Ralph 124c 41 + by Hugo Gernsback:
Science Fiction Inventions, Technology and Ideas

Ralph 124c 41 + was originally self-published as a serial in Gernsback's own Modern Electrics magazine in 1911. It was collected and published again Amazing Stories in 1925. It really lives up to the name "scientifiction" (Gernsback's name for this kind of literature).

The story is relatively simple; Ralph 124c 41 +, one of the ten most brilliant scientists on Earth, falls in love with a beautiful young woman, and saves her from evil. This story really is an sf classic.

Select an invention:

A device that used a pulsating polarized ether wave to judge the distance to an object (a RADAR)

Aerocab (Aeroflyer)
A electric flying taxi, or car.

The lightest metal.

An amazing adjunct to science-based restaurants; a room that increases appetite with gas!

Artificial Cloth
The creation of fabrics without organic natural fibers.

Automatic-Electric Packing Machine
A device able to pack randomly shaped objects combined into a single package automatically.

Detectophone - machine translation of language
First use of the idea of a voice-activated machine.

Gravity Nullification (Gravity Screen)
Gravity annulled in its entirety in a small area.

Helio-Dynamophores (Sun-Power-Generators)
Photo-electric elements which transformed the solar heat direct into electric energy.

Hypnobioscope - learn while you sleep
The first fictional reference to sleep teaching.

Iridium Spirals (Street Lights)
Streetlights provide sunlight at night.

Language Rectifier early reference to machine translation
The first reference to machine-translation of human languages.

Menograph (Mind-Writer)
Direct translation of thought to paper.

Personalized News
First reference to news that is customized to the needs of each individual subscriber.

Detection of objects at a distance.

Uneasiness associated with space travel.

Steelonium - very early reference
A remarkable kind of steel that did not rust or corrode.

Sub-Atlantic Tube - undersea tunnel
A tunnel under the ocean; the shortest distance between the two points.

First fictional reference to a fax machine.

Tele-Motor-Coasters - power skates
Powered skates for personal transportation.

Telephot - early videophone
A device that combined the functions of telephone and television; a phone with a screen.


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