Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

Japan Automated Cargo Transport
'It was not a roadway at all, as Graham understood such things...' - HG Wells, 1899. (re: HG Wells)

Mercedes Benz Solar Paint
'It turns sunlight into electricity, just like any solar power converter - you spray it on.' - Larry Niven, 1995. (re: Larry Niven)

Yes, Teleoperated Optimus Robots Are A $Trillion Business Right Now
'The robot looked up at him and gesticulated...' - James Blish, 1957 (re: James Blish)

AI-Powered Jesus Hologram Accepts Confessions
'The Padre's weightless voice floated reassuringly back to him.' Philip K. Dick, 1969. (re: Philip K Dick)

Miss Alabama Beauty Contest Offers Different Standards
'...they moved with the ease of dandelion puffs.' - Jack Vance, 1952. (re: Jack Vance)

Has Musk Given Up On Full Self Driving (FSD)?
'...some bored drone pusher in a remote driving centre...' - Charles Stross, 2007. (re: Charles Stross)

Prufrock-3 'The Monster' Ready To Launch
Just go for it. (re: Frank Philips)

Drones In Vast Airborne Grids
'These pods were programmed to hang in space in a hexagonal grid pattern...' (re: Neal Stephenson)

Starship Special Edition For Lunar Shuttle
Love those special edition spaceships. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Capturing Asteroids With Nets
'...the meteor caught and halted just as a small boy catches a swift ball in his cap.' V.E. Thiessen, 1947. (re: VE Thiessen)

Project Hyperion - Generation Ship Designers Needed!
'We have decided that it shall be but one ship... it must contain everything needed to take us through the generations.' - Judson Reeves, 1930. (re: Judson W. Reeves)

AI Welfare Position At Anthropic Filled By Human
'You’re the robopsychologist of the plant, so you’re to study the robot itself...' - Isaac Asimov, 1941. (re: Isaac Asimov)

Marslink Proposed By SpaceX
'It was the heart of the Solar System's communication line...' - George O. Smith, 1942. (re: George O. Smith)

Simple Way To Defeat AI Face Recognition
'... designed to foil facial recognition systems.' - Neal Stephenson, 2019. (re: Neal Stephenson)

Wood-Panelled LignoSat Launched
'The Consul remembered his first glimpse of the kilometer-long treeship...' - Dan Simmons, 1989. (re: Dan Simmons)

Laser-Beam Welding In Orbital Factories
'His contract with Space Industries required him to work summers in their orbital factory.' - Jerry Pournelle, 1976. (re: Jerry Pournelle)

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