War Veteran by Philip K. Dick:
Science Fiction Inventions, Technology and Ideas
"Problem: The future must be changed! ...
For he was a throwback from the future~
this' old man~ veteran of war yet to come;
war in which Earth was annihilated. .•"

('War Veteran' by Philip K. Dick)
Excellent short story details the perils of scrying with high technology to win wars. In this future, a variety of planets and moons in the solar system have been colonized; many populations defy the politicians of old Earth.
an invention:
Artibase An artificial asteroid base between planets.
Chest-Lens Part of an automatic photograph-and-send system.
Cold-Beam Puts a cloud of extreme cold around the target.
Water Brain Fountain A drinking fountain that locates your mouth, rather than you having to lean down to the spout.
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