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"There was a time when one old eccentric guy with a notebook could do something important to science. Now even the resources of a major university are often not enough."
- Jerry Pournelle

  Uneasiness associated with space travel.  

I think this is the first use of this term, which is also seen in the works of writers from Raymond Z. Gallun to Robert Heinlein.

For the first time since he left Earth he became space-sick.
Technovelgy from Ralph 124c 41 +, by Hugo Gernsback.
Published by Modern Electrics in 1911
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Gernsback wrote more about it in (I believe) an expanded edition of the book Ralph 124c 41 + that appeared in 1929:

Ralph grew more despondent each day, and his hope of bringing his betrothed back to life grew dimmer and dimmer as the hours rolled on. For the first time since he left the Earth he became space-sick. Space-sickness is one of the most unpleasant sensations that a human being can experience. Not all are subject to it, and it does not last longer than forty-eight hours, after which it never recurs. On Earth, gravitational action to a certain degree exerts a certain pull on the brain. Out in space, with its practically no gravitational action, this pull ceases. When this happens, the brain is no longer subjected to the accustomed pull, and it expands slightly in all directions, just as a balloon loses its pear shape and becomes round when an aeronaut cuts loose, to drop down with his parachute. The effect on the brain results in space-sickness, the first symptoms being violent melancholy and depression followed by a terrible and heart-rending longing for Earth. During this stage, at which the patient undergoes great mental suffering, the optical nerves usually become affected and everything appears upside down, as if the sufferer were looking through a lens. It becomes necessary to take large doses of Siltagol, otherwise brain fever may develop.

Victor Rousseau, writing in Revolt on Inferno (1931):

Donald’s ear-drums began to throb, again he felt a recurrence of the old space sickness, though it was transitory.

In his 1932 story A Conquest of Two Worlds, Golden Age great Edmond Hamilton describes the causes of (and the cure for) space-sickness:

Many of the men in the other rockets were struck down by the malign combination of weightlessness, the unsoftened ultra-violet rays, and the terrific glare and gloom of mid-space. This space-sickness had put about half of Drakes men out of usefulness...

The thin, cold Martian air helped bring his space-sick men back to normal...

Compare to space madness from A Daring Trip to Mars (1931) by Max Valier, moon-terror from Star of Dreams (1941) by Jack Williamson, gravitation paralysis from The World With A Thousand Moons (1942) by Edmond Hamilton, Space Scurvy (Kenoalgia) from Sacred Martian Pig (1949) by Margaret Saint Clair, space phobia from Let 'em Breathe Space! (1953) by Lester del Rey and desubstantiation effect from Death's End (2010) by Cixin Liu.

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Additional resources:
  More Ideas and Technology from Ralph 124c 41 +
  More Ideas and Technology by Hugo Gernsback
  Tech news articles related to Ralph 124c 41 +
  Tech news articles related to works by Hugo Gernsback

Space-Sick-related news articles:
  - Gherman Titov Youngest To Orbit, First To Be Space Sick
  - Study Reveals Effect Of Space Travel On The Brain

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