Fiction in the News Articles "ONE of the most fascinating mysteries of the heavens is the comet. It goes
through space, gets near enough to the earth to be seen, and then goes off
and disappears in celestial distance. Often it has a hyperbolic orbit, which would
make it impossible to come back. Yet it may return—apparently contradicting
the geometry of conic sections. This only goes to prove once more that it is risky
to say anything is impossible—even that our hero of this story manages beautifully, with the aid of Cantrell’s Comet, to avoid complete annihilation while
stranded in interstellar space. "
(From Lifeboats from 'Spacehounds of IPC')
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re: Edmond Hamilton (11/3/2024)
re: Neal Stephenson (11/1/2024)
re: Philip K Dick (10/29/2024) |
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