Beyond Technovelgy:
Science and Technology News

Science and Technology News

Multi-Touch Interaction Overlord Control Screen
Use both hands and all your fingers with this interface, just like Earths' Overlords.

NASA Strategy For Urban Heat island NYC
NASA has strategies to help small urban heat islands like NYC. Who can help a species with a 'planet' heat island? Larry Niven, that's who.

Games Of Tomorrow Built By Players Wiki-Style
The world's megacorporations are counting on you to do the work in the next round of online game creation.

Concrete Canvas - Inflatable Concrete Buildings
This great portable shelter lets you create housing anywhere - even if a housing development would look like hundreds of loaves in a baker's window.

Imation Flash Wristband: Music And Medical Informatics Miracle
Hey, kill two birds with one stone with this cool item.

SuitSat Casual Day Satellite Update
Russian brainstorming session leads to deploying space suits as satellites.

The Real ICT Scent Collar
Here's the real scent collar.

Soldiers Trained To Obey Odors With Scent Delivery Device
Soldiers must obey their odors - yes, that's right, odors. Maybe they should call them 'oders'.

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Desubstantiation Effect

Testing For Human

C-Plus Cannon


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Magnetized Cloth Pajamas


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