Ubik by Philip K. Dick:
Science Fiction Inventions, Technology and Ideas

Black comedy SF as only PKD could write; Joe Chip works for an anti-psi security agency, which provides consultants to block telepathic snooping and paranormal dirty tricks. Select an invention:

An artificial organ kept 'on line' in the body.

Automated Apartment Maintenance
Automated devices that would oversee the maintenance of a rented apartment.

Cold-Pac Bin
A special coffin-sized chamber used to maintain half-life.

Homeopape - news just you can use
A automated device that produces a newspaper without human assistance.

A place that kept people in cold-pac after death, providing them a kind of half-life.

'Pape Machine - name your news
Yet another name for the homeostatic newspaper; this one has special features including news search.

Physiognomic Template
A method for changing the appearance of your face at will.

Protophason Amplifier
Detects brain activity of those in half-life.

Self-Powered Broom
A broom for use in small apartments that cleans under its own power.

Toll Door - pay for entry
An apartment door that operates on a cash-only basis.

Tranquilizing Gum
Chewing gum with a tranquilizing agent.

Ubik Spray Can
One of many definitions of Ubik. Take only as directed.


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