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Science and Technology News

Science and Technology News

Trophy Active Defense System Not Quite A Force Field
Not exactly a force-field, ADS still acts like one.

Tunnel Cam Robot
Okay, the tunnel cam is not the Mole, let alone Cave Carson's Mighty Mole. But I can dream, can I not?

Do-It-Yourself Microgravity Courtesy Of NASA
How can regular guys be more like those macho astronauts? NASA has found a way.

Eurotech Zypad Wrist Wearable PC Beats Tracy's
Calling all cars - the Zypad is available now! Not just a radio, but a Linux or Windows CE device.

Autotelematic Spider Bots
These spider bots are much friendlier looking than the killer-spider-robots seen earlier this week.

E.T. Mouse Hearts Glow
Amazing fluorescing mouse embryo hearts fill researcher hearts with that special glow. E.T. too.

Laser-Powered Aircraft Model Tested
A nifty laser-powered model plane was tested in Osaka, Japan earlier this week.

PKD's Scramble Suit In A Scanner Darkly Movie Trailer
The new trailer for Philip K. Dick's novel has some cool views of one of my favorite items - the scramble suit.

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