A robot fashion model has been demonstrated by the Robot Research Institute in Kobe in western Japan. The organization hopes that the robot will be used in fashion shows and other promotional events.
The robot is 160 centimeters tall; it can assume typical postures by controlling its 16 joints used for limbs, neck, waist, etc. The robot is built with slim, light limbs for a more feminine look.
In a bizarre touch, the robot can be remote-controlled via cell phone.
I couldn't find a picture of this robot; however, while looking around, I found this video of an event held in 2007, featuring a (rather geeky) video of a robot fashion show.
(Robot fashion show video)
Technovelgy readers are already familiar with fashion plate robots like Actroid DER2, not to mention the sfnal mechanical mannikins from writer Fritz Leiber's 1954 story The Mechanical Bride.
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