Take a look at this ChouChou Butterfly Robot from the the Tokyo Toy Show. Apparently it gets power from a battery in the lid via a wire.
(ChouChou Butterfly Robot)
Science fiction writers have long thought about mechanical insects and their possible uses - like the tiny scarab robot flying insect used for surveillance in a 1925 short story. More recently, in his 1980 novel Changeling, Roger Zelazny writes about an artificial butterfly in a mechanized park:
He patted a dusty synthetic tree and crossed the unliving turf past holograms of swaying flowers to seat himself upon an orange plastic bench... Artificial butterflies darted along invisible beams... Concealed aerosols released the odors of flowers at regular intervals.
One of the fake butterflies passed too near, faltered and fell to the ground.
Update 07-Jan-2023: See also the robot butterfly from I, Robot: The Movie, by Harlan Ellison, published by Asimov's Science Fiction in 1987.
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