robot how to cook omelets, and you feed it for a lifetime. Or something like that.
(re: Anthony Boucher, 5/6/2008 ) |
Self-Reconfigurable Robots Get It Together
This robot comes apart into clusters that can call to each other and reconnect; watch the video and imagine what will be possible in another five years.
(re: Abraham Merritt, 5/1/2008 ) |
Air Hockey Robot By Sarcos
I can't believe the pace of innovation. First, robots learn to play board games, dice-throwing included. Now this.
(re: Various, 4/18/2008 ) |
When Big Robots Go Bad
The suburb-eating robot concept was a bit tame; what might it look like if giant robots went seriously bad?
(re: Various, 4/9/2008 ) |
El-E Robot Butler Guided By Laser Pointer
El-E belongs to a unique category of 'helper' robots that could really make a difference for someone immobilized by illness or disability.
(re: Various, 4/8/2008 ) |
CV08 Suburb-Eating Robot Concept
This is an interesting concept, but America will need something much bigger. Thankfully, Philip Reeve has already given us a full description.
(re: Philip Reeve, 4/6/2008 ) |
MIT Nexi Robot Expresses Emotions
This robot is quite expressive, but I can think of several others, and one of them is a girl. Robot. Android.
(re: Various, 4/6/2008 ) |
Holon Fembot From Real Drive Anime
Meet Holon, the latest in fembot technology from your friends at Kokoro. She's a character from a new anime from the Ghost in the Shell people.
(re: Masamune Shirow, 4/4/2008 ) |
COM-BAT Robotic 'Bat' On Order From UM
This intriguing development popped up right in my own backyard; UM researchers will attempt feats of micro-miniaturization to make this work.
(re: Roger Zelazny, 3/18/2008 ) |
SYMBRION - Symbiotic Evolutionary Robot Organisms
Interesting European project on the possibility that small, simple robots could evolve their own adaptive software strategies. Stanislaw Lem described this in detail fifty years ago.
(re: Stanislaw Lem, 3/16/2008 ) |
RobuCAB Robotic Taxi
RobuCAB looks kind of cute, and it doesn't need space for a driver. What writer could think of a good personality for a robot cab driver?
(re: Philip K. Dick, 3/14/2008 ) |
BIOTACT Whiskered Robot Rat
Nature may have figured out the best way of sensing the immediate environment in poorly-lit, cluttered places.
(re: Ray Bradbury, 2/18/2008 ) |
Smart Pal Robot Hangs Up Clothes
Now, that's a service robot. And, it even looks like something out of Disney's version of 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' (think broom with arms).
(re: Philip K. Dick, 2/11/2008 ) |
Blue Collar Bot Pumps Gas Update
Remember those friendly gas station attendants of yesteryear? They're back and... they're robots. Updated with a new sf ref and video.
(re: Harry Harrison, 2/5/2008 ) |
Luke Arm Robotic Prosthesis
This is a different type of device; one of the design requirements was that it had no invasive controls. Just strap it on and go.
(re: Martin Caidin, 2/3/2008 ) |
Robovie Crowd-Monitoring Robot
This robot has a good sense of who is lost and who is just standing around. It uses a remarkable array of sensors to accomplish this task.
(re: Various, 1/24/2008 ) |
PowerBot Robot Nurse From Saskatoon
It's a small start, but when they're working on robotic nurses in Saskatoon, you're going to need to get serious about robots.
(re: David H. Keller, 1/21/2008 ) |
Nintendo Wiimote Controls i-SOBOT Robot
Very cool free software program lets you control a humanoid robot with nothing more than your handy Wiimote and nunchuk attachment.
(re: Various, 12/18/2007 ) |
Sarcos Exoskeleton Video
The Sarcos version of an exoskeleton; nice video gives the details.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 11/23/2007 ) |
EMIEW 2 Office Worker Robot
Just what you needed - an assistant robot to help you at the office. Sneakernet has now been replaced by robots.
(re: Various, 11/22/2007 ) |
Russian Robot Suitcase
The modern science of robotics addresses one of the oldest concerns of man - who carries the luggage?
(re: John Brunner, 11/13/2007 ) |
Medusa Quadruped Robot Toy
This little bot can be easily assembled; it is used for classroom instruction in Japan.
(re: Various, 11/8/2007 ) |
Ministry of Silly (Robot) Walks
Robots haven't been walking long, but they've made great strides. And sometimes, not so great strides. But we like them anyway.
(re: Various, 10/2/2007 ) |
Mowgli Leaping Frog Robot
I can just see this cool jumping robot leaping over Godzilla in an upcoming movie...
(re: Various, 10/1/2007 ) |
REEM-A Chess-Playing Robot
This friendly little robot is being designed as a companion for you - and an avid chess partner.
(re: Ambrose Bierce, 9/26/2007 ) |
Roving Robotic Reporter
This story is a little old, but I just discovered it. Philip K. Dick was only off by a couple of years on this one.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 9/25/2007 ) |
Doctor-Bots Play 'Operation'
Students are hard at work on autonomous surgical robots - Dr. Claw will see you now!
(re: Larry Niven, 9/16/2007 ) |
Robots and Religion
Here's a chance to contribute to some interesting research on the topic of intelligent machines and religion.
(re: Anthony Boucher, 9/13/2007 ) |
Robotic Fly Micro Air Vehicle
I'd hate to think that one guy with a flyswatter could take down your entire air force.
(re: Raymond Z. Gallun, 7/20/2007 ) |
Robotic Cow Tongues
Artists are supposed to see things differently; raw meat definitely makes a comeback here.
(re: Various, 7/9/2007 ) |
Robot Librarians In The Stacks
I wonder what sort of capabilities this robot librarian might have when it comes to retrieving overdue books?
(re: Harry Harrison, 7/5/2007 ) |
RoCo Robotic Computer Monitor
You spend more time with your computer than with some of your friends; maybe it should know you better.
(re: Various, 3/22/2007 ) |
Banryu Guard Dragon Home Robot
This great-looking quadruped robot walks like a dragon, sniffing the air and taking pictures.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 2/24/2007 ) |
Ubiko Robot A Fireman's Friend
This catlike robot is a better friend to firemen than that organic Dalmatian creature they use.
(re: Ray Bradbury, 2/22/2007 ) |
Robot Suicide Ad Changed By GM
Here's a suggestion on how to present a really depressed robot in a way that everyone likes.
(re: Douglas Adams, 2/11/2007 ) |
Robot Nurses Seem Unavoidable
Worried about impersonal health care? How about some nice, caring 'intelligent robot swarms?'
(re: David H. Keller, 1/23/2007 ) |
Roboboa Dancing Robot Snake
Those folks at WowWee have been busy; this article may link to cooler robotic snakes, but none that you can buy off the shelf.
(re: Roger Zelazny, 1/14/2007 ) |
Robotic Cable Inspection System
This unique robot operates under very difficult and constrained conditions; we need one of these for the space elevator program, too.
(re: Arthur C. Clarke, 1/7/2007 ) |
EveR2-Muse Robot's Many Faces
The latest incarnation of the EveR2-Muse entertainment fembot now includes the latest feminine emotions.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 1/2/2007 ) |
Insect Lab Beetle Clockwork Sculpture
Not robots - but an amazingly cool set of sculptures that are a science-fiction fan's dream come true - if you think about insects and clockwork.
(re: Raymond Z. Gallun, 12/18/2006 ) |
RoboSalmon Are Descended From SHARCs
Ah, the RoboSalmon are returning to Glasgow, Scotland to spawn... Well, they are building the first one there.
(re: Michael Swanwick, 11/30/2006 ) |
Reborg-Q May You Shop In Peace
Not just a mall walker, this robot can sense water and fire, check employee security badges and even make promotional announcements.
(re: Niven and Pournelle, 11/28/2006 ) |
Be The Soul Of The New Machine
This tele-operated robot will move along with you as you walk, and let you manipulate objects in a remote environment.
(re: Clifford Simak, 11/23/2006 ) |
First Chinese Security Guard Robot
This security bot is able to avoid obstacles, follow a predesignated route and send images of trouble.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 11/19/2006 ) |
Snake-Arm Robot In A Plane
No, really. There are snake-arm robots in planes - not on planes, but in them.
(re: H.G. Wells, 11/6/2006 ) |
Shadow Robot Hand With Air Muscles
The Shadow Hand provides a very humanlike feel, due to the unique muscles that power hand motions; seen at NextFest 2006.
(re: Various, 10/30/2006 ) |
PaPeRo Robot Childcare In Japan
Phil Dick's robot nanny could beat up this childcare robot - but PaPeRo actually exists and is working with children today.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 10/27/2006 ) |
HLPR Chair Mobility Robotics
This industrial-strength robot will help caregivers and wheelchair-bound individuals alike.
(re: Katsuhiro Otomo, 10/1/2006 ) |
Robot Skin Soft Like Yours
Artificial robot skin now smooth and soft, just like you've always dreamed robot skin would feel.
(re: Various, 9/20/2006 ) |
ARMAR Humanoid Robot For The Kitchen
Okay, Roomba and Scooba are doing the floors. Now, what about the dishes? That is up to ARMAR, the kitchen bot.
(re: William Gibson, 8/23/2006 ) |
R7 Ridable Robot
Neal Stephenson, among others, saw this one coming.
(re: Neal Stephenson, 7/23/2006 ) |
Robotic Fire Hose Anna Konda
Imagine a nine-foot long robotic snake full of water slithering to the rescue in a fire - that's Anna Konda.
(re: Connie Willis, 7/22/2006 ) |
Octarms - Robotic Tentacle Bot From Mars!
A robotic tentacle funded by DARPA proves adept at manipulating irregularly shaped (ie natural) objects; just like the Tripod tentacles from War of the Worlds.
(re: H.G. Wells, 5/9/2006 ) |
Amazing Robot Wrestling
Amazing wrestling robots have a variety of great take-down moves.
(re: Roger Zelazny, 5/5/2006 ) |
Robot Nanny - The Fact, The Fiction
SF writers have been thinking about robot nannies (and other forms of automated child care) since at least WWII. This fall, Korea will have some in the home.
(re: Isaac Asimov, 4/11/2006 ) |
Tunnel Cam Robot
Okay, the tunnel cam is not the Mole, let alone Cave Carson's Mighty Mole. But I can dream, can I not?
(re: Niven and Pournelle, 4/4/2006 ) |
Autotelematic Spider Bots
These spider bots are much friendlier looking than the killer-spider-robots seen earlier this week.
(re: Michael Crichton, 3/10/2006 ) |
TMSUK Robot Carries Your Bags
John Brunner referred to an implementation of this idea that sounded like more fun.
(re: John Brunner, 10/29/2005 ) |
Juke Bot Robot - Kuka Kicks It
If you are looking for industrial-grade techno music for your next party event, look no further than the Kuka Robotics-based Juke Bot.
(re: Arthur C. Clarke, 6/24/2005 ) |
Philip K. Dick Robot Unveiled At NextFest 2005
The eerie robotic Philip K. Dick unveiled today at the NextFest 2005 event in Chicago is almost an objectification of Dick's fascination with what really makes people human.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 6/24/2005 ) |
Mini AERCam Robotic Space Vehicle
The nanosatellite-class spherical Mini AERCam (Miniature Autonomous Extravehicular Robotic Camera) is just 7.5 inches in diameter and weighs approximately 10 pounds.
(re: George Lucas, 6/17/2005 ) |
Robotic Bins, Benches Run Amok
A $261,000 display of robotic bins and benches with friendly personalities and roaming ways came to an abrupt end in Cambridge yesterday.
(re: Douglas Adams, 6/17/2005 ) |
HAL-5 Robot Suit
"Humans may be able to mutate into supermen in the near future," said Yoshiyuki Sankai, inventor of the HAL-5 robotic suit.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 6/12/2005 ) |
Self-Replicating Modular Robots
Cornell scientists have been working on machines that replicate themselves. Their strategy is to use small modules that attach to each other with electromagnets.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 5/11/2005 ) |
Snake Robot Roundup!
The snakebots are coming; slithering, grinding, undulating robots that slide on their bellies like a reptile across the Earth (and maybe other planets).
(re: Various, 4/23/2005 ) |
Snake Robot Roundup: Part Two
More snake robots - the Polybot-Based snakebot locomotion study and the OmniTread snakebot (most recent of its kind).
(re: Various, 4/22/2005 ) |
TETWalker: Shape-Shifting Robot Swarm
A tetrahedral walker, or TETWalker robot, was demonstrated recently at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. This bot is a prototype member of an autonomous nanotechnology swarm that can alter their shape to flow smoothly over rocky terrain, or combine
(re: Neal Stephenson, 3/30/2005 ) |
Life Detector Robot To Find Life On Distant Worlds
Zoe, which was developed by Carnegie Mellon University, detects life by looking for natural fluorescence from cells that contain chlorophyll. The robot can also spray four special dyes on soil samples; they fluoresce only when they bind to one of fou
(re: Frank Herbert, 3/16/2005 ) |
Teddy Bear Robotic Companions
A plush robotic teddy bear sat on display at TechFest, a two-day Microsoft event that started today. Steven Bathiche, a research and development program manager, is looking to go beyond the bears you know.
(re: Harry Harrison, 3/3/2005 ) |
Dyson Intelligent Vacuum Cleaner Is Self-Diagnosing
James Dyson has added a new feature to his vacuum cleaners - they can tell service personnel exactly what the problem is. All you need to do is "phone home" - that is, call the service center.
(re: Arthur C. Clarke, 2/24/2005 ) |
Demolition Robots Help Destroy Building
Robots suspended from cranes will be used to demolish the structure of one of Madrid's tallest buildings. The building was damaged by fire; the ruined structure is too dangerous to be handled by human workers.
(re: Isaac Asimov, 2/23/2005 ) |
Rotundus And Rover: Robotic And Fictional Guardians (Updated)
The Rotundus robot is a rather unusual spherical bot that moves using an internal pendulum. The robot was originally designed for planetary exploration at the Ångström Space Technology Center, part of Uppsala University, Sweden.
(re: Niven and Pournelle, 2/14/2005 ) |
Sega idog Robot Puppy (Update)
Sega unleashed its newest creation in Tokyo; a robotic dog called idog that can compose, play and dance to music.
(re: Ray Bradbury, 1/28/2005 ) |
Throwbot - Pocket-Sized Recon Robot
Redstone Arsenal is developing the Throwbot, a soda can-sized robot to aid soldiers in quickly gathering more information about their immediate environment.
(re: Robert Silverberg, 1/26/2005 ) |
ERNIE The Robot Pharmacist - More Accurate Than Humans
A robot pharmacist named ERNIE dispenses more than 90 percent of Evergreen Hospital Medical Center's drugs. ERNIE has packaged nearly 400,000 doses in the past nine months and works twenty-four hours per day.
(re: Larry Niven, 1/23/2005 ) |
ROKVISS Telepresence Robot Heading To Space Station
The ROKVISS robot will leave Earth aboard the Progress M-51 spaceship on December 24th. Russian cosmonaut Salizhan Sharipov and astronaut Leroy Chiao will install the German robot on the outside of the International Space Station.
(re: Niven/Pournelle, 12/15/2004 ) |
Robotic Fish From China
A robotic fish designed for underwater archaeology, mapping, water cultivation and even fishing has been co-developed by the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
(re: Michael Swanwick, 12/8/2004 ) |
Robotic Tomato Harvester Ready For Space
Astronauts on space missions are busy - too busy to tend the hydroponic gardens that will keep them alive on long trips to distant worlds, or on the surface of the Moon or Mars. So, NASA has developed a robotic tomato harvester to pitch in and bring
(re: Gregory Benford, 12/2/2004 ) |
RFID To Fight Entropy In The Home
Fortunately, minute RFID tags attached to everything you own will be used by household robots to identify a place for everything and put everything in its place.
(re: Jetsons, 10/6/2004 ) |
Hydraulic Robo-Slab
Made from Brotonium a practically indestructible space metal, the Brotron Robo-Slab comes equip with; a seven ton magnetic field restraint, a 50THz decontamination lamp, a variable 6000 rpm bone saw, TIG welding arm. and a push button remote for tilt
(re: Larry Niven, 9/6/2004 ) |
Cockroach-Controlled Mobile Robot
Garnet Hertz has created a cockroach-controlled mobile robot. A hybrid biorobotic system, the robot consists of a mechanical system that amplifies and translates the bodily movements of a live giant hissing Madagascar cockroach.
(re: Vernor Vinge, 8/30/2004 ) |
Secom Robot X Security Guard Works For Less
The Secom Robot X security guard, which can be controlled remotely or pre-programmed, will not be sold to customers; it will replace human security guards for half the cost.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 8/27/2004 ) |
Soft Robot Powered By Shape Memory Alloy Spokes
A remarkable new kind of robotic locomotion has emerged in the form of small "robots" that are constructed in the shape of a wheel. The spokes are made of a shape memory alloy; the rim of the wheel is made of an elastic polymer.
(re: Neal Stephenson, 7/3/2004 ) |
Robots Get Pressure-Sensitive Skin
Organic field-effect transistors have been used to fabricate pressure-sensitive skin for robots, according to an abstract published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences this week.
(re: Roger Zelazny, 7/2/2004 ) |
InTouch Companion: Medical Rounding Robot
InTouch Health is now leasing a remote-controlled telepresence robot called The Companion to hospitals and nursing homes nationwide. The 200 pound robots stand about five feet tall and have computer screens for "heads."
(re: Peter Watts, 5/9/2004 ) |
Robotic Safety Barrels: Smart Traffic Cones
Robotic Safety Barrels (RSBs) developed by Shane Farritor may be the kind of smart traffic cones that can save many lives and $100 billion per year in losses due to accidents and delays on U.S. highways.
(re: Bruce Sterling, 4/29/2004 ) |
Koolio: Autonomous Refrigerator Robot
Professors work hard - and they deserve refreshment. At the Machine Intelligence Lab at Benton Hall at the University of Florida, they are served by Koolio, the autonomous refrigerator Robot.
(re: Harry Harrison, 4/22/2004 ) |
RAFFE Helps Remote Mobile Investigator Gather Fingerprints
The Pedsco RMI robot, used for remote handling of explosive devices and other hazardous materials, now has the ability to gather fingerprints. Good news for the humans who might otherwise perform this task.
(re: Isaac Asimov, 4/20/2004 ) |
Roomba's Brother PackBot
iRobot's Roomba cleans up around the house - their PackBot helps soldiers clean up on the battlefield, doing duty as HAZMAT assistant, targeting aid, and bomb discovery droid.
(re: Karel Capek, 4/14/2004 ) |
COTS Scout: Team Building Robot
The COTS Scout robot is learning to play well with others - and to work as part of a search and rescue team.
(re: Neal Stephenson, 4/12/2004 ) |
RobotCop III - Not Quite R. Daneel Olivaw
In his classic 1953 robot story Caves of Steel, Isaac Asimov teamed a human detective with a robotic one - R. Daneel Olivaw. Hong Kong has been testing robotic police officers for years, and has now introduced RobotCop III.
(re: Isaac Asimov, 3/11/2004 ) |
DARPA's BigDog Robot And Bradbury's Mechanical Hound
In his chilling 1953 novel Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury created the mechanical hound, a robot that accompanied the firemen and helped with their work... DARPA has made a multi-million dollar investment in the soldier of the future's best friend - Big
(re: Ray Bradbury, 3/10/2004 ) |
BLEEX: Robotic Exoskeleton Making Strides
The Berkeley Lower Extremity Exoskeleton (BLEEX), a DARPA robotics engineering project that is designed to help foot soldiers carry more supplies for longer distances, was demonstrated in California earlier this week.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 3/6/2004 ) |
Musclebot: Microrobot with a Heart
A microrobot designed by microengineer Carlos Montemagno walks with the aid of living heart muscle at the University of California, Los Angeles.
(re: Jack Vance, 2/27/2004 ) |
StratoSail & Altair: Mars Robot Balloons
StratoSail, a NASA-funded robotic balloon with a wing, and Altair, a Welsh robotic balloon, may hold the key to future Mars exploration.<
(re: Larry Niven, 2/11/2004 ) |
Feral Robotic Dogs Run in Packs
A pack of cooperative robotic dogs wired at Yale have been put to work sniffing for arsenic, lead and other pollutants in soil around schools and homes.
(re: Neal Stephenson, 2/6/2004 ) |
Robotic Bird Has USAF Flocking
A prototype of a small robotic bird created from carbon fiber composites and Mylar has the U.S. Airforce flocking nearby for a closer look.
(re: Greg Bear, 1/31/2004 ) |
Bees Key To Cooperative Robots
How can robots learn cooperative behavior, and learn to work with each other? Automated analysis of the movements of honeybees may provide the answer.
(re: Neal Stephenson, 12/12/2003 ) |
Epson uFR Micro Flying Robot
Epson announced today that it has developed the uFR Micro Flying Robot, a prototype using micromechatronics (hey - and you were looking for a new-word-for-the-day) technology.
(re: Neal Stephenson, 11/18/2003 ) |