Robotic Lawn Mower Competition Won By CWRU Cutters
This year's Autonomous Robotic Lawn Mower competition was won by the Case Western Reserve University CWRU Cutters team of undergraduate and graduate students from electrical engineering, computer engineering, and mechanical engineering. And yes, that's pronounced "crew cutters".
(Autonomous Robotic Lawn Mower competition video)
For the first time in the competition’s eight-year history, CWRU Cutter, the team’s robot lawn mower, earned the “Best Quality of Cut Award” for mowing 80 percent of the competition’s cutting field area while creating an aesthetically pleasing look to the resulting field. Teams from 15 universities competed, including Auburn and Wright State, which placed second and third respectively.
The team has been invited to attend the Institute of Navigation’s Global Navigation Satellite Systems conference in Portland, Ore., in September, where they can present for 20 minutes and display the mower for attendees.
In his 1944 novella City, Clifford Simak describes the joys of the robotic lawn mower. Attention CWRU Cutters! Follow the link below to learn about a much-needed feature for autonomous robot lawn mowers.
Gramp Stevens sat in a lawn chair, watching the mower at work, feeling the warm, soft sunshine seep into his bones. The mower reached the edge of the lawn, clucked to itself like a contented hen, made a neat turn and trundled down another swath. The bag holding the clippings bulged.
(Read more about the robot lawn mower)
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Humanoid Robots Building Humanoid Robots
''Pardon me, Struthers,' he broke in suddenly... 'haven't you a section of the factory where only robot labor is employed?''
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