Beyond Technovelgy:
Science and Technology News

Science and Technology News

Future Face - The Principal Eigenface?
Will the widespread use of digital enhancement to "improve" faces in photographs suggest the kind of face that people will have in the future?

The Future Of Time Was Written In The Past
Timex should have consulted science fiction writers before running their 150 year anniversary timepiece of the future contest.

Dragon Runner Robot Always Lands On Its Feet
Enough about dog-like robots - the more feline Dragon Runner always lands on its feet.

MEMSwear Fall Fashion - Bluetooth-enabled Motion Detection Shirt
Fallen and you can't get up? This shirt has already called for help.

HOAP-2 Robot Masters Sumo And Linux. RoboShiko!
This robot performs moves from the Chinese martial art taijiquan; it also does Sumo wrestling stances. All that and it's Linux-based!

Is Your Candidate Human?
In San Francisco they've been testing candidates for mayor with the Voight-Kampff empathy test from Bladerunner. I think they detected a politician...

Amateur Innovators - This Is Your Century!
the 21st century could mark the return of the talented (and obsessed!) amateur to the first ranks of science. This is a fantastically useful and interesting observation; this observation could be as important as the ideas in The Structure of Scientif

RFID To Fight Entropy In The Home
Fortunately, minute RFID tags attached to everything you own will be used by household robots to identify a place for everything and put everything in its place.

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Robot Row - Robots For Consumers

Robots Learn With Cameras

Desubstantiation Effect

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Testing For Human

C-Plus Cannon



Space Bursts



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