Science Fiction in the News Articles
Related to material in The Mechanical Monarch
by E.C. Tubb

Interesting novel that starts in the early Post-Atomic era and concludes far into the future. The first "space flier" (astronaut) dies in the attempt, frozen in interplanetary space. Rescued and defrosted, he does not find the future, run by a perfect computing mechanism obeyed to the letter by a matriarchal government, to his liking. This novel started out a bit slowly, but is ultimately likable.

Science fiction in the News articles describe real-world events that relate to the ideas and inventions in sf novels and movies. Select a news article:

Paralysis Beam From Peak Beam Systems
   It appears that the US Army is interested in developing a paralysis ray.

Largest OLED Display
   This new display is getting closer to those cool TVs that we can just unroll and hang wherever we like.

Nanowire Electronics Transparent And Flexible
   Remarkable advance brings clear displays much closer - and clearer.

MoonLITE 'Mole' Penetrators For Lunar Exploration
   Intriguing proposed mission between cooperating space agencies would deliver penetrating mole-like instrument packages into the lunar crust.

Flapping Display From Samsung Breezy OLED
   Okay, marketing guys, I really want to show off just how thin this OLED display is, how flexible the substrate. EC Tubb nailed this one in 1958.

Waveface Flexible OLED Tablets
   These design prototypes deliver sfnal quality displays in a variety of forms.

Large Flexible Plastic Sheet Displays
   'Ginormous displays' are on the way from Hewlett Packard.

Samsung Flexible 3D AMOLED Display
   Creative concept from Samsung may provide a better way to present stereoscopic images.

ASU Full-Color Flexible Display World's Largest?
   Also, cost-effective in production.

Roll-Up Flexible Displays May Use Source Gated Transistor Sheets
   '...a wide sheet of clear material suddenly flared with light and swirling color.'- EC Tubb, 1958.

LG Display's 18 Inch Flexible OLED Panel Is Awesomely Cool
   '...a wide sheet of clear material suddenly flared with light and swirling color.'- EC Tubb, 1958.

Hayabusa-2 Asteroid Cannon Strategy From 1950's SF Novel
   'Fire streaked in a thin line from the muzzle of a cannon-like tube...'- EC Tubb, 1958.

World's First Full-Colour, Flexible Thin-Film Reflective Display
   'A wide sheet of clear material suddenly flared with light and swirling colour....' - EC Tubb, 1958.

Super-Thin Smart Glazing Displays
   '...a wide sheet of clear material suddenly flared with light and swirling color.'- EC Tubb, 1958.

LG's Rollable Newspaper Display
   'A wide sheet of clear material suddenly flared with light and swirling colour....' - EC Tubb, 1958.

LG's Rollable Display Video Is Amazing
   Rollable maps, oh yes, please.

Proposal To Use Lasers To Analyze Asteroids
   'Wendis stared thoughtfully at the brilliant lines on the spectroscope screen.' - EC Tubb, 1958.

Japanese Swordsmiths Take On Asteroids
   '... a tiny, rocket-powered projectile, drove towards the mysterious bulk.' - E. C. Tubb, 1958.

Japan Uses Explosives On Asteroid
   '...a tiny, rocket-powered projectile, drove towards the mysterious bulk. It hit, exploding into a cloud of incandescent vapour.' - EC Tubb, 1958.

TCL CSOT 17-Inch Printed OLED Scrolling Display
   '..a wide sheet of clear material suddenly flared with light and swirling colour.' - EC Tubb, 1958.

Who Knows What Might Be Found When Visiting A Metal Asteroid?
   '...inspect the tiny speck of matter that swam toward them out of the bottomless void.' - Basil Wells, 1942.

NASA's Psyche Mission To Metal Asteroid Launches Thursday!
   'We can even fuel the space ships and mine the Asteroid Belt for rare metals...' is devoted to the creative inventions of science fiction authors and movie makers. Look for the Science Fiction Invention Category that interests you, the Glossary of Science Fiction Inventions, the Timeline of Science Fiction Inventions, or see what's New.
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Science Fiction
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Stargate $500 Billion Investment in Artificial Intelligence
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Jetson Orin Nano Super 70 Just $249
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Nano-Chainmail 2D Mechanically Interlocked Polymer
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