Device Name |
Book/Story |
Author |
Date |
Wabbler An autonomous underwater robot. |
The Wabbler |
Leinster |
1942 |
WAGD Germ Detector A hand-held biohazard analyzer. |
Quantico |
Bear |
2007 |
Wakeshot An injection designed to bring a person out of sleep to full wakefulness. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Waldo A telefactoring device; also known as the Waldo F. Jones Synchronous Reduplicating Pantograph. |
Waldo |
Heinlein |
1942 |
Walker Wagon Robotic vehicle with a trough-like body and many mechanical legs. |
Farmer in the Sky |
Heinlein |
1950 |
Walking Balloon A means of efficiently traversing rough country. |
In the Deep of Time |
Lathrop |
1897 |
Walking Fort A biomimetic fort based on the model of a centipede. |
The Killing Machine |
Vance |
1964 |
Walking Mill The ultimate combine - giant metal centipede walks through fields, harvesting wheat, threshing, grinding and finally baking bread right in the field. |
Bread Overhead! |
Leiber |
1958 |
Wall Screen A large size display for video, anchored to a wall, or actually forming the wall itself. |
Star of Dreams |
Williamson |
1941 |
Wall-Light The walls of a room provide illumination. |
Foundation and Empire |
Asimov |
1952 |
Wandering Mine A landmine with legs. |
Half the Day is Night |
McHugh |
1994 |
Wandering Sunless Planet A planet that is not bound to a star. |
Dead Hand |
Asimov |
1946 |
Wandering Worlds Planets that are attached to no sun, and roam interstellar space. |
When Worlds Collide |
Balmer (w/P. Wylie) |
1932 |
Wango Wave Energy surge that accompanies the entrance into, and exit from, overdrive outside of normal space. |
Propagandist |
Leinster |
1947 |
War-Balloon (Navigable Aerostat) Enormous dirigible airships used for war. |
The Angel of the Revolution |
Griffith |
1893 |
Warp Drive Traveling across the gap between universes. |
The Tides of Time |
Williams |
1940 |
Warp of Space A fault or pucker in spacetime. |
In 20000 A.D.! |
Schachner (w. AL Zagat) |
1930 |
Warp-Speed Faster than light spaceships. |
Yachting Party |
Holden |
1952 |
WatchdØg (Watchdog) |
WatchdØg |
Haldeman |
1972 |
Watchphone A combination cell phone and wrist watch. |
Islands in the Net |
Sterling |
1988 |
Water Brain Fountain A drinking fountain that locates your mouth, rather than you having to lean down to the spout. |
War Veteran |
Dick |
1955 |
Water Bulb A zero-gee dispenser of liquids. |
The Space Merchants |
Pohl (w/CM Kornbluth) |
1952 |
Water Bulb A zero-g way to enjoy water. |
The Space Merchants |
Pohl (w/CM Kornbluth) |
1952 |
Water From Lunar Gypsum Extracting water (and therefore oxygen, by electrolysis) from apparently dry lunar material. |
The Moon is Hell |
Campbell |
1950 |
Water Pool Cushions Acceleration The use of water to cushion and protect against extreme ship accelerations. |
The Derelicts of Ganymede |
Campbell |
1932 |
Water Repellent Surface A surface that water flows over without sticking at all. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Waterbed (Hydraulic Bed) A bed that uses water instead of springs and stuffing. |
Stranger in a Strange Land |
Heinlein |
1961 |
Watercouch A couch filled with water, rather than springs and cushions. |
Beyond the Blue Event Horizon |
Pohl |
1980 |
Water-Springs Using water to cushion the living space of a spacecraft from the effects of acceleration. |
From the Earth to the Moon |
Verne |
1867 |
Watertube Carries water to and from the catchpockets in a Fremen stillsuit. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Waveform Hypothesis |
Backbeat - A Novel of Physics |
Arment |
2004 |
Way Station A device used to transport individuals across the galaxy. |
Way Station |
Simak |
1963 |
Way Station Materializer By sending impulses that describe a creature from star to star, transport across the galaxy is accomplished. |
Way Station |
Simak |
1963 |
Weapon Sound Tracker Locate an enemy by the sound of gunfire. |
Quantico |
Bear |
2007 |
Wearable White-Noise Generator A device worn when the wearer preferred not to be the subject of audio recordings. |
Idoru |
Gibson |
1996 |
Wearables Slang for 'wearable computer.' |
Fast Times At Fairmont High |
Vinge |
2001 |
Wearables (Wearable Computers) Computers and peripherals that use textiles for electronic circuitry. |
Rainbows End |
Vinge |
2006 |
Weary Deep-Sleep Phildickian old-sleep. |
Lies, Inc. |
Dick |
1964 |
Weather in Space The idea that weather concepts could be applied to interplanetary space. |
Around the Universe |
Cummings |
1927 |
Weather Integrator An entire technology for controlling the weather. |
Methuselah's Children |
Heinlein |
1941 |
Weather Machine A device for controlling the weather. |
Slaves of Mercury |
Schachner |
1932 |
Weather Pod Imperial technology available to planetologists only. |
Dune: House Harkonnen |
Herbert |
2001 |
Web (Data Network) An information network. |
Souvenir |
Dick |
1954 |
Webcast A broadcast accomplished over a data network. |
Armageddon Blues |
Moran |
1987 |
Webeye Communications device with a camera, microphone, zoom lens, projector, etc.; can be sprayed on. |
The Ringworld Throne |
Niven |
1996 |
Webfoam Cradle A means of softening the landing for humans inside spacecraft. |
The Man in the Maze |
Silverberg |
1969 |
Websight A way of visualizing the Internet internally. |
WWW: Wake |
Sawyer |
2009 |
Week Trees Specially engineered bonsai that could grow in a week, instead of decades. |
Wetware |
Rucker |
1988 |
Weightless Work Area A small workspace within which there is no gravitational pull. |
Galactic Pot-Healer |
Dick |
1969 |
Weightlessness The state experienced in free fall; a space traveler's weight is apparently reduced to zero. |
From the Earth to the Moon |
Verne |
1867 |
Weightlessness (Kepler) The notion that there could be a location with zero effective gravity. |
Somnium (The Dream) |
Kepler |
1634 |
Weightlessness in Space This appears to be the first description of the idea of weightlessness in space. |
The Man in the Moone |
Godwin |
1638 |
Weight-Shoes Devices intended to make it easier to walk on celestial bodies with weaker gravity. |
The World With A Thousand Moons |
Hamilton |
1942 |
Welton Cube High-density storage device. |
Time Enough For Love |
Heinlein |
1973 |
Wende A change, a turning point, a reversal of culture and politics. |
Deep Eddy |
Sterling |
1993 |
Whale Waldo An electromechanical whale "suit" that obeys and amplifies your body's motions. |
Sundiver |
Brin |
1979 |
Wheelchair Space Station A home in space. |
Waldo |
Heinlein |
1942 |
Whisper Line A means of communication between prisoners held in wide separation. |
The Stars My Destination |
Bester |
1956 |
Whispering Gallery A means of communication in specifically shaped spaces. |
Journey to the Center of the Earth |
Verne |
1864 |
Whologram Presents a realistic illusion. |
Super-Toys Last All Summer Long |
Aldiss |
1969 |
Wholographik Hologram-style picture. |
Stand on Zanzibar |
Brunner |
1968 |
Whoopee Drive Spacecraft propulsion. |
Space Angel |
Roberts |
1979 |
Whuffie A system in which one's actions, as perceived by others, directly procure the necessities of life; reputation-based currency. |
Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom |
Doctorow |
2003 |
Wildcode A vast, actual desert comprised of nanites, nanomachines. |
The Fractal Prince |
Rajaniemi |
2012 |
Wimp A special-purpose body; grown without personality, but physically intact. |
Millennium |
Varley |
1983 |
Wimp Vault Lots of spare bodies. |
Millennium |
Varley |
1983 |
Windmill Mast Enclosed machinery in large masts powers ships. |
A Journey In Other Worlds |
Astor IV |
1894 |
Window Wavelength Display's that provide 'views' as if they were windows. |
Super-Toys Last All Summer Long |
Aldiss |
1969 |
Window-Cleaner Robots Robots that perform the task of cleaning and polishing transparent surfaces. |
Rendezvous With Rama |
Clarke |
1972 |
Window-Willie A robot that cleaned windows by electrostatic repulsion of dust and grime. |
The Door Into Summer |
Heinlein |
1956 |
Wind-Suncatcher A combination wind turbine and solar energy gathering device. |
Down on the Farm |
Stokes |
1937 |
Windtrap A device which precipitates water from the air for use by people. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Wine Pellets Fine wine in convenient, dried form. |
Redmask of the Outlands |
Schachner |
1934 |
Winged Rocket Shuttle A sort of plane that briefly reached space while traveling between points on a planet. |
Between Planets |
Heinlein |
1951 |
Win-Reducing Gambling Circuit Circuitry in a game that detects winning strategies and then alters the game to make winning more difficult. |
Return Match |
Dick |
1967 |
Wintermute An artificially intelligent computer system. |
Neuromancer |
Gibson |
1984 |
Wire Act A person with special hardware modifications that allow him or her to create music by bodily movement. |
Freezone |
Shirley |
1985 |
Wire Gun Shoots a length of constricting wire. |
Shadow Gold |
Cummings |
1936 |
Wired Glove Interface Display A large screen display that uses a wired glove interface. |
Minority Report (Movie) |
Spielberg |
2002 |
Wire-Gun Device that aids movement in microgravity. |
Mobile Suit Gundam |
Tomino |
1979 |
Wireless Access Point Infrastructure that provides power and wireless communication. |
Men Like Gods |
Wells |
1923 |
Wireless Wrist Intercom A portable wireless intercom, worn on the wrist. |
The Shape of Things To Come |
Wells |
1936 |
Womb Room The ultimate ship's bridge. |
A World Out of Time |
Niven |
1976 |
Word Tab A feature of an e-paper document; touch the word tab and get more information. |
Cantata 140 |
Dick |
1964 |
Workplace Distancing A computer application that arranges that workers never encounter each other, to reduce gossiping and wasted time. |
Manna |
Brain |
2002 |
Worldcraft Bubble An incredibly detailed mechanical simulation of a world. |
The Trouble With Bubbles |
Dick |
1953 |
Worldweb All Thing Network connects billions of people in real time. |
Hyperion |
Simmons |
1989 |
Wreck-Pack An agglomeration of wrecked spacecraft drawn together by mutual gravitational attraction in the 'dead area' of the solar system. |
The Sargasso of Space |
Hamilton |
1931 |
Wrist Command A wearable communications device; the logical endpoint of mobile computing. |
Tides of Light |
Benford |
1989 |
Wrist Search Display A wearable device that uses its own search beam to view scenes close by. |
A Matter of Size |
Bates |
1934 |
Wristband Viewer A device for viewing aerial surveillance images that fits on your wrist. |
Changeling |
Zelazny |
1980 |
Wristpad A tablet computer worn on the wrist. |
New York 2140 |
Robinson |
2017 |
Wunderland Treatymaker A weapon based on a power mining technique - a bit more advanced than a shovel. |
Ringworld Engineers |
Niven |
1980 |