Larry Niven (w/S. Barnes):
Science Fiction Technology and Ideas
Larry Niven was born in California in 1938; he earned a BA in mathematics from Washburn University, Kansas. His first sf story The Coldest Place was published in 1964. He has won four short-fiction Hugos; he won both the Hugo and Nebula award in 1971 for Ringworld. He is also known for his Tales of Known Space. Read more about works solely by Larry Niven and by Niven with Jerry Pournelle.

Steve Barnes (b. 1952) was born in Los Angeles and refers to himself as a writer, lecturer, creative consultant and human performance technician. He is a certified hypnotherapist, is a black belt in Kenpo Karate (Aikka style) and Kodokan Judo, with an instructor certificate in Wu Ming Ta, and more than I have space for here. He has also written a variety of works on his own.

Invention/Technology Source Work (Publication Date)

Beetle - a balloon with a shell
A hard-shelled dirigible.

Saturn's Race (2000)

Bubble - undersea elevator
An undersea elevator.

Saturn's Race (2000)

Dream Park - theme park ancestor
A vacation theme park in which the visitors participated fully in the different environments.

Dream Park (1981)

DreamTime Scleral Contact Lenses - VR contact lenses
Full-size contact lenses that can provide an augmented reality view.

The California Voodoo Game (1992)

Floating Island - living space
Large artificial islands floating on Earth's seas.

Saturn's Race (2000)

Gravity Whip - zero g on a budget
A roller coaster designe to provide riders with a 'zero G' experience.

Dream Park (1981)

International Fantasy Gaming Society (IFGS) - the fictional basis for the real one
A group dedicated to playing live action role-playing games.

Dream Park (1981)

Mattress Sleep Sensor - foolproof anti-sleep
Sleep problems? Make sure you get your body out of bed each day.

Dream Park (1981)

Napcap Capsule - snooze at will
A handy refuge for travelers in busy terminals; a sleep aid when you really need one.

Saturn's Race (2000)

Napcap Induction Cap - get a good night's sleep
A device that aids sleep and relaxation by working with the subject's brain waves.

Saturn's Race (2000)

Oceanic Thermal Energy Converter - energy from the sea
A device that uses the sea to help create electricity.

Saturn's Race (2000)

Sensory Skinsuit
A form-fitting garment with sensory connections.

Dream Park (1981)

Sleeve Watch - multipurpose clothing
Temporary watch imprinted on the sleeve of a chosen garment.

Dream Park (1981)

Transdress - transparent clothing
A transparent dress upon which thousands of patterns may be projected.

The California Voodoo Game (1992)

Underground MagLev Train
Magnetic levitation train that travels through a tunnel; a vacuum reduces drag.

Dream Park (1981)

(Records 1 to 15 of 15)

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