Science Fiction in the News Articles
related to the works of

Manly Wade Wellman

Manly Wade Wellman (b. 1903 - d. 1986) was an American writer, born in Portuguese West Africa, coming to the United States at the age of six. He wrote in a number of different genres, including fantasy, historical fiction, detective fiction, western fiction and science fiction. He is also known for non-fiction books on history.

"THERE have been Wellmans in Virginia back to 1660, and before that in Devonshire back to, say, 660 . . . modest gentlefolk all, but of poor judgment in battle, having graced the losing factions at Hastings, Otterburn, Bosworth Field, Princeton, Gettysburg. . . .

. . . sketchily educated in London, Washington, Wichita, Salt Lake City, New York . . . poor student, mediocre footballer . . . since graduation, have toiled as bookseller, bouncer, farm hand, house painter, reporter, and, finally, writer . . . other less savory employments I shall not mention . . . first appeared in Wonder in 1931 and hope to go on appearing. . . . am thirtyish, dark, untidy, married, and huge . . . probably the biggest, or second or third biggest, of all science fiction authors. . . ."

(Manly Wade Wellman)

Science fiction in the News articles describe real-world events that relate to the ideas and inventions in sf novels and movies. Select a news article:

Would You Date A Robot? 1 in 4 Say 'Yes'!
   'My hands touched a great keyboard, whence, perfect through long practice, I could direct lifelike motion.' - Manly Wade Wellman, 1938.
BioSuit Space Suit Vs. Tentacle Monsters
   Looks like those science fiction movies that depicted people in skin tight space suits knew what they were doing.
Meet Your Miniature Android Duplicate
   New company makes bespoke androids based on your photograph; Chuckie never had it so good.
DARPA Avatar Program Coming, But Will Soldiers Want To?
   Will soldiers just want these for wargames?
Candidate Claims His Opponent Is A Robot Body Double
   'A transmitter would place my voice upon those sculptured lips.' - Manly Wade Wellman, 1938.
Sweden Outlaws Drones
   'An eye that could not only see, but fly, roam, travel at speeds and in directions to suit its operator...'
SkEye Amazing Israeli Gigapixel Drone
   'An eye that could not only see, but fly...' - Manly Wade Wellman, 1938.
Unusual Twist On Woman Dates Robot
   'My hearing, vision and awareness went along with that excellent imitation of a young Adonis...' - Manly Wade Wellman, 1938.
Inbiodroid Prometheus 2.0 Telepresence Avatar Robot
   My prize robot, tall, dashing would speak and act for me... - Manly Wade Wellman, 1938. is devoted to the creative inventions of science fiction authors and movie makers. Look for the Science Fiction Invention Category that interests you, the Glossary of Science Fiction Inventions, the Timeline of Science Fiction Inventions, or see what's New.
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