Fiction in the News Articles "This story, simple as it may be in plot, is as unusual as any we have had the pleasure to read. The idea of a human pendulum, swinging two thousand miles, perhaps eternally, in his path, is one to challenge the imagination.
('Captive of the Crater' by DD Sharp) "Mr. Sharp has pictured one of the surprising and unexpected experiences that might befall an interplanetary explorer, trying to make his way under conditions vitally different from those on earth, and he has written this story wHh such breathtaking suspense, that little chills of horror and anxiety are bound to course through the reader as he follows the lonely adventures of our explorer." You can read it for yourself here. Science fiction in the News articles describe real-world events that relate to the ideas and inventions in sf novels and movies. Select a news article: Technovelgy.com is devoted
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re: Edmond Hamilton (11/3/2024)
re: Neal Stephenson (11/1/2024)
re: Philip K Dick (10/29/2024) |
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