Fiction in the News Articles
related to the works of
Hugo Gernsback
Hugo Gernsbacher was born in Luxembourg in 1884. He received a technical education; his special interest was telephone and electrical communications equipment. By the end of his life, he would have 80 patents. He came to America in 1904, and began a company called the Electric Importing Company, which was the forerunner of companies like Radio Shack, selling radio building equipment by mail. The catalog of this company became Modern Electrics, a magazine that he edited and published. In 1926 he started Amazing Stories, perhaps the most famous of the early sf magazines. He died in 1967.

(From Science Wonder Stories)
Science fiction fans everywhere recognize him as the “Father of Science Fiction.” The most prestigious award in science fiction writing, the Hugo award, is named for him.
Science fiction in
the News articles describe real-world events that relate to the ideas
and inventions in sf novels and movies. Select
a news article: |
Motosk8 - Next Best Thing To Tele-Motor-Coasters
Motosk8 is a very special kind of personal transportation, designed by extreme sports enthusiast Tim Gendle.
Baha Divino Bone-Conduction iPod Implanted 'Ear Buds'
These are very neat - you can hear them much better than regular ear buds or other such devices, particularly in noisy environments.
MASTOR Provides Real-Time Speech Translation
Real-time speech translation from one language to another; is the world ready for one of Gernsback's 1911 language rectifiers?
LongPen By Unotchit: Margaret Atwood's Telautograph For Book Signing
Science fiction writer Margaret Atwood has created a device that makes real one of Hugo Gernsback's dreams of almost a century ago.
Audio Bone-Conduction Headphones
Tired of headphones banging on your eardrums? Bang directly on your nerves through your skull instead.
Voxonic Software Lets You Sing, Speak In Any Language
This software-based translation method can take a sample of your voice, and then translate you into any of almost 1,500 different languages.
Self-Propelled Underwater Fish Cages
Prototype testing by an MIT researcher is making me think of vast underwater fish farms under remote control.
Android Glass Desk Phone
I'm really in retro gadget heaven now; this is totally an update for one of my favorite work phones at Northern Telecom back in the 1980's.
In-Road Electric Vehicle Charger
Intriguing patent surfaces (with video) for an in-road electric vehicle charging system; you can move on or off the charging strip at will.
Robotic Roller Skate Micro-Mobility
Personal transportation for each foot is an idea that just won't go away; take a look at the prototypes in this short video.
Google Translator Phone Is Ralph 124c 41 + Approved
Although the technology could take many years to perfect, Hugo Gernsback's 1911 dream of talking in English to French girls may yet come true.
Robust Automatic Translation Of Speech DARPA's Universal Translator
I am fluent in six million forms of communication. I am a small yellow fish. I also work for DARPA. What am I?
Google Goggles Translates Pictured Text
The Goggles application just gained a new feature that could be a big hit in European restaurants.
Google Android Language Rectifier
Hugo Gernsback wrote about it a century ago; now a major phone platform offers it for free. And it works!
When Do I Get My Language Rectifier?
Two giant corporations, each with their own approach to the problem, each with vast resources.
Reconfigured Graphene 10X Strong, 5 Percent Dense, As Steel
'...It was made of Alohydrolium, which is the lightest of all metals.' - Hugo Gernsback, 1911.
Google Translate for iPhone App
Impressive app for Apple iPHone owners.
NTT DoCoMo Auto Japanese - English Translation
Close to real time translation service lets you converse in either language.
Kyocera Speakerless Smartphone (ala Gernsback)
For once, an sf author filed a patent on a great idea - Hugo Gernsback saw this one coming.
Will Google Glass Use Bone Conduction
'Sound vibrations transmitted directly to the osseous tissue of the body.'- Hugo Gernsback, 1924.
Universal Translator: Google Translate Has 51 Offline Language Packs
He immediately turned the small shining disc of the Language Rectifier on his instrument till the pointer rested on 'French.'- Hugo Gernsback, 1911.
True Player Gear's Answer To Occulus Rift - Totem!
How close to this idea did Hugo Gernsback get? It turns out that he was on the right track.
Skype's Translator Like Gernsback's Language Rectifier
'He immediately turned the small shining disc of the Language Rectifier on his instrument till the pointer rested on French.'- Hugo Gernsback, 1911.
RocketSkates Motorized Skates
'In reality they were Tele-motor-coasters.'- Hugo Gernsback, 1911.
Rollkers Walking Skates
'Each had three small, rubber-covered wheels, one in front and two in the rear.'- Hugo Gernsback, 1911.
Sonitus Audio Interface Positioned Beyond The Noise
'... an instrument having relatively small bit pieces adapted to be gripped between the teeth.' - Hugo Gernsback, 1923.
Gherman Titov Youngest To Orbit, First To Be Space Sick
'For the first time since he left Earth he became space-sick.' - Hugo Gernsback, 1911.
Zoom Adds Real-Time, Live Translation
'He immediately turned the small shining disc of the Language Rectifier..' - Hugo Gernsback, 1911.
Amazon Automatic Packaging Catches Up With Gernsback's 1911 Book
'The automatic packing machine could pack anything from a small package a few inches square up to a box two feet high by three feet long.' - Hugo Gernsback, 1911.
Taihang Solar Farm Accurately Pictured In 1911
'The entire expanse, twenty kilometers square, was covered ... the photo-electric elements which transformed the solar heat direct into electric energy.' - Hugo Gernsback, 1911.
Study Reveals Effect Of Space Travel On The Brain
'... the brain is no longer subjected to the accustomed pull, and it expands slightly in all directions.' - Hugo Gernsback, 1929.
Moonwalkers AI-Controlled Electric Shoes
Now that's power walking that Hugo Gernsback would have approved.
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