
Fighting suit (Read the full article)

"How is it that Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers powered suits are not mentioned here?!"
(Bill 1/5/2005 9:58:11 AM )
"Yes, I do have that on the site - I added the link for your convenience."
(Bill Christensen 1/5/2005 5:35:46 PM )
"i am looking for further information of the military's use research and application of things such as power armor, exoskeletons, and other futuristic forms of protection. If any one can help me can u list some website names or send me an email at BHGuarino@aol.com"
(3nder 9/3/2005 11:45:18 AM )
"I am interested to the applications of "Exoskeleton" in the Physical Rehabilitation. Thanks. luigischiavo1@virgilio.it"
(Luigi Schiavo 6/14/2007 9:53:39 PM )
"I think an exo suite will do wonders. look at some of the video games they have came up with some pratical designs. halo for one. mech assualt2 is another one look at the battle armor in the game that would work and it can be produce very easily. Now what kind of material would this exosuite need? titanium? some kind of harden alluminium? stainless steel coated with kelivar? and what about internal temp. would there need to be some kind of heating and cooling system to maintain the soldiers temp and their ability to focus? what about a direct link between brain and computer to speed up reaction time?"
(Bocomarine 10/31/2007 9:42:41 AM )
"One of my favorite animés had a really great intro sequence: MADOX-01 | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7T-6ThKoJ0"
(Chris Johnston 1/9/2008 9:53:07 AM )
"That's really great - I'm going to put that on the article page. Thanks, Chris."
(Bill Christensen 1/9/2008 2:28:02 PM )
"Actually, the first reference is in E.E. Smith's novels of the 50s. Kinneson (the hero) is always in and out of his "powered armor"..."
(Ed 4/21/2008 2:36:13 PM )
"Actually, Ed, it's from Triplanetary, Smith's 1934 novel. I think I have the reference ...[rummaging]... ah, yes, see space-armor. Thanks for pointing it out. ;-)"
(Bill Christensen 4/22/2008 10:01:06 AM )
"Well...the anime is pretty nice, but unfortunately it doesn't say anything at all about REALITY."
(Rich 4/24/2008 11:02:54 AM )
""But the high-impact crash had not been kind to the armored suit. It had been crueler still to the bone, blood, and tendon housed inside." See, now, this was my main gripe with Iron Man — decelerating from 700-to-0 in half a second is gonna turn anything inside into a fine paste."
(Chris Johnston 5/20/2008 5:35:16 AM )

More info on Exoskeleton

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