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Virtual Person

"The idea I want to push next is that the United States should make Siberia a Protectorate. Pay the Russians off – a hundred, two hundred billion dollars – and simply run Siberia in an ecologically responsible way."
- Gregory Benford

Adam Selene  
  A computer generates a human avatar for itself.  

In the novel, the computer called Mike takes the part of the leader in a lunar revolution - Adam Selene. As a computer, Mike can handle innumerable phone calls about the revolution without danger to the human participants. Eventually, it becomes necessary for Mike to show himself.

"...what's to keep me from showing face, Man? I'm showing a voice this instant... I can show a face the same way."

Was so taken aback I didn't answer... I said, "No, Mike."

"Why not, Man?"

"Because you can't!. Voice you handle beautifully. Involves only a few thousand decisions a second, a slow crawl to you. But to build up a video picture would require, say, ten million decisions every second. Mike, you're so fast I can't even think about it. But you aren't that fast."

Mike said softly, "Want to bet, Man?"

...We waited in silence. Then screen showed neutral gray with a hint of scan lines. Went black again, then a faint light filled middle and congealed into cloudy areas light and dark, ellipsoid. Not a face, but suggestion of face that one sees in cloud patterns...

It cleared a little and reminded me of pictures alleged to be ectoplasm. A ghost of a face.

Suddenly firmed and we saw "Adam Selene."

Was a still picture of a mature man. No background, just a face as if trimmed out of a print...

Then he smiled, moving lips and jaw and touching tongue to lips, a quick gesture...

Technovelgy from The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, by Robert Heinlein.
Published by GP Putnam in 1966
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As far as I know, this is the first reference to the idea of a computer-generated person that presents a fully animated picture of a human being.

Compare to the personality simulator from True Names (1981) by Vernor Vinge, the Composite Expert System from Twenty Evocations (1984) by Bruce Sterling, Idoru from Idoru (1996) by William Gibson, and synthespian from Nestor Sextone for President (1988) by Jeff Kleiser.

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Additional resources:
  More Ideas and Technology from The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
  More Ideas and Technology by Robert Heinlein
  Tech news articles related to The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
  Tech news articles related to works by Robert Heinlein

Adam Selene-related news articles:
  - Facial Expression And Mannerism 'Cloning' By Computer
  - Denise, Your Virtual Assistant
  - Hacker Creates Augmented Reality Anime Girlfriend
  - Actors Reject, Makers Embrace, Posthumous Movie Resurrection
  - BabyX AI Real Enough For You
  - Parents Use AI To See One Last Message From Their Deceased Son
  - Microsoft VASA-1 Creates Personal Video From A Photo

Articles related to Virtual Person
Anna Indiana AI Singer-Songwriter
Metaverse Hardware - Run And Flail Like A Maniac, Or Lie Quietly?
Virtual Co-Embodyment - Two People Control One Virtual Body
Sorry, Futurists! Tamagotchi Kids, Virtual Children Already Predicted By SF Writer in 2008

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