Frank Herbert:
Science Fiction Technology and Ideas
Frank Herbert (1920-1986) was born in Tacoma, Washington. He worked in many fields before becoming a writer; TV cameraman, radio news commentator, oyster diver, judo instructor and newspaperman. His towering novel Dune won the Hugo and Nebula awards.
Invention/Technology Source Work (Publication Date)

Nullentropy Bin - world's best salad crisper
A compartment in which entropy was halted.

Heretics of Dune (1984)

Odalarm - aromatherapy wake-up call
An alarm clock that awakens the sleeper with a selected odor.

The Dosadi Experiment (1977)

Oil Lens - infinitely adjustable lens
Oil held in tension in an enclosing force field, used as an optical component.

Dune (1965)

Ornithopter - flies like a bird
Also called a 'thopter, it had adjustable wings and was jet-powered. Describes any plane capable of wing-beat flight in the manner of birds.

Dune (1965)

Pain Box - testing for humans
A small box which induced pain into the nerves of the hand.

Dune (1965)

Palm Lock - uses more than a fingerprint
A lock or seal which can be opened only by contact with the palm of the human hand to which it has been keyed.

Dune (1965)

Paracompass - detects local magnetic anomalies
A very specialized compass that makes use of local magnetic anomalies.

Dune (1965)

Personality Simulator - game your office politics
A device which, when fed enough data about a person, simulated their personality allowing the user to predict behavior in stated circumstances.

The Dosadi Experiment (1977)

Plasteel - tough metal for tough times
Extremely tough form of steel, stabilized with stravidium fibers grown into its crystal.

Dune (1965)

Poison Snooper - be careful, my Duke
A device that checked food and drink for poisons.

Dune (1965)

Polawindow - change lighting instantly
A window-sized polarizer filter that allows changes in light intensity and color.

The Godmakers (1972)

Procreative Stump
A woman's torso, kept alive for the purpose of using the womb as an incubator.

Hellstrom's Hive (1972)

Pseudoflesh - key to boneless meat
Meat (protein) that is produced apart from an animal; great steaks without rumination.

Whipping Star (1969)

A watch that uses your visual cortex for a read-out device.

Heretics of Dune (1984)

A caffeine-style stimulant.

Dune (1965)

Remote-Cast Snooper
A small, easily concealed poison snooper.

Dune (1965)

Residual Poison
A poison that, once administered, resides in the body; only regular intake of the antidote keeps the person alive.

Dune (1965)

Ridulian Crystal Sheets
Exceptionally strong, surpassingly thin material.

God Emperor of Dune (1981)

Rotating House - turn the salon
A single family home built upon a central pivot; it can be turned at will.

The Godmakers (1972)

Sandsnork - breathe under sand
A device like a snorkel that would provide air to a tent buried by a sand storm.

Dune (1965)

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