Science Fiction in the News Articles
Related to material in Quantico
by Greg Bear

Excellent near-future novel about the dangers (both technological and political) of global bio-terrorism. Several new students at Quantico, the famed FBI school, get a baptism-by-fire graduation. Highly recommended. (Note: this book is substantially similar to the novel published in the UK in 2005; according to the author, a different picture is presented of the Amerithrax anthrax event.) Read an interview with Greg Bear on Quantico.

Science fiction in the News articles describe real-world events that relate to the ideas and inventions in sf novels and movies. Select a news article:

Interview With Greg Bear On Quantico
   This exclusive Technovelgy interview includes Greg Bear's comments on the ideas and devices used in his book Quantico.

LOCAD-PTS Handheld Microorganism Detector
   Astronauts only carry the best in hand-held instrumentation - this one is a pocket-sized biology lab.

xTAG Viral Panel Tests 12 Viruses In One Sample
   More remarkable developments in which scientists give futurists a run for their money.

NASA Biohazard Biosensor Nanotech-Based
   This technology is really coming along; it's also another case in which some space technology came home to Earth.

Helmet-Based Sniper Location System
   This system transforms ordinary soldiers into information-gathering 'smart nodes' on a wireless network, ultimately producing a location map of enemy shooters.

Programmable Lab-On-A-Chip
   This important development will lead to much more useful portable biosensors and other analysis tools; it would be useful to have a device that detected swine flu from a simple needle stick.

Smartphone Sensor System Tracks Gunfire
   'Sound trackers on the roof could zero in on weapons action...'-Greg Bear, 2007.

Cities Detect Gunfire Acoustics With ShotSpotter
   'Sound trackers on the roof...'- Greg Bear, 2007.

DJI Phantom Drone Now With GPS Blocking
   'Workarounds were illegal and the fines were expensive...'- Greg Bear 2007.

ShotSpotter Gunshot Location Tech Expands Coverage
   'Sound trackers on the roof could zero in on weapons action...' - Greg Bear, 2007.

Tongue-Controlled Tong Wearable Mouth Computer
   'Griff found the white and pink map distracting and switched it off using his tongue mouse.' - Greg Bear, 2007. is devoted to the creative inventions of science fiction authors and movie makers. Look for the Science Fiction Invention Category that interests you, the Glossary of Science Fiction Inventions, the Timeline of Science Fiction Inventions, or see what's New.
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Science Fiction
in the News

JAXA Int Ball 2 Coming Right Along As Star Wars Remote
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Robot Bricklayer Or Passer-By Bricklayer?
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Robot Gas Station Attendant Pumps Gas For You
re: Philip K. Dick

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