The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson:
Science Fiction Inventions, Technology and Ideas

The novel takes place in a future Shanghai. Many different stories are woven together in this novel; the plot centers around a stolen supercomputer in the form of a small book, or Primer, created for a patron's daugher. Select an invention:

Aerostat Monitor - a small flying platform
A small flying platform, capable of maneuvering in three dimensions; can hover in place and communicate with others like it.

Ballisticules - nanomachines throw their weight around
Nanotechnology devices that throw their weight around.

Chevaline - robotic horse
An open robotic vehicle for one person, shaped like a horse.

Clave - a suburban enclave
Short for enclave (see also burbclave - autonomous suburban enclave)

Cookie-Cutters - bomblets in your bloodstream
Very small (corpuscle-sized) devices that can enter the blood stream and destroy an enemy from within.

Dog Pod Grid - aerostat defensive maneuver
A swarm of quasi-independent aerostatic devices.

Fabricules - squeaky clean nanomachine
Tiny bits of fabric that were self-cleaning; gloves made of this material always stayed clean.

Filter Wheel - stepwise refinement
A device for filtering liquid or gas to obtain a pure sample of a selected molecule.

Freedom Machine - nanotech birth control
A birth control device developed using nanotechnology.

A person who creates landforms and physical environments

Immunocules - nanotechnology imitates life
Very small, lightweight objects able to move in three dimensions; they form a protective shield against airborne devices.

Implanted Credit Card - wherever you want it to be
A credit card system that could be surgically implanted; uses radio frequency identification to communicate with checkout hardware.

Jodie Grid
A 'tattoo' that provides points for mapping your face into a grid.

Lithocule - building block
Tiny intelligent building blocks.

Matter Compiler - stereolithography on steroids
A device that builds the desired article (such as a dress) atom by atom according to a specified design.

Mediaglyphic - animated symbols
Animated symbols to help those who haven't bothered to learn to read in a multimedia age.

Mediatron - paper-thin LCD display
A paper-thin networked computer display.

Mediatronic Display
Electronic paper comes in big sheets.

Mite - very small machine helpers
A very small device (about the size of a dust mite) that has been manufactured for a particular purpose.

Nanomachine Lidar - radar with visible light
Radar-like system that uses electromagnetic radiation at optical frequencies (visible light) for range-finding and analysis.

Nurse Drone
A larger flying platform to provide power to smaller drones.

Pedomotive - power stilts
A kind of stilt-like leg extenders; take longer strides, get there faster. Extreme sports gear.

Phantoscope (phenomenoscope) - see it all
A device that provides you with a computer-operable display; can be worn or surgically implanted right on your own eyes.

Phased Acoustical Array - hear it all
An music system implanted right on your eardrum.

A special software program that teaches basic language skills.

Runcible - every page an LCD screen
A book made of smart paper; every page is a flexible LCD (liquid crystal display) screen.

Sights - skull gun crosshairs
Sunglasses-mounted crosshairs (you'll need one with your skull gun).

'Sites - nanobots are your friends
Small parasites that cause muscles to twitch in sequence for strength.

Skullgun - cock cranium and fire
A pistol that is concealed in your cranium.

A football-sized flying surveillance device.

Smart Paper - thin-film transistor display
A very slim thin-film transistor display.

Smartcoral Reef - water purifying reef
An artificial coral reef that pulls water in for use in large communities.

Toner - dead nanobot bits
Dead bits of nanomachines. is devoted to the creative inventions of science fiction authors and movie makers. Look for the Science Fiction Invention Category that interests you, the Glossary of Science Fiction Inventions, the Timeline of Science Fiction Inventions, or see what's New.
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