Science Fiction in the News Articles
Related to material in All Tomorrow's Parties
by William Gibson

The main character of this book has a remarkable capacity; he is able to discern key events in the endless streams of data that are available. This story revolves around the difficulties that this character encounters when it becomes clear that knowledge of these key events, or nodal points, is of great value. This book has fascinating characters, including Rei Toi, the computer-generated personality.

Science fiction in the News articles describe real-world events that relate to the ideas and inventions in sf novels and movies. Select a news article:

Diebold ATM Crashes, Dispenses Tunes - Not Money
   A Diebold ATM crashed on the campus of Carnegie Mellon University, and then rebooted without bringing up the ATM software, alarming financial institutions and Americans concerned about e-voting alike.

Smart Tag Art In London
   This site showcases hundreds of examples of tag art - they're too cool to scrape off.

10x10 News Interface Cooler Than Google's By Factor Of 10
   I love Google, but 10x10 is a Flash-based news interface created by Jonathan Harris that presents a grid of pictures in the news.

Palm Vein Authentication First, Then Book
   No more worries about lost library cards; just flash your palm at the reader.

Big Brother TV Or Distributed Citizen Action?
   Big Brother or entertaining reality TV taken to a whole new level - you be the judge.

Diebold AccuVote-TS Security Flaw
   Diebold is at it again, this time threatening free and verifiable elections in the US.

IR Chemical Communication Graffiti Tags Wanted By DARPA
   ChemComm is a new proposed graffiti tagging technology under development by DARPA.

Motion Capture Your Life Anywhere, Anytime
   I just realized this is just about exactly what William Gibson was talking about in All Tomorrow's Parties.

DIY Gibson Video Column Convenience Store Video
   I've always liked William Gibson's idea of having a device that lets you see other convenience stores around the world whenever you walk into a Lucky Dragon store.

Secure Help Vending Machine: RoboSodaPopCop
   If you think that this machine has some moxie, I've got an sfnal device in mind that really knows how to dish it out.

Mcor Matrix 3D Paper Printer
   This device prints out three-dimensional objects using regular paper. It seems like only yesterday that I brought home my MX-80.

ATMs Fight Back With Pepper Spray
   Autonomous cash machine can decide whether you get money - or the hot stuff.

Yes, Internet Eyes Is A 'Snooper's Paradise'
   New UK (where else?) website will let you, the anonymous snitcher, surveil your fellow citizens in the comfort of your own home.

Zprinter 350 Full-Color 3D Printer
   Nothing like getting a full-color object right out of the printer - or the nanofax, for William Gibson fans.

MGX 3D Printed Goods Almost Has it
   They almost have that Gibsonian business model figured out.

Russian ATM Knows When You Lie
   This ATM knows more about you than you might think; oh, and be sure to stick to the truth.

Palm Scanners - Quick Lunch Or Mark Of The Beast
   'Bad cootie factor with those palm-scan things.'

Updated: Flying Graffiti Drone Will Alter The Urban Landscape
   The tagger's dream - lie in bed while painting at a remote location.

3D Printer Vending Machine Dispenses Dreams
   'Nanofax AG offers a technology that digitally reproduces objects, physically, at a distance.'- William Gibson, 1999.

Artisanal 3D Printing By Martha Stewart
   'Nanofax AG offers a technology that digitally reproduces objects, physically, at a distance.'- William Gibson, 1999.

Bradbury's Method Used In Search For Bombing Suspect
   'He imagined thousands on thousands of faces peering into yards, into alleys...' - Ray Bradbury, 1953.

'Ring Nation' Show Predicted By William Gibson In 1999
   '... you had your trademark Lucky Dragon Global Interactive Video Column outside.' is devoted to the creative inventions of science fiction authors and movie makers. Look for the Science Fiction Invention Category that interests you, the Glossary of Science Fiction Inventions, the Timeline of Science Fiction Inventions, or see what's New.
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Science Fiction
in the News

GITAI R1 Lunar Rover Like NASA Robonaut Centaur
re: Robert Heinlein

Meshworm Soft Robot, With Peristaltic Crawling, Is Getting Better
re: Harry Harrison

Mushroom 'Robot' Is Just A Start
re: Vernor Vinge

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