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Science and Technology News

Science and Technology News

Mol Switch Project Nanoactuator Opens New Vistas
An amazing molecular magnetic switch bridges the gap between the biological and silicon worlds; this invention will make possible many other applications.

Mandadory Microchip Implants To Be Prohibited By Law
Want to make sure you are never implanted with a microchip against your will? Better move to Wisconsin.

Brainport Tongue Vision In Use By Navy SEALs
Can the military train you to see sonar like a dolphin with a tongue-based interface? Truth may not always be stranger than fiction - but this time it might be.

PixelOptics SuperVision Optimizes Your Sight
You may not be Superman, but SuperVision is closer than you think. The military get it first, then maybe at an optician near you.

Russian Response To Possible Asteroid Impact
The Russians have been studying the problem of close asteroid approaches for years.

Retrotastic Mobile Office Of The Future
Nifty office concept; still looks a bit retro.

Bibliochaise Armchairlibrary
I could sit and read for a year straight in one of these.

Banned Xbox Commercial Flash Mob Homebrew
Not to be squashed by the bulk of Microsoft, dedicated xboxers use a flash mob to brew their own version of a banned commercial. Live. In public.

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