Clans of the Alphane Moon by Philip K. Dick:
Science Fiction Inventions, Technology and Ideas

The inhabitants of Alpha III M2 are all former inmates in a psychiatric institution for colonists of Alpha Centauri system. Loss of contact with Earth has resulted in the formation of groups (or clans or castes) of individuals based on psychiatric diagnosis. Can Chuck Rittersdorf, CIA operative and sit-com writer, rid himself of his wife Mary using a remote-controlled simulacrum, helped by his telepathic Ganymedean slime mold neighbor, Lord Running Clam?

('Clans of the Alphane Moon [Shell Game]' by Philip K. Dick)

Select an invention:

Agfom Potent-Shot - picture the future
Special film allows user to take a picture of what happens in the next thirty minutes.

Auto Course-Finding Pilot
A device that not only pilots the craft, but will also plot out a course for you.

Autonomic Plow
A set of farm implements able to combine and perform as a weapon.

Cephalic Sniffer
Device can locate an individual using brain patterns.

Manual Closet - old-style storage
An old-fashioned storage room for clothing, which required the user to place and organize articles of apparel by hand.

Pry-Vie (Robotic Detective)
A robotic private eye; autonomic detection services.

Simulacrum (Sim)
An autonomous construct that is a perfect likeness to a human person.

Surgical Hand
A specialized robotic hand used for surgery. is devoted to the creative inventions of science fiction authors and movie makers. Look for the Science Fiction Invention Category that interests you, the Glossary of Science Fiction Inventions, the Timeline of Science Fiction Inventions, or see what's New.
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