Fiction in the News Articles "A cry of fear blasted from the watching millions. A long streamer of blue light had emanated from the pointing finger, impinged upon the nearest diving plane. Metal flared in unendurable brightness, cataracted in a molten gush to the war-torn earth beneath. The finger moved. A great bomber jerked convulsively, went crashing and flaming to destruction. "
('The Shining One' by Nat Schachner) Very nicely done story illustrates how science fiction authors warn about the future by predicting future weapons systems. The story is also a cautionary tale about trying to fight the last war all over again. Science fiction in the News articles describe real-world events that relate to the ideas and inventions in sf novels and movies. Select a news article:
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re: Edmond Hamilton (11/3/2024)
re: Neal Stephenson (11/1/2024)
re: Philip K Dick (10/29/2024) |
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