Device Name |
Book/Story |
Author |
Date |
Haberman Modified humans controlled by cybernetic implants. |
Scanners Live in Vain |
Smith |
1950 |
Habitable Exoplanet Moon An Earthlike moon that orbits a gas giant. |
Star Wars |
Lucas |
1976 |
HAL 9000 The canonical example of an artificially intelligent computer. |
2001: A Space Odyssey |
Clarke |
1968 |
Half-Sphere Force Field A protective force field that can manifest even as a half-sphere. |
Between Planets |
Heinlein |
1951 |
Hall of Euthanasia A place for (mostly) voluntary suicide. |
One Against The Legion |
Williamson |
1939 |
Hall of the Council An enormous council chamber, fit for a galaxy. |
Crashing Suns |
Hamilton |
1928 |
Halo Device that incapacitates a person by inducing unconsciousness. |
Minority Report (Movie) |
Spielberg |
2002 |
Hammer Flying blunt trauma weapon remote-controlled by an artificially intelligent computer. |
Vulcan's Hammer |
Dick |
1960 |
Hand Computer A small pocket-sized computing device. |
The Dead Past |
Asimov |
1956 |
Hand Grip Means of pulling oneself through a space ship at zero gravity. |
Islands of Space |
Campbell |
1931 |
Hand Wave Control Control an electronic or other device with gestures. |
Solar Lottery |
Dick |
1955 |
Handbag Computer Device capable of carrying on your conversation for you. |
The Futurological Congress |
Lem |
1974 |
Handicloset A self-organizing closet |
The Zap Gun |
Dick |
1965 |
Handipad An electronic tablet for information browsing. |
Wyrmhole |
Caselberg |
2003 |
Hand-Jetting Making use of hand-held rockets or other reaction devices to move through space. |
A Question of Salvage |
Jameson |
1939 |
Hand-Rocket A handheld device that used reaction matter to aid explorers in space suits to move around easily in zero gee. |
Murder in the Void |
Hamilton |
1938 |
Hands Free Helmet The helmet of a powered suit has controls activated by head movements. |
Starship Troopers |
Heinlein |
1959 |
Handwriter A text input device implanted in your skin. |
Steel Beach |
Varley |
1992 |
Hangman A telefactoring device that also was able to function independently. |
My Name is Legion |
Zelazny |
1976 |
Hanky Bush A plant with leaves grown to resemble common, multipurpose tissues. |
Sparrowhawk |
Easton |
1990 |
Happicuppa Coffee Bush A species of coffee bush designed for ease of harvesting. |
Oryx and Crake |
Atwood |
2003 |
Happylife Home An automated multi-media home, which provided the good life to its inhabitants. |
The Illustrated Man |
Bradbury |
1951 |
Harbenite Ultralight metal. |
Tarzan at the Eath's Core |
Burroughs |
1929 |
Harvest Power From Stray Energy A means of collecting enough energy from stray electronic impulses to power a device. |
The Golden Girl of Munan |
Vincent |
1928 |
Harvesting Saturn's Rings Mining the rings for industrial purposes. |
The Computer Connection |
Bester |
1974 |
Hawking Mat About two meters long and one meter wide, made of shielded monofilaments, with a bright textile design - okay, it's a flying carpet. |
Hyperion |
Simmons |
1989 |
Head Cheese Intelligent paste made of neurons; spread upon a substrate for computing. |
Starfish |
Watts |
1999 |
Head-Molding Skincaps Get a smooth pate without shaving. |
Prelude to Foundation |
Asimov |
1988 |
Headset Wireless headsets provide computer language translation. |
Idoru |
Gibson |
1996 |
Headspace A virtual world in which a person could raise a virtual baby with full haptic realism. |
Flood |
Baxter |
2008 |
Healing Crystal A small object that burns off diseased tissue, leaving healthy tissue unharmed. |
A Martian Odyssey |
Weinbaum |
1934 |
Hearing Aid A service that allows people to anonymously talk with another person who only listens. |
The Shockwave Rider |
Brunner |
1975 |
Heartshirt A shirt that was able to detect heart sounds and display associated colors. |
Wetware |
Rucker |
1988 |
Heat Generating Magnetic Disks Devices used to artificially raise the temperature of the surface of moons to a reasonable level. |
Spawn of the Red Giants |
Long, Jr. |
1937 |
Heat Ray First use of what appears to be a laser weapon. |
The War of the Worlds |
Wells |
1898 |
Heat Transmitter Device which captures solar energy close to the source and then beams it in concentrated form to outer planets. |
Crashing Suns |
Hamilton |
1928 |
Heat-Removing Staff Device absorbs all heat from its target. |
The Dead Lady of Clown Town |
Smith |
1965 |
Heat-Suit Perfect for those incredibly hot planets with breathable atmospheres. |
Sand Doom |
Leinster |
1955 |
Hedgerly Effect A means of producing a gravitational field artificially. |
Meddler's Moon |
Smith |
1947 |
Heighliner Enormous starship used by the Spacing Guild for interstellar travel. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Helen O'Loy A robot is enhanced to offer feelings and affection. |
Helen O'Loy |
del Rey |
1938 |
Helicab A taxi cab that flies using helicopter rotors. |
Heli-Cab Hack |
Weston |
1950 |
Helicops Small, private flyers for business commuting. |
The Black Star Passes |
Campbell |
1930 |
Helicoptomic A hovering craft used by referees in rocket polo. |
Ra For The Rajah |
Peterson |
1938 |
Helio-Beryllium Unusual alloy combines a metal and a gas. |
Out Around Rigel |
Wilson |
1931 |
Heliocar Ground vehicle that can also lift off like a helicopter. |
The Prince of Space |
Williamson |
1931 |
Helio-Dynamophores (Sun-Power-Generators) Photo-electric elements which transformed the solar heat direct into electric energy. |
Ralph 124c 41 + |
Gernsback |
1911 |
Helium Metal An ore with the spectroscopic line of Helium. |
In the Deep of Time |
Lathrop |
1897 |
Helium Tubes Lighting that exactly mimics the frequencies of sunlight. |
The Cubic City |
Tucker, D.D. |
1929 |
Helix Gun A device for capturing ferrous meteors. |
Salvage in Space |
Williamson |
1933 |
Hell-Stone An incomparably beautiful and rare jewel. |
Star of Dreams |
Williamson |
1941 |
Helmet Visor Display A heads-up display with a variety of advanced features. |
The Tank Lords |
Drake |
1997 |
Helmet-Mounted Display Screen A small electronic display mounted for easy viewing. |
Rock Diver |
Harrison |
1951 |
Herculoy A very strong alloy like steel. |
The Howling Bounders |
Vance |
1949 |
Heritable Memories Bloodline Using magical means to tie specific memories to the bloodlines of selected families. |
The Time of the Dark |
Hambly |
1982 |
Hibernaculum A small, self-contained chamber in which a person could endure months of enforced sleep. |
2001: A Space Odyssey |
Clarke |
1968 |
Hide in the Asteroids Match speed with the asteroids and become undetectable. |
Plague |
Leinster |
1944 |
High Kavalaan Aircar Flying SUV equipped with laser weapons. |
Dying of the Light |
Martin |
1977 |
High Orbit Archipelago The habitable spaces in high earth orbit. |
Mona Lisa Overdrive |
Gibson |
1988 |
High Tech Trash Can The future of waste management. |
Islands in the Net |
Sterling |
1988 |
High-Frequency Oven This describes the essence of a microwave. |
Space Cadet |
Heinlein |
1948 |
High-Voltage Cuffs Metallic shirt-sleeve cuffs capable of carrying a charge. |
Snow Crash |
Stephenson |
1992 |
Hilsch Vortex Tube A T-shaped device that admits air under pressure and outputs hot air from side and cold from the other. |
The Space Merchants |
Pohl (w/CM Kornbluth) |
1952 |
Hinged Mittens (for Space Suit) Space worthy mittens for space suits. |
The Bluff of the Hawk |
Gilmore |
1932 |
Hired Girl Robot The amazing floor-cleaning robot! |
The Door Into Summer |
Heinlein |
1956 |
Histo-Research Historical research using a time machine. |
The Meddler |
Dick |
1954 |
Historical Listening Machine Device can hear sounds from down through the ages. |
The Machine That Knew Too Much |
Locke |
1933 |
Hive Mind A group mind. |
The Face of the Deep |
Hamilton |
1942 |
Hive-Sign Specialized sign language developed by an offshoot of humanity. |
Hellstrom's Hive |
Herbert |
1972 |
Hollow Asteroid An asteroid that has been hollowed out for use as a space habitat. |
Juke Box Asteroid |
Farrell |
1944 |
Holo Abbreviation of "hologram". |
Ringworld |
Niven |
1970 |
Holo (License) A three-dimensional driver license and identification card. |
Rim |
Besher |
1994 |
Holo-Cube A very large holographic display, that a person could walk into. |
A Scanner Darkly |
Dick |
1977 |
Holodeck A computer-simulated environment. |
Encounter at Farpoint |
Gerrold |
1987 |
Holomist A means of projecting a commercial message onto a fine spray. |
The Ophiuchi Hotline |
Varley |
1977 |
Holopad A small display like an iPad that shows 3D images. |
The Fountains of Paradise |
Clarke |
1978 |
Holo-Printing Errors introduced in data storage media when recording under improper conditions. |
A Scanner Darkly |
Dick |
1977 |
Holo-Scanner A small portable device that acquired holographic surveillance images. |
A Scanner Darkly |
Dick |
1977 |
Home Ad Blocker Device insulates house against intrusion by 3D advertisements. |
The Computer Connection |
Bester |
1974 |
Home Manager A device that responds to verbal or other commands; serves as an intelligent telephone answering machine and other tasks. |
Queen of Angels |
Bear |
1990 |
Home News Printer A device that prints out the newspaper of your choice right in your own home. |
The Senator's Daughter |
Mitchell |
1879 |
Home Planet Usually the birthplace of your species or simply your planet of origin. |
In the Deep of Time |
Lathrop |
1897 |
Home Robot A robotic device designed to serve families in their homes. |
Runaway |
Crichton |
1985 |
Home Termite Habitat Edible insects raised fresh in your own kitchen! |
Natulife |
Brin |
1994 |
Home Therapy Appliances, Inc. A store at which a variety of therapy devices are made available |
Bad Medicine |
Sheckley |
1956 |
Homeopape A automated device that produces a newspaper without human assistance. |
Ubik |
Dick |
1969 |
Homeostatic Newspaper An autonomous news-gathering and publishing entity; abbreviated as homeopape. |
If There Were No Benny Cemoli |
Dick |
1953 |
Homer A device fired from a gun that ends the life of a citizen, based on the color of their palm flower. |
Logan's Run |
Nolan (w/G.C. Johnson) |
1967 |
Homeworld (Home-World) One's planet of origin. |
A Honeymoon In Space |
Griffith |
1901 |
Homing Butterflies Butterflies modified to accompany a purchased bouquet. |
Moxyland |
Beukes |
2008 |
Homo Superior A human subspecies created through radical applications of biotechnology. |
Alpha Centauri |
Meier |
1999 |
Homorium A kind of nursery that could bring a human being to maturity in a single year. |
The Last Men |
Long, Jr. |
1934 |
Homotropic News Vending Machine An autonomous news-selling robot, that was able to specifically seek out human beings. |
The Game Players of Titan |
Dick |
1963 |
Hood Hologram A hologrammatic display on the outside surface of a car. |
Virtual Light |
Gibson |
1993 |
Hooman An alternative spelling. |
Castaways of Eros |
Bond |
1943 |
Hopper A vehicle with a single leg and rotors to enhance 'hang time.' |
Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus |
Asimov |
1954 |
Horsten Psychomat Re-creates a mental scene for the viewer. |
The Worlds of If |
Weinbaum |
1935 |
Hostage Gas A gas sprayed over a population; to survive, those who breathe it must report to centers for the antidote. |
The Uplift War |
Brin |
1987 |
Hotdesk A desk space that was itself ready for input. |
Idoru |
Gibson |
1996 |
Hotello A portable room within a room. |
New York 2140 |
Robinson |
2017 |
House Cleaning Device A robotic means of thorough home cleaning. |
Paradise and Iron |
Breuer |
1930 |
House Records The vast archival information management system of the Bene Gesserit sisterhood, covering millennia. |
Heretics of Dune |
Herbert |
1984 |
House Records Archivist A specialist who correlated information within the House Records of the Bene Gesserit. |
Heretics of Dune |
Herbert |
1984 |
House Trees Living trees grown as houses; large hollow pods serve as living spaces. |
The Houses of Iszm |
Vance |
1954 |
House Voice A house-based system that mediates technologies (like phone) with a verbal interface directed to the inhabitants of the house. |
Mona Lisa Overdrive |
Gibson |
1988 |
Housefly Monitor A living fly that is outfitted with sensors for surveillance work. |
Lies, Inc. |
Dick |
1964 |
House-of-Cards Construction Architectural technique that uses computers to help buildings maintain their balance during earthquakes. |
Rainbows End |
Vinge |
2006 |
Hovercraft A vehicle that moves about on a cushion of air. |
Mona Lisa Overdrive |
Gibson |
1988 |
Hoverlimo A hovercraft for hire, with servility built in. |
Steel Beach |
Varley |
1992 |
Howard Families A project designed to produce a group of people with exceptionally long life. |
Methuselah's Children |
Heinlein |
1941 |
Hubrizine A drug that brings about greater alertness and cheerfulness. |
We Can Build You |
Dick |
1972 |
HUD Glasses Integrated glasses and projector provides a portable heads-up display for augmented reality. |
Daemon |
Suarez |
2006 |
Human Blood Chlorophyll Replacement of elements of human blood with chlorophyll. |
The Murgatroyd Experiment |
Meek |
1929 |
Human Habit Pattern Machines Imposing human habits onto machines. |
The Tunnel Under The World |
Pohl |
1955 |
Human Object Recognition System uses human beings as an aid to robotic object recognition. |
Robot Justice |
Harrison |
1959 |
Human Quarter A ghetto for human beings; in this case, in a world of robots. |
James P. Crow |
Dick |
1954 |
Human Serial Number A unique number tattooed on body of a person. |
Unto Us A Child Is Born |
Keller |
1933 |
Humanoid An alien with a human-like shape and appearance. |
Homo Sol |
Asimov |
1940 |
Humeld A human being with augmented body parts. |
The Human Blend |
Foster |
2010 |
Humming-Code A personal communication. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Hunter Program Searching for occupied dwellings by monitoring electric power usage. |
Mindkiller |
Robinson |
1982 |
Hunter-seeker An assassination device that floats in mid-air; kills by entering the body and following nerve pathways to vital organs. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Hunting Robe A very thin, furry hunter that captures by constriction. |
Time is the Simplest Thing |
Simak |
1961 |
Hush Corner A space made private by canceling sound waves in that area. |
Double Star |
Heinlein |
1956 |
Hush Hood A device that cancels noise, ensuring that others cannot overhear. |
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress |
Heinlein |
1966 |
Hush-a-Phone A special kind of telephone that reduced noise while talking. |
The Roads Must Roll |
Heinlein |
1940 |
Hushicopter A nearly-silent helicopter. |
Fantastic Voyage II: Destination Brain |
Asimov |
1987 |
Husk of an Atom A negative universe substance. |
The Roaring Blot |
Long, Jr. |
1936 |
Hybrid Mass Driver A device for launching space craft on the first stage of a journey to space. |
The Man Who Sold The Moon |
Heinlein |
1950 |
Hydropathic bed A heated bed that used something more comfortable than water. |
The Demolished Man |
Bester |
1952 |
Hydroponics Growing food without soil, typically from water saturated with nutrients. |
The Hydroponic Monster |
Moravsky |
1940 |
Hydroponics in Space Growing plants for food without soil on a spacecraft. |
The Planet Strappers |
Gallun |
1961 |
Hyperbolic Solenoid Device that creates and manipulates magnetic fields. |
The Exhalted |
de Camp |
1940 |
Hypercard A virtual business card; what one avatar might hand another to introduce themselves. |
Snow Crash |
Stephenson |
1992 |
Hyper-Developed Mulies Bioengineered animals that optimally transform vegetable matter into usable mechanical energy. |
The Calorie Man |
Bacigalupi |
2005 |
Hyperfilament A very high tensile strength material structured as a long thin line or ribbon. |
The Fountains of Paradise |
Clarke |
1978 |
Hyperpig A genetic chimera of pig and human. |
Redemption Ark |
Reynolds |
2002 |
Hypersee Faster than light. |
The Best of Fences |
Garrett |
1956 |
Hyperspace A realm or parallel universe in which it may be possible to travel much faster than light. |
The Statement of Archibald Swayne |
Thom |
1924 |
Hyperspace Beacon Located in real space, these devices provide reference points in hyperspace to make navigation possible. |
The Repairman |
Harrison |
1959 |
Hyperstereoscope A book of three-dimensional pages. |
The Book of Worlds |
Breuer |
1929 |
Hypertracer A device that allows a pursuer to follow a spaceship through hyperspace. |
Second Foundation |
Asimov |
1953 |
Hypnobioscope The first fictional reference to sleep teaching. |
Ralph 124c 41 + |
Gernsback |
1911 |
Hypno-Encyclopedic Techniques If you plan to live for centuries, you need to organize your memories. |
Time Enough For Love |
Heinlein |
1973 |
Hypno-Ligation A means of psychological control over an individual. |
Dune |
Herbert |
1965 |
Hypno-Motor Control A means of controlling the body remotely, cutting off the need for local control (ie, by your mind). |
Sales Pitch |
Dick |
1954 |
Hypnopædia (Sleep-Teaching) The idea that a person can learn explicit subject matter while sleeping. |
Brave New World |
Huxley |
1932 |
Hypnosis Ray Eases the words of dictators into the minds of the credulous. |
Beyond All Weapons |
Russell |
1941 |
Hypnoteleset A device that guarantees quick, surrogate sleep. |
The Space Merchants |
Pohl (w/CM Kornbluth) |
1952 |
Hypnotelevisor A device that displays memories directly on a helmet screen. |
Buck Rogers, 2430 AD |
Nowlan (w/D. Calkins) |
1929 |
Hypnotic injunction A method of hypnosis that prevents people from revealing particular information. |
Methuselah's Children |
Heinlein |
1941 |
Hypo Arm A robotic arm used to autonomously deliver pharmaceuticals to patients. |
Simulated Trainer |
Harrison |
1958 |
Hypomatrin A spinal anesthetic that allows the reformation of personality. |
The Confession of Dr. DeKalb |
Coblentz |
1934 |