Beyond Technovelgy:
Science and Technology News

Science and Technology News

Algae To Clean Atmosphere
Atmospheric cleansing by means of carefully selected algae has been suggested before.

Ratheon Swimmer Denial
Divers beware; Raytheon has your (pulse and frequency) number.

DARPA Radar Scope Can Sense Thru Walls
New DARPA device senses you breathing through a twelve inch thick concrete wall.

Air Force Ready For Space War
The USAF is ready for Space Wars - maybe even Ender's Game. They're looking for game designers.

Black MA-1 Jacket Written Into Existence By William Gibson
William Gibson writes it, and they make one for him. Damn.

TREETENTS And House Trees
Interesting realization of the pod-like dwellings described generations ago by Jack Vance.

Honey Bees Can Recognize You!
Will trained honey bees be the next thing in face recognition and security technology?

Fantastic Voyage Of Self-assembling Peptide Nanofibers
Researchers write a sequel to the sixties film.

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C-Plus Cannon


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